What happens next

When we receive your application, we’ll check it to make sure it includes the required information then send a copy of it to the Commissioner. If your application is incomplete, we’ll return it to you.

Before the hearing

The tribunal can ask for further information from you, the Commissioner or anyone else it needs to. If this happens, everyone involved gets a copy of this information and a chance to respond.

You don’t have the right to ask to speak to the tribunal, but sometimes the tribunal will want information from you or others. You’ll be notified in writing if this happens.

The hearing

You don’t attend the hearing ­– it’s held ‘on the papers’. This means the tribunal will make its decision based on the written submissions of the parties.

The decision

The tribunal will send you and the Commissioner a written copy of its decision. The tribunal may confirm, change or reverse the Commissioner’s decision or it can tell the Commissioner to reconsider his or her decision.

Appealing the decision

You can only appeal the tribunal’s decision if you believe it’s wrong in law. You must lodge your appeal with the High Court within 20 working days of being told the tribunal’s decision.

You should seek legal advice before appealing to the High Court.

Withdraw an application

You can withdraw your application at any stage before a decision is made but you must do so in writing. To do this, you must fill in:

Withdrawal of application [PDF, 930 KB]

It’s free to withdraw your application.

Email or post the completed form to us.

Email: tribunals@justice.govt.nz

Postal address:
Legal Aid Tribunal
Tribunals Unit 
DX SX 11159

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