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  1. [2022] NZACC 53 - Stewart v ACC (4 April 2022) [PDF, 163 KB]

    Deemed decision – s 146, Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether reviewer is deemed to have made decision in favour of appellant, in terms of s 146 of the Act, on basis the date for hearing was not set within three months after the review application received by the Corporation. Review application received 19 December 2019 and review hearing set down on 20 March 2020, deemed provision of s 146 did not apply. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  2. [2022] NZACC 48 - Hayes v ACC (23 March 2022) [PDF, 1.3 MB]

    Suspension of Entitlements; s 117 Accident Compensation Act. Appeal challenging decision of the Corporation which suspended entitlements in respect of a covered lumbar sprain caused by an accident. Whether the suspension decision was correct; whether there was sufficient evidence to be satisfied appellant’s ongoing condition was no longer causally linked to the 2017 accident; and whether the L3/4 protusion had resolved and was no longer the cause of symptoms at the date of the suspension decision. Given the nature of the covered injury and ongoing symptoms the Corporation had insufficient basis to not be satisfied appellant was entitled to ongoing entitlements at date suspension made. Outcome: appeal allowed.

  3. [2022] NZACC 43 - Teeuwen v ACC (17 March 2022) [PDF, 986 KB]

    Claim for Cover and Entitlements, pt 3 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Appeal of decision declining claim for cover for joint septic arthritis and entitlement to weekly compensation. Whether joint septic arthritis should be covered on basis: [i] it was caused by accident; or [ii] it was caused by a gradual process, disease or infection consequential on personal injury suffered by Appellant for which he has cover. Whether Appellant is entitled to weekly compensation. Whether Corporation’s decision dated 19 December 2019 was correct. Outcome: appeal dismissed.