The Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Amendment Act 2023 has recently been introduced. These pages are currently being updated to reflect the new legislation.
Under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act), the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority must maintain a register of managers’ certificates and licences granted under the Act.
Download ARLA manager’s certificate register [XLSX, 3.2 MB]
When alcohol is being sold, supplied or consumed on or from a licenced premises there must be a person who holds a manager’s certificate on duty at all times (except where section 215 of the Act applies). This register contains a list of every person in New Zealand who holds an active manager’s certificate.
The register also contains information on:
Download ARLA licence register [XLSX, 1.7 MB]
The sale of alcohol to the public requires the seller to have a licence.
This register contains a list of all active licences in New Zealand.
The register also contains information on:
Both registers are updated quarterly in February, May, August and November. Please note that they may not always be fully up to date at the time of reading.
The last update was on 28 February 2025. The next update will be in May 2025.
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