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544 items matching your search terms

  1. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v Johnson [2022] NZLCDT 28 (19 August 2022) [PDF, 233 KB]

    Liability / two charges of misconduct / practitioner acted on two loan agreements where he provided funds to a client, acting for both parties / contravened trust accounting regulations / Conduct and Client Care Rules 2008, rule 5.4 / rule 5.4.3 / rule 6.1 / HELD / reckless disregard of rules against acting in conflict of interest or duties / misconduct charge proved / trust account errors regarded as breach simpliciter / negligence not established / practitioner not the only lawyer responsible for trust account / unsatisfactory conduct found / parties to file penalty submissions

  2. Auckland Standards Committee 3 v Potter [2022] NZLCDT 27 (27 July 2022) [PDF, 110 KB]

    Liability / two charges of unsatisfactory conduct and one charge of misconduct / failure to attend court / failure to ensure affidavit accompanied application to set aside bankruptcy notice / failure to advise client of bankruptcy / failure to withdraw as counsel for Family Court proceedings / practitioner prohibited from practising on own account / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 9(1)(a) / Trust Account Regulations 2008, regulation 10 / HELD / practitioner failed to act competently and in timely manner / lawyer-client relationship between practitioner and friend well-established / practitioner provided regulated services for client other than in course of employment / constructed the apparent “extra-legal” arrangement to suit his purposes / took advantage of loophole to appear as non-lawyer representative / practitioner accepted funds paid on account of fees directly into own account / unsatisfactory conduct found (section 12(a)) / parties to file penalty submissions

  3. Auckland Standards Committee 3 v Anderson [2022] NZLCDT 25 (22 July 2022) [PDF, 238 KB]

    Liability and penalty / divorce proceedings / practitioner arranged sale and buy-back of her relationship property / misled Family Court by not disclosing her beneficial interest in the property, after declaring she had no interest in it other than as tenant / misconduct or conduct unbecoming of a barrister / Law Practitioners Act 1982, section 112(1)(a) / section 112(1)(b) / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 7(1)(a) / HELD / Tribunal found conduct unbecoming of a barrister / misleading a court by omitting information considered serious / mitigating factor that practitioner had personal and psychological factors surrounding conduct / acknowledged wrongdoing / conduct historic / acted in personal capacity / conduct at less serious level of spectrum / Tribunal ordered $5,000 fine / practitioner to pay $5,000 of Standards Committee’s costs and 50 per cent of Tribunal’s costs

  4. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v Kejriwal [2022] NZLCDT 24 (20 July 2022 [PDF, 156 KB]

    Penalty / practitioner admitted one charge of misconduct / issued three fraudulent fee invoices that would be paid to personal bank account / HELD / offending at very serious end of misconduct as it was planned and deliberate, and involved altering documents to divert client funds and use of associate to avoid detection / aggravating features include placing client funds at risk, exploiting position of trust, and lying that offending was a one-off incident during Standards Committee enquiry / mitigating features include admission of charge, expression of remorse, and practitioner’s youth, inexperience and personal difficulties / offending not explained by personal difficulties / practitioner’s insight not apparent in dishonest response and non-repayment of fees wrongly taken / unclear what practitioner needs to remedy for rehabilitation purposes / not fit and proper / Tribunal ordered practitioner be struck off / practitioner to pay Standards Committee’s and Tribunal’s costs

  5. Wellington Standards Committee 2 v Collins [2022] NZLCDT 22 (30 June 2022) [PDF, 170 KB]

    Liability / practitioner lodged notice of claim against property for vendor client in direct conflict with vendor’s sister who was one of the purchasers and also a client of practitioner’s firm / property sold at reserve price then on-sold by purchasers for profit / practitioner prepared amended enduring power of attorney for vendor certifying self as independent / misconduct, negligence or unsatisfactory conduct / Conduct and Client Care Rules 2008, rule 3 / rule 5 / rule 5.1 / rule 5.2 / rule 5.3 / rule 6.1 / HELD / web of conflict of interests discernible / client not asked to get independent advice or sent away as required / practitioner did not heed warning of undue influence of client by sister / ought to have ensured vendor fully understood sister’s intentions / not properly independent when power of attorney amended / intended to protect client but failed to appreciate red flags and risks to her / negligence proved (section 241(c)) / parties to file penalty submissions

  6. Nelson Standards Committee v Downing and Reith [2022] NZLCDT 21 (27 June 2022) [PDF, 192 KB]

    Penalty / two counts of misconduct by each practitioner / terminated retainer four weeks before settlement conference / had client sign deed acknowledging debt without independent legal advice or explanation about effect / unsatisfactory conduct by first practitioner for failing to advise about eligibility for legal aid and litigation risk / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 156(1)(d) / HELD / misconduct serious but not dishonest or malicious / aggravating features include disciplinary history, belated action to discharge mortgage, lack of insight by first practitioner / mitigating features include lengthy career and writing off outstanding fees / client suffered significant stress, anxiety and humiliation (emotional harm) / compensation principles discussed / Tribunal ordered censure, $10,000 and $7,000 fine respectively, and $5,000 compensation each / practitioners to jointly pay contribution to Standards Committee’s costs ($30,000) and full Tribunal’s costs

  7. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v Holland [2022] NZLCDT 20 (27 June 2022) [PDF, 176 KB]

    Penalty / misconduct for breach of fiduciary duties / failure to maintain adequate records in managing parents’ estates and affairs / failure to account / HELD / practitioner’s level of misconduct relatively serious / mitigating features include references, only having one complaint upheld over 35 years and deteriorating health / misconduct not falling within regulated services not a mitigating feature / no lesser standard for private business dealings / aggravating features include ongoing failure to account and no remorse, insight or apology / practitioner’s misconduct not isolated as misapplication of estate funds occurred across multiple transactions and many years / practitioner’s deteriorating health and lack of judgment and understanding of basic legal principles relevant to fitness to practise / Tribunal unable to find path for practitioner to be brought back to safe practice / Tribunal ordered practitioner be struck off  

  8. Wellington Standards Committee 2 v McDonnell [2022] NZLCDT 18 (13 June 2022) [PDF, 112 KB]

    Liability and penalty / failed to account for $25,000 paid without authority / acted for developer and received funds from financier, paid out $25,000 as instructed by developer without financier’s authorisation / nearly six years later financier has been unable to recover funds / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 111 / Conduct and Client Care Rules 2008, rule 10.5 / HELD / erroneously paid funds but failed to account properly and candidly / made an undertaking to repay funds, has failed to honour undertaking for more than five years / undertaking should be promptly performed / failure constitutes wilful contravention of Act or Rules, is misconduct (s 7(1)(a)(ii)) / moderately serious misconduct / eight disciplinary findings / remorse not demonstrated / has retired / lack of engagement in disciplinary process / name suppression declined / Tribunal ordered censure and practitioner to pay $25,000 compensation / practitioner to pay Standards Committee’s and Tribunal’s costs

  9. Auckland Standards Committee 5 and Southland Standards Committee v Taia [2022] NZLCDT 17 (9 June 2022) [PDF, 244 KB]

    Liability and penalty / first charge of misleading clients and avoiding communication on botched conveyancing matter / second charge of avoiding resolution of LINZ queries about three e-dealing certifications / third charge of failing to be frank to Law Society when declaring he was fit and proper by disclosing only one fine but not others / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 4(a) / Conduct and Client Care Rules 2008, rule 2 / rule 3 / rule 10 / rule 11 / HELD / conduct occurred while providing regulated services / first two charges proved as misconduct / third charge proved as unsatisfactory conduct / previous complaints upheld show practitioner’s practise as unreliable, insufficiently concerned about clients, unresponsive and unhelpful / lacks essential attributes of honesty, trustworthiness and integrity / not fit and proper / Tribunal ordered practitioner be struck off and pay $2,327.60 compensation / practitioner to pay Standards Committee’s and Tribunal’s costs  

  10. Auckland Standards Committee 5 v Stuhlmann [2022] NZLCDT 16 (2 June 2022) [PDF, 120 KB]

    Penalty / practitioner admitted one charge of misconduct / registered easement without obtaining authority and instructions from all owners, falsely certified such authority and fobbed off LINZ for two years until Registrar-General revoked right to sign and certify electronic instruments via Landonline / did not advise clients or law firms / HELD / moderately serious misconduct / honesty and candour are hallmarks of legal professional conduct / actions undermine profession’s reputation for probity / false certification not part of a pattern of behaviour / thoroughly ashamed and regretful / unlikely to err in this way again / tendency to avoid responsibility and withhold information is a risk feature / one prior more minor adverse disciplinary finding / minimising behaviour means Tribunal cannot accept practitioner appreciates gravity of offending / Tribunal ordered censure, five months’ suspension / practitioner to pay Standards Committee’s and Tribunal’s costs

  11. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v R [2022] NZLCDT 15 (31 May 2022) [PDF, 69 KB]

    Penalty / practitioner admitted one charge of unsatisfactory conduct / signed solicitor’s certificate when working as consultant, and sent engagement letters that failed to include information on name of firm acting, practitioner’s position in the practice, and exclusions of practice’s indemnity insurance / HELD / investigation against practitioner was over-zealous, offensive and inappropriate at times / practitioner committed minor infractions of rules / no harm came or was likely to come / practitioner should be restored to position practitioner would have been in had the matter been dealt with appropriately / censure or significant contribution to costs not proportionate responses / Tribunal ordered practitioner to pay $1,000 fine / practitioner to pay small contribution to Standards Committee’s costs ($1,000) / permanent name suppression granted

  12. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v Brill [2022] NZLCDT 13 (16 May 2022) [PDF, 109 KB]

    Penalty / misconduct for practising outside terms of practising certificate by providing pro bono regulated services to the public, and unsatisfactory conduct for failing to provide client service information and act independently / failed to advise NZLS of his involvement in litigation when corresponding about status of practising certificate / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 9 / HELD / aggravating features include failure to disclose involvement in litigation, absolute duty of candour required and NZLS was misled / strong mitigating feature includes over 50-year career without previous blemish, services to community, and acted not for personal gain but desire to help his neighbours / more serious than comparable cases due to experience and on-notice of the issue / Tribunal ordered censure, $7,500 fine / practitioner to pay 75 per cent of Standards Committee’s and Tribunal’s costs

  13. Southland Standards Committee v P [2022] NZLCDT 12 (28 April 2022) [PDF, 215 KB]

    Charges / no case to answer / practitioner charged concerning five elderly clients / Hall v Wellington Standards Committee (No. 2) [2013] NZAR 743 (HC) / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 240A / HELD / necessary for Tribunal to determine whether evidence sufficient to establish charge / basis for misconduct charges not established / no evidential foundation for overcharging / satisfied client competent to give instructions / no jurisdictional impediment to Tribunal hearing remaining unsatisfactory conduct charges / Tribunal may strike out charges that do not justify disciplinary sanction / no disciplinary sanction required / no reasonable basis to find against practitioner on fee complaint / particulars alleging wrong-doing with Powers of Attorney disclose no reasonable cause of action / minor infractions might arise in any busy practice without alarm / all charges dismissed / Standards Committee must pay Tribunal costs / costs between parties reserved

  14. National Standards Committee 1 v Haines [2022] NZLCDT 10 (8 April 2022) [PDF, 551 KB]

    Liability / four sets of charges / overcharging / issued inflated $1 million invoice to enhance voting power as client’s creditor / proper purpose / charged $1,000 per hour fee without client care information / lack of time records / conflict of interest / client provided security & guarantees / loans from client / no independent advice / received fees directly rather than to firm on trust without receipt or invoice or reporting on minimal progress / ongoing police investigation / applied funds for own use / abuse of trust / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008, rule 2 / rule 2.1 / rule 3.4 / rule 3.6 / rule 5 / rule 5.1 / rule 5.4 / rule 5.4.3 / rule 5.4.4 / rule 9 / rule 9.1 / rule 9.2 / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Trust Account) Regulations 2008, reg 9 / reg 10 / HELD / not Tribunal’s role to undertake fee revision in the absence of gross overcharging / one charge dismissed, other charges proved as misconduct or unsatisfactory conduct

  15. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v Holland [2022] NZLCDT 9 (3 March 2022) [PDF, 216 KB]

    Liability / misconduct in managing parents’ estates and affairs / conduct unconnected with the provision of regulated services / breaches of fiduciary duties (including profiting), failure to maintain adequate records, failure to account / whether fit and proper person or suited to practice as a lawyer / HELD / practitioner owed fiduciary duties administering estates and affairs / reckless in handling father’s estate, caused losses to estate / has never produced mother’s will / made unsecured loans to herself and sister, who were both financial risks / brother received no share of father’s estate / previous misconduct finding for not complying with s 147 notice / has not produced records to demonstrate distributions / under a duty to account / failed to have proper regard to siblings’ interests / failed to recognise extent she imperiled mother’s position and hampered brother’s ability to obtain residuary share / s 7(1)(b)(ii) test met / charges proven

  16. National Standards Committee 2 v Mr Y [2022] NZLCDT 8 (24 February 2022) [PDF, 202 KB]

    Penalty / misconduct for intimate relationship with client, then denying relationship during complaint / practitioner conceded misconduct / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008, rule 5.7.1 / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 240 / HELD / lawyer briefly represented client in family law matters / client’s husband complained / lawyer dishonestly denied relationship, an aggravating feature and significant misconduct / later made a self-report / no gross breach of trust, but relationship can compromise objectivity / retainer supervised, lawyer stepped back quickly / mitigating features include unblemished career, conduct out of character, remorse, self-report / Tribunal ordered four months’ suspension / final name suppression order / interests of rehabilitation outweigh public knowing name / no risk to community, purposes of disciplinary regime achieved / apology ordered / practitioner to pay Standards Committee and Tribunal costs

  17. Nelson Standards Committee v Downing and Reith [2022] NZLCDT 7 (17 February 2022) [PDF, 241 KB]

    Liability / duty to complete retainer / fees payment and security for fees / advice regarding legal aid, litigation risk and whether fees may exceed recovery / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008, rule 4.2 / rule 9.5 / rule 11 / HELD / lawyers terminated retainer 4 weeks before JSC / not entitled to terminate, fees deferred and 7 day notice to pay arbitrary, left client stranded / did not fulfil fiduciary duties on termination  / s 7(1)(a)(ii) test met / client signed deed acknowledging debt, providing security, did not receive legal advice or explanation about effect / demand for payment and threatening interactions reprehensible / s 7(1)(a)(i) test met / failed to advise about possibility of legal aid and that fees may exceed recovery / should suggest client may be eligible for legal aid and refer to further resources / failed to re-evaluate litigation prospects once estate diminished / unsatisfactory conduct found s 12(a) / charges proved

  18. Otago Standards Committee v Duff [2022] NZLCDT 4 (21 January 2022) [PDF, 103 KB]

    Penalty / misconduct / assisted a person to avoid GST, failed to account for GST, miscoded accounts / business dealing unconnected with legal services / whether suspension from practise necessary to mark seriousness, denounce conduct and signal standards of integrity required of lawyers in all business dealings / HELD / conduct not most serious, involves private business arrangements / aggravating features include long delay in failing to pay GST and previous unsatisfactory conduct finding / mitigating feature include full payment of GST and penalties, no harm to clients and outsourced accounting responsibilities / positive references go beyond usual references, include senior criminal jury work in South Auckland, and mentoring young Māori and Pacifica lawyers / practitioner fit and proper, preventing him from doing so would risk serious loss to clients and employees /  Tribunal ordered censure, $10,000 fine / practitioner to pay Standard’s Committee’s and Tribunal’s costs 

  19. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v Brill [2022] NZLCDT 3 (21 January 2022) [PDF, 557 KB]

    Liability / charged with practising outside terms of practising certificate by providing pro bono regulated services to the public, and failing to provide client service information and act independently / represented his wife and eight others in litigation before courts / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 9 / section 69 / section 94 / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008, rule 3.4 / rule 3.5 / rule 5 / rule 5.6 / HELD / misconduct found per s 9 / practitioner employed, not entitled to practice on own account / putting issue of wife to one side, other parties clearly constituted “the public” / clients exposed to significant adverse costs award including an uplift for practitioner’s conduct / breaches of rr 3.4, 3.5 and 5 are unsatisfactory conduct per ss 12(a) or 12(b)(ii) / charges under s 7(1)(a)(iii) a duplication of s 9 charges / misconduct and unsatisfactory conduct proved

  20. National Standards Committee 1 v Gardner-Hopkins [2022] NZLCDT 2 (13 January 2022) [PDF, 211 KB]

    Penalty / found guilty of six charges of misconduct for six incidents of exploitative sexual contact with five different women at two work events / partner in law firm offended against summer clerks / seriousness of conduct / aggravating features / mitigating factors / strike-off starting point / HELD / misconduct serious, somewhat below Horsley or Daniels cases, where practitioners were suspended three years / aggravating features include repetition, power imbalance, incalculable impact on victims, and intention to get drunk / mitigating features include consequences already incurred, changes made, and financial circumstances / has previously minimised his responsibility, but relatively recent changes in accepting accountability are positive although belated / financial circumstances not defining nor as dire as claimed / caused reputation damage to profession / Tribunal ordered censure and two-year suspension / practitioner to pay Standards Committee’s costs  and Tribunal costs

  21. National Standards Committee 1 v Reed [2021] NZLCDT 31 (2 December 2021) [PDF, 122 KB]

    Penalty / misconduct / duty of candour / failure to disclose relevant information to High Court in without notice application / whether suspension necessary / HELD / one-off reckless breach / no deliberate omission / no aggravating features / no prior disciplinary history / unable to cope with growth of sole practice / merged with large law firm to manage capacity, disclosed investigation, acknowledged failings and has support and supervision / Tribunal considered no risk of practitioner repeating conduct / high level of remorse, insight and responsibility for actions / practitioner incurred significant cost in disciplinary proceedings / notable community involvement and pro bono contributions / practitioner sought to use experience to educate young women about learning from mistakes / suspension not necessary / Tribunal ordered censure and $15,000 fine / practitioner to pay Standards Committee’s and Tribunal’s costs / interim suppression order of practitioner’s name discharged

  22. Waikato Bay of Plenty Standards Committee 1 v Jacobsen [2021] NZLCDT 28 (1 November 2021) [PDF, 108 KB]

    Penalty / practitioner admitted two charges of misconduct and found guilty of another / conveyancing transaction involving transfer of property owned by practitioner mother to company owned by the practitioner and her husband / practitioner then borrowed additional money against the property / conflict of interest / failing to protect client’s interests / misleading conduct / appropriate penalty / HELD / practitioner did not present risk to other clients or public / no need for fine or censure / features of misconduct (inattention to practitioner’s mother and securing additional funds against the property) understandable although grievous / Tribunal ordered 10-week suspension / practitioner to pay Standards Committee’s and Tribunal’s costs

  23. Auckland Standards Committee 4 v O'Boyle [2021] NZLCDT 27 (29 October 2021) [PDF, 170 KB]

    Penalty / misconduct for sending letters containing false allegations and speculation to employers of people involved in family court case / HELD / Standards Committee’s penalty submissions focused on a punitive outcome / penalty can pursue more than one goal / Tribunal needs to disapprove of misconduct, but compensation and rehabilitation also relevant / practitioner needs to be challenged about her practice and to account for her choices / required to undertake professional supervision for a minimum of one year / ordered to compensate each victim $3,000 / Tribunal ordered six-week suspension / practitioner to pay Standards Committee’s and Tribunal’s costs

  24. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v Nguy [2021] NZLCDT 26 (21 October 2021) [PDF, 117 KB]

    Penalty / practitioner admitted misconduct for misappropriation of $1 million / accepted they would be struck off / did not accept further charge of obstructing and frustrating the Standards Committee’s investigative processes / whether practitioner liable for obstruction / if so, whether misconduct or unsatisfactory conduct / HELD / obstruction charge made out / practitioner failed to provide files and documents despite repeated requests / behaviour cannot be ignored even though practitioner will inevitably be struck off / message needs to be sent to the legal community and the community at large that this behaviour is serious / obstruction was misconduct / conduct not excused by practitioner’s mental stress / Tribunal ordered practitioner be struck off and imposed censure for obstruction / practitioner to pay Standards Committee’s and Tribunal’s costs

  25. Otago Standards Committee v Duff [2021] NZLCDT 25 (2 September 2021) [PDF, 168 KB]

    Liability / practitioner assisted a person to avoid GST in his property development business, outside his legal practice / then failed to account for GST / personal misconduct / whether conduct misconduct / Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, section 7(1)(b) / HELD / although IRD declined to pursue action, Tribunal obliged to determine charges laid / offer to complete job as a “cashie” and subsequent accounting miscoding demonstrates intention to assist tax avoidance /  disregard of practitioner’s tax and company law obligations / not a fit and proper person to be a lawyer at that time / s 7(1)(b)(ii) test met / misconduct charge proved