Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) - 28 February 2021 [pdf, 4.5 MB]
...12/09/2018 ss30I(1)(b) and 30(1)(b)/93 - An application for review of a determination made at 141 Waikato MB 271-291 (26 November 2009) and an order appointing the Ngati Paoa Trust Board as the appropriate representative for Ngati Paoa in relation to the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Act 2002. 31(1)/93, 30/93 Ngati Paoa Iwi Trust 1. Awaiting Administrative Action A20180007018 19/09/2018 CJ 2018/27 - Tamakana Haitana - and succession orders made at 59 Waikato MB 228...