It’s free to apply for child support if you live in New Zealand and the other parent lives in a country that’s part of the 1956 United Nations Convention for the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance (UNCRAM).
Before you apply, you should talk to a lawyer. If you can’t afford a lawyer you may be able to get:
There are no set forms that you must fill in. You just need to include the following information:
You will also need to include written proof of:
You must provide the information in the form of an affidavit (a sworn statement). The affidavit must be sworn in front of a person who is authorised to administer oaths by the law of New Zealand (like a Justice of the Peace). The affidavit must show a proof that they can take your oath (for example, a seal or stamp).
Find out more about affidavits and statutory declarations
You can use the following forms as a guide:
Application form for order (or declaration) on notice – G5 [PDF, 47 KB]
Affidavit of financial means and their sources – CS28 [PDF, 280 KB]
General affidavit [PDF, 38 KB]
Send or courier a copy of your documents to the Ministry of Justice and ask us to send your application to the responsible agency in the other country.
Postal address:
Central Authority
Ministry of Justice
New Zealand
Courier address:
Central Authority
Ministry of Justice
Level 3, Justice Centre
19 Aitken Street
New Zealand
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