Member of the Public complaint against certificate holder for misconduct and failing to wear or provide COA – complainant did not participate in investigation – no evidence to establish complaint – complaint dismissed.
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361 items matching your search terms
Member of the Public complaint against certificate holder for misconduct and failing to wear or provide COA – complainant did not participate in investigation – no evidence to establish complaint – complaint dismissed.
Police v Savieti complaint - swearing at and abusing police is unsatisfactory conduct - reprimanded and warning given.
Police v Munro - conviction for an offence of violence - mandatory ground for cancellation - COA cancelled
Police v Gardner - complaint following dishonesty and other convictions - COA cancelled.
Police v Setefano - firearms charges, drug fuelled behavior and warrants for arrest for no attending court - no longer suitable to be a certificate holder - COA cancelled.
Police v Wakefield complaint after conviction for attempted kidnapping - COA cancelled.
Complaint by police based on mental health grounds - behavior attentions seeking no diagnosed mental health issued - complaint dismissed.
Complaint against security company and director of employing persons to work unlawfully - company in liquidation and licence cancelled by consent - directors COA renewed but on condition that she must be engaged by a third-party licensee and not manage or run a security business for 2 years.
CIPU v Tulloch - providing false evidence of competency in application to add classes is a breach of s 105 and a discretionary ground for cancellation - Classes added cancelled, reprimand and a fine.
Police v Tainefu - complaint following convictions for assault - COA cancelled.
Engaging a crowd controller without a COA to work is a breach of s 45 of the Act even if they are in training or working under supervision - Unsatisfactory conduct to try and conceal a security guard is working without a COA or obstructing CIPU while undertaking security checks - guidelines for volunteers
Police v Davis - convictions for offences of violence - breach of condition attached to grant of COA - COA cancelled
Police v Rayilla - stealing money from bags being searched while working in security is misconduct - COA cancelled.
Police v Nu'uali'itia - convicted of possession of methamphetamine for supply and sentenced to prison with leave to apply for home detention - Decision on the paper - COA cancelled.
C Masiniua Complaint - breaches of s 66 by refusing to provide COA to CIPU investigator is misconduct - reprimanded and training directed.
J Masiniua Complaint - breach of s 66 by refusing to provide COA to CIPU investigator is misconduct - reprimanded and training directed.
Halatanu complaint - not wearing a security ID while working and failing to produce COA or provided details to investigate is contravention of the PSPLA Act and misconduct - reprimanded & directions as to further training.
Re SPS Security Limited - Application for company licence declined as company was guilty of misconduct by operating without a licence, trying to cover up breaches of the Act, and providing misinformation to the Authority and CIPU. Guidelines about steps that need to be taken before new application will be considered.
Police v Pesaleli-Smith -Complaint after disqualifying convictions - significant recent history of family violence - waiver declined & COA cancelled.
Police v Jama complaint - disqualifying convictions - COA expired - barred from applying for a COA for 2 years.
Police complaint upheld - further disqualifying conviction - breach of COA condition - unsatisfactory conduct found - COA to continue but on actively monitored conditions - further breach will result in immediate suspension - ss 4,28,62,74,77,78,79 & 82 of the Act
Police v Hand complaint - dishonesty & firearm convictions - COA cancelled.
Member of Public complaint - held to be vexatious as complaint filed an appeal before a decision was made - leave to file the complaint refused.
Complaint of misconduct after person dealt with through Te Pai Oranga alternative dispute resolution - Behaviour out of character - police did not attend hearing complaint dismissed.
Police complaint - COA holder discharged without conviction on offence of violence - COA reinstated with condition attached.