During the Covid-19 Level 4 lockdown, the Copyright Tribunal will be closed.
Any hearings that had been set down during the period of the lockdown have been adjourned. You will be contacted with new dates in the future, once the lockdown has been lifted.
The Tribunal is unable to process any new or existing applications during this period of lockdown, however you may wish to submit new information to the email address on the website.
Thank you for your co-operation.
It costs $266 to apply to the tribunal to enforce a file-sharing infringement.
A copyright owner, their agent, or an authorised representative can make an application to the tribunal.
An application can’t be made to the tribunal until a rights owner or their agent has issued 3 infringement notices to an internet account holder.
See an overview of this process [PDF, 116 KB]
All applications must be received by the tribunal within 35 calendar days (New Zealand Standard Time) after the date on the final notice (the ‘enforcement notice’).
Under the Act, the tribunal has no authority to accept late applications.
If the rights owner doesn’t receive a challenge to the enforcement notice within 14 days after the date of the enforcement notice, the rights owner can then apply to the tribunal to enforce a file-sharing infringement. The rights owner has up until the close of business on the 35th day to apply.
If an account holder makes a valid challenge, whether or not it’s rejected, the rights owner can’t apply to the tribunal to enforce a file-sharing infringement until the 28th day after the date of the enforcement notice. The rights owner has up until the close of business on the 35th day to apply.
For example, an enforcement notice is issued on 1 March and:
Before you begin your application, you should have the following documents:
All documents must be in English, in PDF format, and a size of 1MB or less.
Only Visa and Mastercard debit or credit cards are accepted to pay the $266 application fee. The fee includes GST.
The application fee is non-refundable.
Applications must be completed and submitted in a single session.
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