Complaint re South Security Limited - engaging workers without COAs is a contravention of the Act and therefore misconduct - penalty reprimand and warning re-future breaches.
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361 items matching your search terms
Complaint re South Security Limited - engaging workers without COAs is a contravention of the Act and therefore misconduct - penalty reprimand and warning re-future breaches.
Police v Lauago - complaint based on disqualifying convictions - certificate cancelled by consent.
Police v Biddle complaint - no longer suitable to be a COA holder because of gang association and intimidating behavior - COA cancelled
Police v Edmonds - complaint based on disqualifying convictions - no application for waiver - COA cancelled
Police v Tupai Ui - complaint based on convictions and prison sentence - COA cancelled
Complaint of misconduct - Investigation did not find any supporting evidence - complaint dismissed.
Police v Lockington - assault while working as a security guard - COA cancelled.
Police v Zeller - complaint based on disqualifying convictions and sentences - COA cancelled.
Police v Saini - Complaint following convictions for serious offending and lengthy prison sentence - multiple grounds for disqualification - COA cancelled.
Lauesi complaint - working in security without a COA - Final warning given
Police v Sataraka - complaint based on series anti-social aggressive behavior - No longer suitable to be a security worker - COA suspended with directions on what is needed to get suspension lifted.
Police v Grayling - disqualifying convictions and multiple convictions for fictious calls to emergency services - no longer suitable to work in security - COA cancelled.
Leaupepe Rehearing - conduct not in course of work - one off out of character event does not amount to misconduct - unsatisfactory conduct established - no further penalty
Police v Love - police complaint based on repeated traffic infringements, driving convictions and warrants to arrest - final warning given further infringement will result in suspension of COA.
Police complaint - Misconduct - excessive force in restraint - conditions imposed - ss 4, 74, 81, 96 of the Act
Police v Ioane - Disqualifying convictions and sentences - COA cancelled
King's Security & Simpson complaint - engaging security workers without COAs misconduct - carrying on work in a voluntary capacity in classes for which no licence or COA is held is not a breach of the Act but can be a breach of Guidelines for Volunteers and amount to unsatisfactory conduct.
Police v Doherty - complaint about running a security business without a licence - no longer suitable to be a certificate holder due to association with a gang and other concerning behavior - finding of misconduct and no longer suitable to carry on the class of business to which his certificates relates
Doherty Penalty Decision - Refusal to accept any wrongdoing or changes need to be made - cancelation of COA therefore only option after findings of misconduct and being no longer suitable to be a certificate holder.
Police v Sital - complaint based on gang membership - no longer suitable to be a certificate holder - COA cancelled
Complaint about untreated mental health issues - no longer suitable to work in security - COA suspended until confirmation health issues are being addressed
Police v Singh - disqualifying conviction for assault - mandatory ground for cancellation - COA cancelled.
Police v Paulo complaint following conviction for offence of violence - disqualifying conviction & mandatory grounds for cancelation - COA cancelled
Police v Vea complaint - convictions for offences of violence and dishonesty - COA cancelled.