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  1. Mann v Accident Compensation Corporation (Jurisdiction, Social Rehabilitation, Costs on Review) [2023] NZACC 91 [PDF, 365 KB]

    Appeal from Reviewer - jurisdiction s 149(1), claim for social rehabilitation s 81, whether causal link between symptoms and injuries ss 20,25,26, costs on review s 148(2) Accident Compensation Act 2001. Decision had declined to provide social rehabilitation assessment and transport assistance. Decision had dismissed allegation that Corporation had failed to issue decision in timely manner in response to request for individual rehabilitation plan. Also appealing review costs awarded. Found that Corporation did not have obligation to appellant to undertake further assessments. No causal link between symptoms and covered injuries. Appellant did not have ongoing entitlement to rehabilitation. Reviewer had appropriately exercised discretion in relation to award of review costs. Decision of reviewer upheld. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  2. Foketi v Accident Compensation Corporation (Weekly Compensation) [2023] NZACC 86 [PDF, 293 KB]

    Weekly Compensation, s 100(1)(a); s 103(2); Cl 32 Schedule 1 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether the court has jurisdiction to determine the appellants employment/earnings status at the time his incapacity commenced. Whether the appellant was an employee in permanent employment entitled to a calculation of his weekly compensation under the Act. The appellant was an employee in permanent employment at all material times and thus entitled to a calculation of his weekly compensation under the Act. Decision quashed. ACC to assess the appellant’s weekly compensation as an employee in permanent employment before his incapacity commenced. Costs reserved. Outcome: appeal allowed.

  3. Emtage v Accident Compensation Corporation (Revocation of Cover) [2023] NZACC 84 [PDF, 522 KB]

    Revocation of cover - Causation - s 65 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Appeal against decision revoking cover. Appeal against decision declining entitlements. Appeal against costs decision. Accident overlooked or ignored by employer. Evidence indicated Appellant suffered an accident resulting in hip and thigh injury. Cover restored so entitlements, including backdated entitlements should follow. Appellant entitled to costs. Outcome: appeal granted for revoked cover.

  4. JD v Accident Compensation Corporation (Mental Injury) [2023] NZACC 87 [PDF, 266 KB]

    Claim for mental injury because of physical injury - s 26(1)(c) Compensation Act 2001. Appeal from decision of reviewer. Decision declined appellant's weekly compensation as a consequence of her physical injury and declined cover for major depression as consequence of physical injury. Medical evidence supports decision to decline entitlement to weekly compensation. Appellant had not established the corporations previous decision was incorrect. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  5. Mehrtens v Accident Compensation Corporation (Revocation, Suspension) [2023] NZACC 8 [PDF, 287 KB]

    Revocation of cover, Suspension of weekly compensation - ss 65, 117 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether decision to decline cover for mental injury correct. Whether decision to revoke cover for post-concussion syndrome correct. Whether decision to suspend weekly compensation correct. Health challenges on balance of probabilities not related to accident. Current presentation not causally related to covered injury. Medical presentation no longer derives from personal injury. Decision to decline compensation on basis appellant did not have post-concussion syndrome correct. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  6. Staniland v Accident Compensation Corporation (Claims Process) [2023] NZACC 76 [PDF, 145 KB]

    Claims process - s161(1) Accident Compensation Act 2001. Appeal relating to weekly compensation entitlements. Appellant had accident and was granted cover for open wound of wrist with tendon involvement and other injuries. Appellant considers Reviewer's decision to confirm Corporation's decision about entitlement was based on incorrect evidence. Court finds Appellant has not established Corporation incorrectly calculated weekly compensation. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  7. DN v Accident Compensation Corporation (Jurisdiction) [2023] NZACC 75 [PDF, 164 KB]

    Jurisdiction - s 134 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Appellant suffered physical injury and post-traumatic stress disorder from sexual assault. Appellant suffered concussion injury and traumatic amputation of finger in accident. Corporation declined cover for physical injury. Court found no power to reinvestigate what happened. Jurisdiction confined to hearing appeal against review decision as set out in s 149(1)(a). Appellant may be able to lodge claim for counselling. Outcome: appeal dismissed.