Complaint upheld - COA cancelled, company license declined - guilty of misconduct - failure to keep business records - employment of uncertified guards - CIPU findings accepted - ss4, 45, 69, 75, 80, 83 96C of the Act
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361 items matching your search terms
Complaint upheld - COA cancelled, company license declined - guilty of misconduct - failure to keep business records - employment of uncertified guards - CIPU findings accepted - ss4, 45, 69, 75, 80, 83 96C of the Act
Lee-Staveley complaint - pointing a bb gun at a workmate amounts to misconduct - COA cancelled.
Police complaint upheld - disqualifying convictions - COA cancelled - ss62, 74, 96C
Complaint - no longer suitable to be a certificate holder due to series of events culminating in admission to Mental Health Unit - by consent COA suspended with ability to apply for reinstatement by providing report form medical professional.
Complaint against PI relating to address search - Centrix already held address obtained for a valid purpose - leave for complaint to me filed & complaint closed.
Complaint of misconduct - counselling undertaken - Condition attached to COA.
Complaint after conviction for kidnapping - conviction mandatory grounds for cancellation - COA cancelled
Complaint following convictions for offences of violence - offending out of character - grounds for disqualification waived.
Complaint upheld - running a security company without a license - misconduct - employing security workers with COAs - company license application declined - COA cancelled - providing false information - ss 3, 4, 23, 45, 75, 83, 96C, 105
Police v Trow complaint – disqualifying convictions and violence and anti-police incidents – COA cancelled.
Member of the Public complaint upheld - Following client instructions - Security company guilty of misconduct - guards guilty of unsatisfactory conduct - reprimanded - ss 3,4,17,18,19,45,66,67,76,73,74,75,80,96C of the Act
Complaint against private investigator while working as a document server - filming service of documents is not a breach of Code of Conduct - document servers not covered by the Act - Complaint vexatious & Frivolous - Leave to file refused
Police complaint dismissed, misconduct not established, Police procedure questioned, sectioned 3, 73, 74, 80, 96, 105
Police v Ngatuakana complaint - disqualifying convictions and prison sentences - COA cancelled
Police v Pulupuna complaint - disqualifying convictions make him unsuitable to work in security - COA cancelled.
Rooney complaints based on theft charge later withdrawn & working in security while COA suspended. Police complaint dismissed & suspension of COA revoked - other complaint referred for investigation.
Complaint of misconduct after the COA holder yelled at neighbors while carrying an axe - incident unrelated to work in private security - police attended but no charges laid - actions whole wrong and foolish do not amount to misconduct or unsatisfactory conduct.
Police v Brandt - series of aggressive and bizarre behavior establishes unsuitability to be a security worker - COA suspended with conditions to be met to have it reinstated.
Police v Vaga - serious of serious charges resulting in remand in custody - no longer suitable to be a certificate holder - COA cancelled.
Police v Uaisele - no longer suitable to be a certificate holder - COA cancelled
Police complaint based on gang membership - Evidence of gang membership for only a short period and has now left the gang - complaint dismissed with caution
Police v Reddy complaint – recent disqualifying convictions – COA cancelled.
Police v Sadat - potentially disqualifying charges and warrants for arrests due to failure to turn up to court - no longer suitable to be a certificate holder - COA expired so order made baring reapplication for 2 years.
Member of the public complaint upheld - misconduct found - providing a security services business without holding an individual license - ss 23. 44, 45(2), 74, 75(2), 77, 92
Complaint re Baker - breach of the Act by working as a security consultant without a license or COA - misconduct established - condition placed on COA and reprimand.