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  • If you want to search for a specific section of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 or rule in the Professional Rules 2012, you must search it as one word with no spaces or brackets. For example, if searching for section 110A(2)(a) of the Act, you should enter ‘s110A2a’ into the keyword search and if searching for rule 6.4 of the Professional Rules, you should enter ‘r6.4’.

If you want to search for a decision from a particular jurisdiction using the full website search, put both the jurisdiction name and the keyword in the search field (eg, Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal).

Search results

869 items matching your search terms

  1. [2020] NZREADT 05 - Eade - Ruling (21 February 2020) [PDF, 234 KB]

    Appeal under section 111 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008. Application by appellants to submit further evidence in support of their appeal and to cross-examine witnesses on their statements to the Real Estate Agents Authority. Applications opposed by both respondents. Leave is not required to submit exhibits A & H as these are provisions of the Act or Rules, or material that was provided to the Committee. Exhibit B and E are allowed, exhibits C, F & G are declined. Leave is given for the second respondents to be cross-examined on their statements. Leave is declined for cross-examination of members of the Committee and two others.

  2. [2020] NZREADT 04 - Singh - Ruling regarding release of file (20 February 2020) [PDF, 166 KB]

    Application for disclosure of its file relating to a disciplinary proceedings under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008. Request from an attourney practising in the USA, for release of Tribunal file to assist with another matter in the San Francisco Superior Court. There is no provision in the Act, or any rules or regulations made under the Act, providing for access to the Tribunals documents. The Tribunal is not listed as being subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and is expressly excluded from the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993. If the Tribunal followed the approach of the courts' access rules, the application would be declined. Application declined.

  3. [2020] NZREADT 02 - Clough v CAC 520, Bunn & Christiansen - Penalty (5 February 2020) [PDF, 157 KB]

    In its decision [2019] NZREADT 46, the Tribunal allowed the appeal and found that the licensees had engaged in unsatisfactory conduct. Tribunal declines to make an order of compensation to the appellant, an order of costs is also declined as no proof of incurred costs provided. Both licensees are censured and Mr Christiansen is ordered to provide an apology addressed to the appellant on a form approved by the Authority.

  4. [2020] NZREADT 01 - Leith v CAC 1903 & Cobham - Ruling (24 January 2020) [PDF, 143 KB]

    Ruling of the Tribunal on an application to submit further evidence on appeal. Appellant filed an application for leave to submit further evidence in support of her appeal. Tribunal ruled that the material that was already before the CAC, is already on file so leave is not required, the rest of the application is declined as the appellant has not satisfied the Tribunal that the evidence could not have been provided to the CAC, nor is the Tribunal satisfied that the evidence will materially assist the Tribunal in determing the appeal.