This section contains information for service providers.
Three free training modules are available so that service providers can learn about the justice system and the people that work within it.
Audio-visual technology such as video-conferencing is used in court proceedings, where available. This technology allows courts to connect directly to prison booths, or to any other video-conferencing device in New Zealand and overseas.
Domestic and family violence providers are contracted by the Ministry of Justice to deliver safety and non-violence courses and services. We fund these through community-based provider groups across the country.
Family Dispute Resolution providers are mediators who help families settle disputes about the care of their children. Parenting Through Separation courses give separating or separated parents information and support to make good decisions about the care of their children.
Practice notes cover many topics. They can contain guidelines on how a case must be managed, from the filing of the first document that starts proceedings through to disposition (the end of the case). They can also outline how professional services must be managed.
This section is for community-based providers contracted by the Ministry of Justice to deliver restorative justice services.
This section is for Family Court Lay Advocates or for anyone considering applying to be a Family Court Lay Advocate.
This section is for Youth Court Lay Advocates or for anyone considering applying to be a Youth Court Lay Advocate.
Find out the functions of Justices of the Peace (JPs), their role and responsibilities, and the process for being appointed as a JP.
Most courts and tribunals in Aotearoa New Zealand conduct their hearings in the English language. For many hearing participants, English is not their first language. Interpreters help ensure all participants get full and fair access to justice throughout the hearing process.
You can use our online database to find the contact details for a legal aid lawyer/provider.
These guidelines set out the Ministry's privacy and information management expectations of providers. They help providers comply with the Privacy Act 2020.
This section is for communication assistants and legal professionals who want to use communication assistance or find out more about it.
The Ministry of Justice contracts services from community law centres throughout New Zealand. Community legal services play a vital role in helping people avoid legal problems or resolve those problems early.
This document provides guidance for how you as a Ministry third-party vendor should handle and protect Ministry and/or court and judicial information while delivering your services or goods.
This section is for providers of Supervised Contact services and includes a list of current court-appointed providers, and guidance for delivering Supervised Contact.
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