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  1. Court-imposed fines: survey of Judges [pdf, 509 KB] payment. In other words where collections are really onto making an arrangement and ensuring that it is kept and having some ability to follow-up and demand that the person come back to court if they miss out. Again that’s going to require huge resources and I think impractical. Other suggestions included: …remission of fines is something that can only be done by a Judge and I think that there could be appropriate senior staff within the Department who could undertake that sort of wo...

  2. September 2015 National Pānui [pdf, 286 KB]

    ...Russell, Joseph Te Kani & Anaru Pere with Kay Pere & Thomas Witana as Trustees A20150004211 181/93 Chief Executive, Gisborne District Council Ruaohinetu 18 – Notice to owners of Mäori Land - Abatement Notice under section 324 of the Resource Management Act 1991 A20150004148 86/93 Deputy Registrar Te Whänau-A-Rarawa Whänau Trust - Amendment of Court records A20150004269 239/93 Annette Hakiwai The Whakaki Lake Trust - Replace Trevor Waikawa with Angela Smith as trustee A...

  3. [2014] NZEmpC 231 Premier Events Group Ltd and Anor v Beattie and Ors [pdf, 685 KB]

    ...arrangements. This was initially and principally through the NZOC which was originally the only source of tickets to Olympic events but also, in the commercial world, as a result of his relationships with Toyota, AusPost and Australian mining and resources conglomerate, BHP Billiton (BHP). [71] In June 2003 Messrs Beattie and Gill incorporated PEGL in which they (in Mr Gill’s case through what was effectively his investment company, CPGL) were the initial equal shareholders. PEG...

  4. De Wet v North Shore City Council [pdf, 323 KB]

    ...had been used in respect of unit 18B. 6.29. There was some evidence and discussion about the time for application of the March 1995 Plaster Systems Duraplast system detail. Mr Grigg had been unable to find it amongst his firm's library resources. Plaster Systems were unable to give clear evidence as to when the detail was distributed or would have been available to the respective plasterers at 18 Manu Place. The approval from BRANZ to the 1995 Duraplast detail is dated...

  5. Teina Pora compensation claim innocence report [pdf, 9 MB]

    ...Wright St Clair concluded:10 "I suggest that no further action be taken in relation to Teina Pora as a suspect or investigating further the false information and conspiracy by Paula and her three Aunties. There has already been enough Police resources wasted in relation to this matter." A Police job sheet made soon afterwards recorded that "it appears the McLaughlins are still orchestrating rumours to "fit" Teina Pora".l1 8 Statement of Paula Margaret Pa...

  6. Proactive release - Security Information in Proceedings Legislation Bill.pdf [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    © Crown Copyright, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Hon Kris Faafoi Minister of Justice Proactive release – Security Information in Proceedings Legislation Bill Date of issue: 7 December 2021 The following documents have been proactively released. Some information has been withheld on the basis that it would not, if requested under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), be released. Where that is the case, the relevant section of the OIA has been note

  7. Dotcom v Crown Law Office [2018] NZHRRT 7 [pdf, 944 KB]

    ...your client may appreciate, given the scope, nature and duration of the interaction between the Crown and its agencies and Mr Dotcom, the information described in your request will run to a very substantial number of documents. Given the available resources, it is anticipated that to comply with the request as currently stated, including locating and making any necessary decisions under Part 4 of the Privacy Act, will take many months. 6. Having regard to the very limited informatio...

  8. Child and youth offending statistics in New Zealand 1992 to 2007 [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...of offences. Charge and case numbers can also be affected by legislative and administrative changes, technical adjustments to the collection and enumeration of offence data, as well as alterations in the availability and prioritisation of Police resources for detecting and investigating offences. For these reasons, changes in the number of criminal charges and cases processed by the courts do not necessarily reflect real changes in the volume of criminal behaviour. Also, it should be...

  9. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 1 [pdf, 451 KB]

    Research on the effectiveness of Police practice in reducing residential burglary Report 1 Surveys of household burglary Part One (2002): Four Police Areas and national data compared Sue Triggs December 2005 2 Research on the effectiveness of Police practice in reducing residential burglary Report 1: Surveys of Household Burglary part one (2002): Four Police Areas and national data compared, Dr Sue Triggs, Ministry of Justice, 2005. Report 2: Surveys of Household Burglary part two: F

  10. Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill Exposure Draft for Referendum [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...activity sought; and (f) the entity has nominated 1 or more individuals to be responsible persons, being individuals who are eligible under section 75; and (g) 1 or more directors or partners of the entity have the expertise, and the entity has the resources,— (i) to comply with the obligations this Act and the regulations made under it impose on the holder of a licence for the types of licensed activity sought; and (ii) to carry out the types of licensed activity for which the licence is...