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  1. NZCVS Cycle 4 - Section 4 - Who is experiencing crime [xlsx, 816 KB]

    ...and sampling error 4.9c Trespass by selected two-dimensional demographic factors – Pooled data (Cycle 1–Cycle 4) – Estimates and sampling error 1 New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey (NZCVS) Key findings – Cycle 4 (2020/21) (available at Resources and results) Enquiries Contact us for further information about these and related statistics Suggested citation Ministry of Justice. 2022. New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey. Key findings Cycle 4. Section 4: Who is experiencin...

  2. NZCVS Cycle 5 Who experience v3 [xlsx, 825 KB]

    ...factors – Sampling error 29 Fraud and deception offences by demographic factors – Pooled data (Cycle 1–Cycle 5) – Estimates and sampling error 1 New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey (NZCVS) Key findings – Cycle 5 (2021/22) (available at Resources and results) Enquiries Contact us for further information about these and related statistics Suggested citation Ministry of Justice. 2023. New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey. Key findings Cycle 5. Who is experiencing crime? [...

  3. NZCVS-Cycle-5-Who-experience-v2 [xlsx, 821 KB]

    ...factors – Sampling error 29 Fraud and deception offences by demographic factors – Pooled data (Cycle 1–Cycle 5) – Estimates and sampling error 1 New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey (NZCVS) Key findings – Cycle 5 (2021/22) (available at Resources and results) Enquiries Contact us for further information about these and related statistics Suggested citation Ministry of Justice. 2023. New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey. Key findings Cycle 5. Who is experiencing crime? [...

  4. NZCVS-Cycle-5-Who-experience.xlsx [xlsx, 821 KB]

    ...factors – Sampling error 29 Fraud and deception offences by demographic factors – Pooled data (Cycle 1–Cycle 5) – Estimates and sampling error 1 New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey (NZCVS) Key findings – Cycle 5 (2021/22) (available at Resources and results) Enquiries Contact us for further information about these and related statistics Suggested citation Ministry of Justice. 2023. New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey. Key findings Cycle 5. Who is experiencing crime? [...

  5. Proactive release - Evidence to inform a regulated cannabis market [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    ...cannabis regulation on justice systems in overseas jurisdictions. It is important to note the ongoing presence of racial disparities in these statistics. Finally, while not present in the baseline due to the challenge in estimating the current use of resources in cannabis production, international evidence on post-regulation impacts on the environment are noted in the natural capital section. 8

  6. West & Anor as Trustees of the Christine West Family Trust v Perry [pdf, 769 KB] warmer weather and heating in colder weather. The health of both trustees has been affected by the stress of living in the building and by the presence of fungi. We have been warned the fungi are damaging to our health. We do not have the resources to live elsewhere. The trust will have great difficulty in meeting any other costs involved in the process. The trust cannot afford legal representation on a full time basis and is using all its time and resources to advance this...

  7. Waitangi Tribunal theme L - Trust administration of Māori reserves [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...regular balance sheet information for each province, this form of evidence on its own is of limited use. As a result, we must rely on varying examples of administration. One historian has argued that: 'Because the government did not have the resources to administer the reserves, their administration was placed under local commissioners without any attempt at detailed supervision.' 12 This tends to oversimplify matters. Certainly, Government resources were limited in the early...

  8. The needs of Pacific peoples when they are victims of crime [pdf, 647 KB]

    ...was then agreed for the face-to-face interview. Although some researchers managed to set a time for the interview over the telephone, this was not a guarantee that the participants would be available for the interview. This was very time consuming and resources were wasted following up participants who eventually declined to participate. Hence, the most effective method of recruitment for this study was the use of the researchers’ own networks through family, church and some Pacific Social...

  9. Review of the Delivery of Restorative Justice in Family Violence Cases by Providers funded by the Ministry of Justice [pdf, 602 KB]

    by Venezia Kingi, Judy Paulin and Laurie Porima Crime and Justice Research Centre Victoria University of Wellington May 2008 Review of the Delivery of Restorative Justice in Family Violence Cases by Providers funded by the Ministry of Justice Contents Acknowledgements............................................................................................................................i Executive summary.........................

  10. NZ Law Commission review of the law of Trusts [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    REVIEW OF THE LAW OF TRUSTS November 2010, Wellington, New Zealand | R E P O R T 1 1 9 A TRUSTS ACT FOR NEW ZEALAND August 2013, Wellington, New Zealand | R E P O R T 1 3 0 E31(130) August 2013, Wellington, New Zealand | REPORT 130 REVIEW OF THE LAW OF TRUSTS A TRUSTS ACT FOR NEW ZEALAND The Law Commission is an independent, publicly funded, central advisory body established by statute to undertake the systematic review, reform and development of the law of New Zealand