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  1. [2021] NZEmpC 186 Restaurant Brands Ltd v Gill [pdf, 349 KB]

    ...form). An applicant would therefore need to engage with his or her employer to have the form completed. Mr Gill did so on this occasion. [12] RBL was well used to meeting such requests from its staff. Accordingly, on 3 February 2017, a human resources administrator forwarded the necessary documentation to Mr Gill. It included confirmation of Mr Gill’s employment by RBL, a copy of his IEA, a copy of the letter of offer of employment, a copy of his position description, and...

  2. Appendix One to Cabinet Paper Reforming the Privacy Act 1993 [pdf, 378 KB]

    ...currently preformed by the Director. Reject. The primary conciliation role of the Commissioner is maintained, and the continued separation of compliance and litigation functions ensures that parties can freely engage in conciliation Prosecutorial resources and expertise will not need to be duplicated in OPC. 61 The chairperson of the Human Rights Review Tribunal should be a judge at the level of a District Court Judge. Reject. No evidence that previous chairs have been subject...

  3. Stewart v Manu Ariki Marae Reservation Trust - Manu Ariki Maori Reservation (2021) 436 Aotea MB 209 (436 AOT 209) [pdf, 501 KB]

    ...Phillips carried out his healing, which attracted his 14 Barlow v Phillips, above n 1, at [65]. 15 Barlow v Phillips, above n 1, at [70]. 16 Barlow v Phillips, above n 1, at [76]-[80]. 436 Aotea MB 226 supporters, and they then provided resources to assist him to build the marae complex at Manu Ariki. I consider that during his lifetime he was a charismatic figure who influenced many people to join the Society and to seek to bring to fruition the vision he promoted for ho...

  4. [2017] NZEmpC 115 Schollum and Hastings v Corporate Consumables Ltd [pdf, 598 KB]

    ...2015 the company’s South Island Manager, George Morris, was approached by a South Island employee, Jill Brothwell, who was also concerned about her holiday pay. [112] Mr Morris arranged for his wife, Irene Morris, who has a background in human resources, to make inquiries about holiday pay. She did so and in an email to Mr Morris of 2 March 2015 reported having spoken to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Mrs Morris reported that payment for annual holidays inc...

  5. [2023] NZEmpC 57 New Zealand Steel Ltd v Haddad [pdf, 444 KB]

    ...Project Manager role for Pacific Steel was under offer. Mr Haddad noted his concern that he had not even had a chance to be interviewed for these roles. 29 His previous application was by way of an email as opposed to a letter. 30 A human resources practitioner in another team within NZ Steel. 31 Twelve days after Mr Haddad had expressed an interest in the roles. [107] The next day, on 24 October 2019, Ms Toeke and Mr Johnson met with Mr Haddad, confirming that the...

  6. [2024] NZSSAA 12 (5 September 2024) [pdf, 405 KB]

    ...properly; and it is appropriate to take the payment of the arrears when received into account when determining current benefit entitlements. The outcome is consistent with the purpose in s 3(c) which provides that where appropriate, alternative resources available to them must be exhausted before resorting to the social security system. XXXX’s backdated weekly compensation was not available when past supplementary assistance was received, but is available for current benefit...

  7. Tranche 1 of Cabinet and Ministerial advice on changes to clubs and ranges regulations [pdf, 13 MB] comply with range standing orders approved by a governing body. This would be a lighter- touch regulatory approach and would be similar to the position with pistol clubs before the recent legislative changes. 124. This would require significant resource to negotiate agreements with the 10 to 12 national shooting associations, and individually with the range operators who are not affiliated to a club or association. The burden could be exacerbated if the agreement with the national sho...

  8. Appendix-1-Nelson-Courthouse-Initial-Seismic-Assessment-Holmes-February-2025.pdf [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...particular brief given to WP. No other entity or person shall use or rely upon this report, or any of WP’s work products without prior review and written agreement by us. This memorandum is for information only and is not intended for design or resource / building consent. WP’s services consist of professional opinions and conclusions developed in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. There is no other warranty, either expressed or...

  9. Applying-be-a-Legal-Aid-Provider-Step-by-Step-Guide-Feb-2025 [pdf, 655 KB]

    ...Queenstown) Please note that specialist courts (such as the Young Adult List and Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court) may require defence counsel to follow alternate processes. You must complete any applicable inductions and review any required resources before you can participate in those courts. Please refer to the Ministry of Justice website for up-to-date information about the specialist courts. Parole Board approval Parole Board approval is granted for proceedings before the New...

  10. Technical report of Parenting Hearings programme pilot [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...Technical Report Process issues – scheduling (15 minutes) I’m now going to ask some specific questions about the PHP process, what you think works well and what could be improved. One of the big issues is how courts have managed the scheduling of resources for the PHP pilot. How has this worked for you? Have there been any problems? Have they been resolved? How have they been resolved? Are there differences for Track A and Track B cases? Check: clarify issues at different sta...