People without a COA should not carry out restricted security work which would otherwise require a certificate of approval or licence, even as a volunteer.
A person is not a volunteer if they are being paid in kind, e.g. bar and meal tab, cash under the table.
Volunteers working in security related roles should not wear security uniforms or badged clothing but wear clothing that easily distinguishes them from other security workers.
Volunteers working at pubs and clubs
Volunteers should not work in security at pubs and clubs in any role other than purely observing, ticket collection and very short-term work experience or orientation.
Volunteers working to gain work experience must work under the direct supervision of a COA holder and wear clothing that distinguishes them from security workers. They should primarily be observing only and not involved in keeping order or removing people.
Volunteers working at events
Volunteers at events should only undertake duties for which a COA is not required such as hosting, ticket collection, and parking.
Volunteers must be easily distinguishable from COA holders e.g. wearing different colour vest / uniform from COA holders, with host or volunteer on it rather than security
Must not be involved in keeping order, removing people from venue, or searching bags.