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NZLII decisions for ACADCR

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  1. Firmin v Accident Compensation Corporation (Allowances) [2022] NZACC 183 [PDF, 1.4 MB]

    Allowances under the Accident Compensation Act 1982; Jurisdiction; Decision ss 6, 134 of the Accident Compensation Act 2001. Appeal of review decision dismissing claims to dry cleaning and uniform upkeep allowances, gymnasium and pool costs, and an accommodation allowance. Outcome: the appeal is dismissed in respect to the first and third claims. The Court directs the Corporation to separately consider the appellants proposal and determine a separate figure for gymnasium and pool facility costs in respect to the second claim.

  2. DL v Accident Compensation Corporation (Work Related Mental Injury) [2022] NZACC 178 [PDF, 395 KB]

    Work-related mental injury - s 21B(1)(b) Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether Respondent was correct to decline cover for a work-related mental injury following the Appellant witnessing her older son molesting her younger son in their home. Appellant's witnessed incident was  causally related to her PTSD diagnosis and satisfied the criteria for work-related mental harm. Outcome: appeal allowed. Review decision quashed.