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Search results

869 items matching your search terms

  1. [2022] NZREADT 23 - CAC 1904 v Bright (8 November 2022) [PDF, 278 KB]

    Liability / licensee charged under s73a & s73ciii / licensee recklessly contravened r6.3 by consensually hugging client, together with a peck on the cheek & their cheeks touching, and an accidental brushing of their lips / conduct occurred at remote open home and the parties were not previously known to each other / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s3, s73, s91, s108, s110 / Professional Rules 2012, r6.3 / HELD / conflicting evidence given by complainant and licensee / Tribunal found complainant’s evidence was a fabrication due to an implausible narrative, an inconsistency with another witness, and evasiveness on whether she shared certain personal information / on licensee’s evidence, event was consensual and not disgraceful / however, conduct would likely bring industry into disrepute, as private space is critical in professional relationships / licensee was recklessly indifferent to the rules as he would have known it was inappropriate / penalty decision to follow

  2. [2022] NZREADT 22 — QQ v REAA (CAC 1902) & NQ (25 October 2022) [PDF, 171 KB]

    Costs applications by appellant and licensee / appellant unsuccessfully appealed Committee’s decision to take no further action / complaint and appeal alleged licensee was dishonest, acted in bad faith, and faked a document / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s110A, s111 / HELD / no evidential basis for complaint / s110A2 factors not present / appellant did not lack good faith and did not obstruct process, and believed allegations to be true / no reasonable basis for appeal, particularly regarding dishonesty, fake document and bad faith allegations / licensee entitled to reasonable contribution towards costs, but in the absence of bad faith or obstruction, not entitled to indemnity costs / two-thirds of reasonable costs appropriate / costs of $11,560 awarded to licensee / no basis for appellant’s costs application

  3. [2022] NZREADT 21 - Wei v REAA (14 October 2022) [PDF, 93 KB]

    Application to review Registrar’s determination / Registrar cancelled licence as person failed to complete required continuing education / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s54d, s55, s112 / Real Estate Agents (Continuing Professional Development Rules) Notice 2018 / HELD / not disputed that licensee was required to complete CPD, received required communications from Registrar, and did not complete CPD / statutory process followed correctly / Registrar must cancel licence as required by s54d / no error of fact or law / application dismissed, Registrar’s decision confirmed

  4. [2022] NZREADT 18 – QQ v REA NQ (7 September 2022) [PDF, 233 KB]

    Appeal / complaint licensee did not disclose specific leak, conspired to have appellant vacate property to hide the leak, falsely alleged the appellant delayed listing and settlement, and overcharged for marketing / Committee took no further action / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s111 / Professional Rules 2012, r6.2, r10.7 / HELD / no breach of r10.7 or r6.2 / Committee addressed defects generally, did not specifically address specific leak / nevertheless, property marketed and sold on “as is, where is” basis, and evidence shows licensee disclosed specific leak to potential purchasers / not required to investigate gravity or source of leak / advice that vacant premises would achieve best sale price appropriate, no bad faith motive / no evidence of overcharging, or that licensee blamed appellant for delaying listing or settlement / licensees must be honest to owners about disbursements / appeal dismissed

  5. [2022] NZREADT 17– Zhang v REAA (31 August 2022) [PDF, 175 KB]

    Application to review Registrar’s determination / Registrar cancelled licence as person failed to complete required continuing education / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s54d, s55, s112 / Real Estate Agents (Continuing Professional Development Rules) Notice 2018 / HELD / not disputed that licensee was required to complete CPD by certain dates, received required communications from Registrar, and did not complete CPD by deadline / statutory process followed correctly / Registrar must cancel licence as required by s54d / licensees are responsible for ensuring they receive both email and postal correspondence / no error of fact or law / application dismissed, Registrar’s decision confirmed

  6. [2022] NZREADT 16 - CAC 2102 v He & An (15 August 2022) [PDF, 172 KB]

    Liability / misconduct / first licensee charged under s73b or s72b for using previous signed agreement to draft a new agreement, sending that new agreement to another licensee without removing previous signatures, and not ensuring new signatures were obtained / second licensee charged under s73a or s73b for amending new agreement to include initials, instead of having agreement signed / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s3, s72b, s73a, s73b / Professional Rules 2012, r5.1, r6.1, r6.3 / HELD / neither licensee found to be a credible witness / first licensee breached rr5.1, 6.1 & 6.3, guilty under s73b / failure to delete signatures and initials of parties before forwarding document a serious departure from acceptable standards / second licensee guilty under s73b / failure to check whether he was acting correctly in inserting initials was seriously negligent / penalty decision to follow

  7. [2022] NZREADT 15 – Complaints Assessment Committee 2108 v Rankin Tremain Real Estate Wairarapa Ltd (10 August 2022) [PDF, 224 KB]

    Liability and penalty / salesperson charged under s73a / agency charged under s73ciii or s73b / salesperson forged signatures on six agency agreements / agency internally disciplined salesperson when first forgery discovered, but did not report misconduct to REAA / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s3, s73a, s73b, s73ciii, s91, s110, s1102e, s110A / Professional Rules 2012, r7.2 / HELD / salesperson admitted disgraceful conduct / forgery deceitful, disgraceful, despite no loss or financial gain / ordered censure / licence would have been cancelled if held, instead s1102e order made prohibiting engagement for five years / no fine / agency admitted wilful contravention of r7.2, s73ciii charge upheld / internal handling motivated by welfare concern, but should have advised REAA of concerns with report / after learning of first forgery, should have investigated other sales / low-level wrongdoing / ordered censure / $2,000 fine / 50 per cent costs ($4,000), split evenly

  8. [2022] NZREADT 14 - Shaw v REAA (4 July 2022) [PDF, 94 KB]

    Application to review Registrar’s determination / Registrar cancelled licence as person failed to complete required continuing education / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s37, s54d, s55, s112 / Real Estate Agents (Continuing Professional Development Rules) Notice 2018, cl7 / HELD / not disputed that licensee was required to complete CPD by certain dates, received required communications from Registrar, and did not complete CPD by deadline / statutory process followed correctly / Registrar must cancel licence as required by s54d / no error of fact or law / application dismissed, Registrar’s decision confirmed

  9. [2022] NZREADT 13 - Seghal v REAA (22 June 2022) [PDF, 89 KB]

    Application to review Registrar’s determination / Registrar cancelled licence as person failed to complete required continuing education / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s54d, s55, s112 / Real Estate Agents (Continuing Professional Development Rules) Notice 2018, cl7 / HELD / applicant did not file submissions / no dispute applicant failed to complete continuing education / satisfied Registrar made no error of law and followed correct process / s54 is imperative and if one provision applies, the Registrar has no discretion not to cancel the licence / application dismissed, Registrar’s decision confirmed

  10. [2022] NZREADT 12 - D v REAA 2106 (7 June 2022) [PDF, 194 KB]

    Appeal / complaint licensee and/or agency refunded deposit to incorrect party / relevant conduct occurred in 2003, complaint made in 2021 / Committee took no further action under s801a due to length of time that had elapsed / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s801a, s111/ HELD / Committee’s use of s801a an exercise of discretion / Kacem v Bashir [2010] NZSC 112 / Committee’s decision has no error of law or principle, irrelevant considerations, failure to take into account relevant considerations, and is not plainly wrong / licensee has no documentation whatsoever relating to deposit monies and cannot provide a defence / relevant corporate agency is no longer a licensee and has been liquidated and removed from Companies Register / appeal dismissed   

  11. [2022] NZREADT 11 – BM & FM v REAA (2 June 2022) [PDF, 174 KB]

    Appeal / complaint licensees misleadingly advertised property / ad specified there were two quality houses & licensees provided rental appraisal for both / bungalow lacked resource consent / whether licensees should have advertised there was no resource consent / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / Vosper v Real Estate Agents Authority [2017] NZHC 453 / Professional Rules 2012, r 6.4 / HELD / question is whether statement or omission is capable of misleading a customer / advertisement accurate, not misleading, bungalow habitable and occupied / evidence demonstrates bungalow did not need resource consent at the time of sale as it was built before consent required / licensees did not tell purchasers bungalow had resource consent & advised all prospective buyers it did not / lack of resource consent immaterial / Committee’s decision reversed / unsatisfactory conduct finding vacated / penalty set aside / appeal allowed

  12. [2022] NZREADT 10 – HD v REAA and LD (18 May 2022) [PDF, 216 KB]

    Applications to adduce new evidence & for an oral hearing / alleged misrepresentation about difficulty obtaining council consent / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s 105, s 107, s 107A, s 111 / Nottingham v Real Estate Agents Authority [2017] NZCA 1 / Eichelbaum v Real Estate Agents Authority (CAC 303) [2016] NZREADT 3 / Complaints Committee No.1 of the Auckland District Law Society v P (2007) 18 PRNZ 760 (HC) / HELD / admissibility / purchaser’s son’s statement and relevant email admitted by consent / purchaser’s wife’s evidence is hearsay & not cogent, cannot be adduced / licensee’s Deal Transaction Report could have been provided to Committee & not cogent, cannot be adduced / licensee’s wife’s evidence about who was at meeting is relevant & cogent; but hearsay or unimportant evidence inadmissible / oral hearing / critical factual issue turns on credibility of witnesses / interests of justice require oral hearing to give evidence and be cross-examined / applications partially granted

  13. [2022] NZREADT 9 BT ST v REAA (12 May 2022) [PDF, 248 KB]

    Appeal / complaint licensee took commission before contractually entitled, did not hold deposit in trust account until agreement was fully unconditional, and should have refunded full deposit when agreement was cancelled / Committee took no further action / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s111, s122, s124, s126 / Professional Rules 2012, r9.1 / HELD / applications to introduce further evidence declined / jurisdiction / fresh complaint licensee did not comply with s126 cannot be addressed on appeal / Tribunal not persuaded Committee was wrong that licensee entitled to take commission when agreement was declared unconditional / consequentially, licensee did not breach fiduciary duties or duties as stakeholder / appeal dismissed, Committee’s decision confirmed

  14. [2022] NZREADT 8 - EX & XN v REAA (5 May 2022) [PDF, 204 KB]

    Appeal / complaint licensee did not disclose suicide at property / Committee took no further action / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s 111 / Professional Rules 2012, r 6.4 / HELD / purchasers contend licensee advised them of a sudden death at the property, but did not specify it was a suicide / no other evidence provided by purchasers / licensee and manager provided considerable supporting evidence as to disclosure of suicide / disclosure of suicide is confirmed in listing agreement / other prospective purchasers confirm the suicide was disclosed / other licensees at agency confirm disclosure requirements were clearly communicated by manager at team meetings / implausible that licensee disclosed suicide to other prospective purchasers but not the purchasers / appeal dismissed

  15. [2022] NZREADT 7 - WM & NU v Real Estate Agents Authority (28 April 2022) [PDF, 317 KB]

    Appeals by licensee against liability and penalty & complainants against penalty / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / ordered apology / $7,000 fine / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s 72, s 89, s 111 / Professional Rules 2012, r 6.2, r 6.4 / HELD / licensee misrepresented occupation could occur next month but should reasonably have known house was nowhere near completed, in breach of rr 6.2 and 6.4 / withheld information as to the effect on occupation of the lack of council certificates and title, in breach of r 6.4 / developer’s intention to cancel agreement was confidential until actually cancelled, related adverse findings set aside / penalty / gravity of wrongdoing not affected by vacated findings / prior disciplinary history aggravating / fine confirmed / licensee prepared to apologise / not worthwhile for licensee to complete same training again / Committee had no power to refer or award compensation when conduct occurred / compensation not awarded / appeal partially allowed

  16. [2022] NZREADT 6 - Lawrence v REAA (11 April 2022) [PDF, 142 KB]

    Application to be heard / licensees request to be heard on a review of Registrar’s determination that complaint discloses only an inconsequential matter and need not be pursued / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s 74, s 105, s 106, s 112 / Real Estate Agents (Complaints and Discipline) Regulations 2009, regs 9, 10 / HELD / deliberate distinction in s 106 to exclude reviews from rights of appearance / reg 9 provides copy of review application must only be given to the Registrar, contrasted with reg 10 for appeals which must be given to licensees / hearing from licensees at this stage risks raising merits of complaint / licensees fully protected by subsequent complaints process / Tribunal observes that it would be reluctant to grant leave to allow new evidence on a review of a s 74(3) determination / application dismissed

  17. [2022] NZREADT 5 - MacDonald v REAA (6 April 2022) [PDF, 221 KB]

    Appeal / complaint licensee did not advise purchasers of a multi-offer situation, and did not give the complainant an opportunity to present their offer / failure to comply with fiduciary obligations, act in good faith and fairly & keep vendors well informed / Committee found unsatisfactory conduct / licensee censured / ordered to undergo training / $1,000 fine / Real Estate Agents Act 2007, s 72, s 89, s 111 / Professional Rules 2012, rr 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 9.3 / HELD / Tribunal hearings initially adjourned, stayed, pending appellant’s medical circumstances / further adjournments required full medical certificate / no medical evidence provided which could justify failure to participate / appellant did not provide substantive submissions / appellant bears onus of proof / Committee’s decisions confirmed

  18. [2022] NZREADT 4 - CX v REAA (5 April 2022) [PDF, 324 KB]

    Appeal / complaint licensees fraudulently advertised property / claim that destocking date in sale and purchase agreement did not reflect the lease, despite licensees advising it would / also, licensees failed to disclose that water tanks on property belonged to lessee and were not connected to district scheme, as set out in supplied property reports / Committee took no further action / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s 111 / Professional Rules 2012, rr 6.4 / HELD / no breach of r 6.4 / appellant knew licensees did not have a copy of the lease / licensees made proper enquiries to check consistency / on the facts, destocking date in agreement consistent with lease / appellant raised no relevant query about water tanks, nothing to alert licensees about ownership issue / property reports warned information was supplied by vendors / obligation under r 6.4 is not a substitute for purchaser due diligence / Committee’s decision confirmed 

  19. [2022] NZREADT 3 - IE v REAA (15 March 2022) [PDF, 189 KB]

    Jurisdiction / Registrar’s determination / Registrar determined not to pursue a complaint as it only disclosed an inconsequential matter / applicant continued corresponding with the Authority over some months and the Authority continued to advise that the complaint remained closed / applicant then applied to review an email advising that the complaint remained closed / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s 74(3), s 112 / Lawrence v Registrar of the Real Estate Authority [2021] NZREADT 44 / Leaders Real Estate (1987) Ltd v Real Estate Agents Authority [2015] NZREADT 41 / HELD / email advising the complaint remained closed is not a determination under s 112(1) / does not make findings or decisions concerning rights / merely confirms that an earlier decision had been made / review of substantive earlier determination is out of time / Tribunal has no power to extend time for review applications under s 112 / no jurisdiction / application dismissed

  20. [2022] NZREADT 2 - BX v REAA (28 February 2022) [PDF, 276 KB]

    Appeal / licensee incorrectly represented rental income from cottage and loft as legal / failed to recognise cottage not residentially consented; did advise loft not consented / did not draw warranties to vendors’ attention / showed property without agency agreement / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s 111 / Professional Rules 2012, rr 5.1, 6.4, 9.6 / unsatisfactory conduct for breach of rr 5.1 (vendor warranties), 6.4 (cottage consent, cottage & loft income) / no penalty for minor breach of r 9.6 (agency agreement), no prejudice / instructed not to disclose suicide on property / licensee appropriately disclosed significant event occurred / no evidence appellant could cancel agreement after sale confirmed as unconditional / Committee has no power to order compensation when conduct occurred / $3,500 fine confirmed / censure confirmed / appeal dismissed

  21. [2022] NZREADT 1 - DU v Real Estate Agents Authority & DC (1 February 2022) [PDF, 333 KB]

    Appeal / vendor sold property to another purchaser / complaint licensee dealt unfairly with an unsuccessful offeror, leading to unfair sale process and wasted due diligence costs / did not advise of another higher offer, and did not engage in multi-offer process / also alleged licensee failed to disclose subsidence issue to successful purchaser / Committee took no further action / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s 109A, s 111 / Professional Rules 2012, rr 5.1, 6.2, 6.4, 10.7, 10.8 / HELD / strike-out grounds not met / reasonable to recommend due diligence / licensee not aware of other bidder at times relevant to allegations / successful purchaser dealt directly with vendor / licensee raised multi-offer process but vendor declined / licensee disclosed subsidence issue to purchaser when sending draft sale and purchase agreement / no evidence purchasers not told of subsidence issue by vendor / purchasers declined to speak to investigator / Committee’s decision confirmed

  22. [2021] NZREADT 54 – Complaints Assessment Committee 2106 v Mathers (6 December 2021) [PDF, 257 KB]

    Costs application by licensee / Committee withdrew charges against licensee close to substantive hearing / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s 110A / survey of applicable principles for costs in READT / tribunals have broader costs discretion than courts / no rule that costs follow the event, but may be appropriate in some cases / requires something more than success / relevant that Committee is exercising a public function / licensee’s defence was that it is normal practice for agents to take client lists when leaving an agency, despite contractual obligations / expert evidence supported this defence / Committee lacked diligence in investigating defence before tribunal processes invoked and charges laid / appropriate case for costs to follow the event / quantum is a contribution towards reasonable actual costs / parties accept High Court costs scale is useful to assess reasonable costs / costs of $14,340 awarded to licensee  DP

  23. [2021] NZREADT 55 – Lammas v Real Estate Agents Authority (6 December 2021) [PDF, 340 KB]

    Appeal and cross-appeal / licensees did not provide REAA guide before entering into agency agreement / also attended vendor’s property to serve demand for commission and photographed service / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s 127 / Professional Rules 2012, rr 5.1, 5.2, 6.3, 9.11 / HELD / vendors’ appeal against no further action decision on complaints about privacy and inadequate supervision / not unprofessional to lawfully effect personal service or take photograph / privacy rights properly enforced in other jurisdictions / no failure to properly supervise / licensees’ appeal against breach findings for rr 5.1 and 9.11 / minor breach of s 127(1) and rr 5.1 and 5.2 by failing to provide REAA guide before entering into agreement / guide was supplied by consent later that evening / r 9.11 only applies on notice of cancellation, not when agency agreement expires / no breach of r 9.11 / $3,000 fine per licensee vacated, substituted with $500 fine per licensee  DP

  24. [2021] NZREADT 53 - D v REAA & X (15 October 2021) [PDF, 235 KB]

    Unprofessional behaviour / licensee wrote to vendor expressing concern about the junior agent they listed with / whether conduct likely to bring real estate industry into disrepute / Vosper v Real Estate Agents Authority [2017] NZHC 453 / Watson v Real Estate Agents Authority (CAC 1906) [2021] NZREADT 37 / Real Estate Agents Act 2008, s 72, s 111 / Professional Rules 2012, r 6.3 / no breach of r 6.3 / isolated communication using moderate language / no intention to offend / complaint made by principal of junior agent’s firm, not consumer / text message arguably below standard expected and might be unacceptable, but not sufficient to warrant disciplinary response / licensee apologised and donated to charity / Committee’s decisions reversed / no further action