When the other parent lives in an UNCRAM country

It’s free to apply for child support if you live in New Zealand and the other parent lives in a country that’s part of the 1956 United Nations Convention for the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance (UNCRAM).

Before you apply, you should talk to a lawyer. If you can’t afford a lawyer you may be able to get:

Apply to the other parent’s country for child support

Information needed by the other country

There are no set forms that you must fill in. You just need to include the following information:

  • your full name, address, date of birth, nationality and occupation and the name and address of a lawyer, if you have one
  • the full name of the respondent (the other party), and so far as you know, their addresses during the last 5 years, date of birth, nationality and occupation
  • if possible, a photograph of the respondent.

You will also need to include written proof of:

  • details of current education situation of the child and a summary of expenses on either a weekly or monthly basis
  • details of future education or tertiary training and likely expenses
  • details of your income, expenses and any property owned
  • details of what you consider to be the reasonable needs of the child
  • whether you support any other person
  • any other financial or other responsibilities you may have
  • a power of attorney authorising the overseas agency to act on your behalf or to choose some other person to act on your behalf.

Provide the information in an affidavit

You must provide the information in the form of an affidavit (a sworn statement). The affidavit must be sworn in front of a person who is authorised to administer oaths by the law of New Zealand (like a Justice of the Peace). The affidavit must show a proof that they can take your oath (for example, a seal or stamp).

Find out more about affidavits and statutory declarations

Use these forms as a guide

You can use the following forms as a guide:

Application form for order (or declaration) on notice – G5 [PDF, 47 KB]

Affidavit of financial means and their sources – CS28 [PDF, 280 KB]

General affidavit [PDF, 38 KB]

Send or courier documents to Ministry of Justice

Send or courier a copy of your documents to the Ministry of Justice and ask us to send your application to the responsible agency in the other country.

Postal address:
Central Authority 
Ministry of Justice
New Zealand

Courier address:
Central Authority 
Ministry of Justice
Level 3, Justice Centre
19 Aitken Street
New Zealand

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