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773 items matching your search terms

  1. Griffiths v Accident Compensation Corporation (Treatment Injury) [2023] NZACC 201 [PDF, 285 KB]

    Personal injury - s 26 Accident Compensation Act 2001; Treatment injury - s 32 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether the Corporation’s Decision declining cover for an injury said to have occurred as a result of a manipulation during osteopathic treatment, and Review Decision maintaining the Corporation’s Decision are correct. Insufficient basis to draw a robust inference that the injury was caused by osteopathic manipulation. The Corporation’s decisions are correct. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  2. FN v Accident Compensation Corporation (Suspension of Entitlements) [2023] NZACC 199 [PDF, 288 KB]

    Appeal against suspension of entitlements - s 117 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Applicant collapsed at home and suffered cervical spinal stenosis. Granted cover for this injury. Applicant applies to reverse the suspension of entitlements. Court found that the medical evidence shows that the applicant's ongoing condition is not causally related to the injury for which she had received cover. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  3. Ambridge v Accident Compensation Corporation [2023] NZACC 198 [PDF, 240 KB]

    Appeal against a review decision. Claim for personal (physical) injury – s26 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Appellant suffered poliomyelitis as an infant and a subsequent ankle injury later on in life. Appellant seeks to be covered for chronic pain and CRPS. ACC decline cover for chronic pain and CRPS due to appellant’s ankle injury. The reviewer quashed ACC’s decision and directed ACC to issue a formal decision granting appellant cover for CRPS but not chronic pain. Found that appellant’s claim for cover for chronic pain is not supported by legal authority and the reviewer’s decision was correct on the evidence available. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  4. Panchalingam v Accident Compensation Corporation (Weekly Compensation) [2023] NZACC 196 [PDF, 185 KB]

    Claim for weekly compensation – ss 103(2), sch 1, cl 32, Accident Compensation Act 2001. Appellant suffered shoulder joint and lumbar sprain. Whether Appellant entitled to weekly compensation beyond 22 December 2013. Substantial medical evidence that by 23 December 2013, Appellant's injuries had resolved and so there was no further injury-related incapacity. Appellant not entitled to weekly compensation beyond 22 December 2013. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  5. Reid v Accident Compensation Corporation [2023] NZACC 194 [PDF, 254 KB]

    Appeals from two decisions of a reviewer. Claim for social rehabilitation (transport) - s70, s79, and cl 22 of Schedule 1; claim for treatment injury- s32(1), Accident Compensation Act 2001. Whether ACC’s decision is correct as to the quantum of ACC’s contribution to the appellant’s transport for independence cost. Appellant has not established ACC made an error of law or principle. Second appeal: whether ACC correctly declined cover for a treatment injury on the basis that ACC had failed/delayed providing specialist psychiatric assessment for PTSD. Appellant’s claim does not qualify for treatment injury in terms of the Act. Outcome: both appeals are dismissed.

  6. Nedelcu v Accident Compensation Corporation (Suspension of Entitlements) [2023] NZACC 191 [PDF, 339 KB]

    Suspension of entitlements, Accident Compensation Act 2001, s 117; Personal injury, Accident Compensation Act 2001, s 26. Whether accident caused injury. Whether Corporation had sufficient basis to suspend entitlements. Cover given for accidental lumbar sprain, Appellant not entitled to further cover for pre-existing degenerative spinal injury. Sufficient basis to suspend entitlements. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  7. Brunton v Accident Compensation Corporation (Treatment Injury) [2023] NZACC 187 [PDF, 382 KB]

    Treatment Injury - s 32 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Applicant claimed accident compensation on the basis that she suffered a treatment injury when undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Corporation had declined to grant cover on basis there was no evidence to establish physical injury caused by treatment. Applicant appeals against Review Decision on ground it was incorrect. Applicant has not established on balance of probabilities that she suffered a treatment injury for which there is accident compensation cover. Outcome: appeal dismissed.

  8. Jones v Accident Compensation Corporation (Leave to Appeal) [2023] NZACC 183 [PDF, 909 KB]

    Leave to appeal to the High Court - s 162 Accident Compensation Act 2001. Applicant seeks leave to appeal on a question of law. Previous judge determined applicant had not established claim for payment of backdated weekly compensation. Applicant had suffered sinusitis. Court finds leave application does not contain any seriously arguable questions of law. Insufficient evidence to support 18 year period of weekly compensation claimed. That decision was open to the court on the facts, therefore no question of law arises. Outcome: application for leave dismissed.