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  1. Talking about sentences & crime: views of people on periodic detention [pdf, 746 KB]

    Talking about sentences and crime: The views of people on periodic detention Wendy Searle Trish Knaggs Kiri Simonsen July 2003 ii iii First published in July 2003 by the Ministry of Justice PO Box 180 Wellington New Zealand © Crown Copyright ISBN 478-20163-x iv Foreword This report examines the views of a cross section of offenders who were serving sentences of periodic detention in early 2000. It presents views of the criminal justice system from the perspectives of those

  2. Conviction & sentencing of offenders in New Zealand 1996 to 2005 [pdf, 844 KB]

    ...often not clear whether fluctuations are attributable to an actual change in offending, or whether other factors are responsible. As well as economic, social, or demographic changes which may affect offending and reporting, the availability of Police resources for detecting and investigating offending may vary from year to year. Legislative changes may also affect the number of convictions for various offences, e.g. the decrease in prosecutions and convictions between 1996 and 1997.1 As...

  3. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 2: 2002 to 2004 [pdf, 537 KB]

    Research on the effectiveness of Police practice in reducing residential burglary Report 2 Surveys of household burglary Part Two: Four Police Areas Compared Between 2002 and 2004 Sue Triggs December 2005 2 Research on the effectiveness of Police practice in reducing residential burglary Report 1: Surveys of Household Burglary part Ooe (2002): Four Police Areas and national nata compared, Dr Sue Triggs, Ministry of Justice, 2005. Report 2: Surveys of Household Burglary part two: Four

  4. David Bain report of Hon Ian Binnie QC on compensation claim amended [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    REPORT FOR THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE ON COMPENSATION CLAIM BY DAVID CULLEN BAIN BY HON IAN BINNIE QC 30 August 2012 (supplemented in response to questions raised by the Minister at our meeting of 13 September 2012) - ii - Table of Contents MANDATE AND METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................

  5. David Bain report of Hon Ian Binnie QC on compensation claim supplementary [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    REPORT FOR THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE ON COMPENSATION CLAIM BY DAVID CULLEN BAIN BY HON IAN BINNIE QC 30 August 2012 (supplemented in response to questions raised by the Minister at our meeting of 13 September 2012) - ii - Table of Contents MANDATE AND METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................

  6. David Bain appendices tabs F to J [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    Ta F BETWEEN J U STICE IAN BINNIE Interviewer AND MILTON WEIR I nterviewee Date of I nterview: 1 9 Ju ly 20 1 2 Place: John Wickliffe House, Duned in Attendees Annabel Markham (Crown Law Office) INTERVIEW OF MILTON WEI R ( IN RESPECT OF C LAIM FOR COMPENSATIO N BY DAVID CULLEN BAIN) BINNIE J : Good morn ing M r Weir. M R WEIR: Good morning. 5 BINNIE J : Thank you for coming, I appreciate it. I have here a bible and if you wou ld swear in answer to the q

  7. Cabinet paper - Summary of policies Cabinet minutes - Exposure draft Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill [pdf, 6 MB]

    IN-CONFIDENCE 1 In Confidence Office of the Minister of Justice Chair, Cabinet Business Committee 2020 Cannabis referendum: Exposure draft Bill and Summary of policies for public release Proposal 1. The decision on whether or not to legalise and regulate cannabis for personal use is an important one that has implications for New Zealand as a society, and for our communities. The Government is committed to a well-informed cannabis referendum, to ensure a definitive r

  8. 2020 Cannabis Referendum Public Release 27 April 2021 [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    IN-CONFIDENCE 1 In Confidence Office of the Minister of Justice Chair, Cabinet Business Committee 2020 Cannabis referendum: Exposure draft Bill and Summary of policies for public release Proposal 1. The decision on whether or not to legalise and regulate cannabis for personal use is an important one that has implications for New Zealand as a society, and for our communities. The Government is committed to a well-informed cannabis referendum, to ensure a definitive r

  9. David Bain report of Hon Ian Binnie QC on compensation claim [pdf, 1.1 MB]

                      REPORT FOR THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE   ON COMPENSATION CLAIM BY DAVID CULLEN BAIN   BY HON IAN BINNIE QC  30 August 2012       ‐ ii ‐  Table of Contents    MANDATE AND METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 1  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................

  10. Notification-of-applications-that-have-not-been-finally-determined-over-6-months-old-30-November-2020.pdf [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...12/09/2018 ss30I(1)(b) and 30(1)(b)/93 - An application for review of a determination made at 141 Waikato MB 271-291 (26 November 2009) and an order appointing the Ngati Paoa Trust Board as the appropriate representative for Ngati Paoa in relation to the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Act 2002. 31(1)/93,30/93 Ngati Paoa Iwi Trust 3. Awaiting Client Action or Information A20180007018 19/09/2018 CJ 2018/27 - Tamakana Haitana - and succession orders made at 59 Waikato...