Decision on liability (3 October 2016)
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Decision on liability (3 October 2016)
Decision on penalty (3 October 2016)
Decision on Liability (Incompetence Charges) (15 September 2016)
Decision on liability (15 September 2016)
Decision on liability (15 September 2016)
Decision on penalty (15 September 2016)
Decision on liability (6 September 2016)
Decision on stay of proceedings (2 September 2016)
Decision on liability (19 August 2016)
This hearing proceeded by way of formal proof, there having been no steps taken by the practitioner and no appearance by her at the hearing. Ms Kelly was charged as follows: “Being convicted of offences punishable by imprisonment, which convictions reflect on her fitness to practise or bring the profession into disrepute – s 241(d) of the Act.”1
In the matter of the Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004 and in the matter of opposition to the granting of a certificate to Edward Joseph Martin. Police opposition dismissed. Certificate granted.
The respondent former practitioner is charged with misconduct within the meaning of s 7(1)(a)(1) of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 (ACT).
Penalty decision (1 June 2016)
Penalty decision (1 June 2016)
Penalty decision (13 May 2016)
Penalty decision (5 May 2016)
Reasons for Decision Concerning Penalty (3 May 2016)
Decision on Penalty and Name Suppression (12 April 2016)
Decision on Penalty (12 April 2016 )
Decision on Penalty (12 April 2016 )
Oral Decision on Penalty (07 April 2016)
Decision on Liability (18 March 2016)
Decision on Penalty (16 March 2016)
Decision on Penalty (5 February 2016 )
Disciplinary Decision (18 December 2015)