Helpful information for requesters

Before you make an OIA request

Check out:

The range of information and records the Ministry holds

The list of Official Information Act responses that have been proactively released

There’s also a lot of information and statistical data about the Justice sector available online. On the Justice Statistics section of our website there are Excel workbooks of data tables for many different topics, including family violence and drug offending. The Justice Datalab provides our back catalogue of research and evaluation. Stats NZ publishes some data on children and young people, and adults, prosecuted.

Check these sources before requesting information under the OIA:

Justice statistics

Stats NZ - Crime and justice(external link)

Court or tribunal documents cannot be requested under the OIA. This is because the judiciary is independent of the Executive branch of government. To access court documents, you must apply directly to the court.

Many court decisions are also published online(external link)

Useful links

Directory of Official Information
This directory contains contact details for all Government organisations covered by the OIA, and enables people to find out where exactly their requests for information should be made.

Charging Guidelines for Official Information Act 1982 Requests
Outlines what the Government regards as reasonable charges for the purposes of the OIA.

Ombudsman’s Official Information Guides(external link)
A series of guidance documents relating to OIAs. link)
Browse for statistics about crime and justice.

Annual Court Statistics(external link)
Court statistics that provide a picture of court workloads on a monthly basis.

Official Information Act 1982(external link)
A copy of the current legislation.