Supervised Contact providers

This section is for providers of Supervised Contact services and includes a list of current court-appointed providers, and guidance for delivering Supervised Contact.

Quality Practice Framework for Supervised Contact

You can find guidance and resources for delivering Supervised Contact in the Quality Practice Framework.

The framework should be read alongside the Practice Note [PDF, 110 KB] for Children’s supervised contact:

Supervised Contact Quality Practice Framework [PDF, 762 KB]

Please note this is a living document and may be updated periodically. We welcome any feedback that you may have on this document, please send to

The framework includes templates for reporting to court and for reporting incidents.

We have included copies of the templates here so you can access them easily. These can be printed out or you can download the templates and type directly into them.

Incident Report for court directed supervised contact - editable [DOCX, 29 KB]

Report for court directed supervised contact - editable [DOCX, 28 KB]

List of Supervised Contact providers

 View a list of current court-appointed supervised contact providers [PDF, 221 KB]

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