Decision Date: 4 November 2016. Penalty Decision
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Decision Date: 4 November 2016. Penalty Decision
Decision Date: 18 October 2016. Charge Decision
Decision Date: 7 October 2016. Ruling of the Tribunal
Decision Date: 7 October 2016. Charge Decision
Decision Date: 5 October 2016. Appeal Decision.
Decision Date: 4 October 2016. Appeal Decision
Decision Date: 28 September 2016. Ruling of the Tribunal
Decision Date: 27 September 2016. Appeal Decision
Decision Date: 23 September 2016. Penalty Decision. Real Estate Agents Act 2008
Decision date:13 September 2016 (re-issued). Appeal. Substantive decision.
Decision date: 8 September 2016. Charge. Substantive decision.
Decision date: 29 August 2016. Appeal. Substantive decision.
Decision date: 26 August 2016. Appeal. Substantive decision.
Decision date: 24 August 2016. Charges. Substantive and penalty decision.
Decision date: 23 August 2016. Charges and Appeal. Interim Ruling.
Decision date: 23 August 2016. Charges and Appeal. Interim Ruling.
Decision date: 22 August 2016. Appeal. Substantive decision.
Decision date: 22 August 2016. Appeal. Substantive decision.
Decision date: 17 August 2016. Appeal. Substantive decision.
Decision date: 17 August 2016. Appeal. Substantive decision.
Decision date: 12 August 2016. Appeal. Substantive.
Decision date: 27 July 2016 (re-issued). Appeal. Substantive.
Decision date: 27 July 2016. Appeal. Substantive decision.
Decision date: 13 July 2016. Charge. Penalty decision.
Decision date: 11 July 2016. Appeal. Substantive decision.