Anyone appealing to the tribunal may appoint a representative to represent them during the appeal process, or they may represent themselves. A representative may include a family member or friend.
There are strict rules about who can be appointed to act as your representative. They must be a licensed immigration advisor, a lawyer or someone who is exempt from having a licence.
If you wish to have a representative, you and the representative need to fill in this form:
Authority to act - Form 8 [PDF, 175 KB]
The information about your appeal is confidential. We can’t talk to any family members or friends about your appeal unless you have given us permission to.
If the appeal is against a decision made using classified information, the person appealing will be given a list of special advocates so they can select an advocate to represent them during the classified parts of the appeal. The actual and reasonable costs of a special advocate are paid by the government.
The person appealing can also keep their personal legal representative for the other parts of the appeal process.
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