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  1. [2015] NZEmpC 34 Rodkiss v Carter Holt Harvey Ltd [pdf, 349 KB]

    ...of his KAs throughout the year, achieving on or slightly above target. [62] Mr Walker suggested that Mr Rodkiss sign the PIP noting on it a caveat that it was subject to detailed debate with someone like Mr Gary Andrews, the Human Resources Operations Manager, or Ms Kate Lyon, the People Development Manager, when they were next in Nelson. Mr Rodkiss told the two men that he would not be signing the PIP that day but he would take it away to consider what words he would...

  2. [2014] NZEmpC 189 H v A Ltd [pdf, 349 KB]

    ...interviewing them. On the same day, aware that a complaint was being lodged, Mr H prepared a summary of the events which he submitted to management later in the process. [30] Mr Pearce met first with Ms H on 23 August 2013. Ms R Chapman, a Human Resources Consultant, also attended and took a note of the questions asked and answers given. The same process was adopted with regards to all witnesses other than Mr H as will be explained more fully below. [31] On the same day, Mr P...

  3. Children and young people with charges finalised in the Youth Court December 2019 [xlsx, 293 KB]

    ...G., Kingi V., Robertson J., Morris A., Cunningham C. (2004). Achieving Effective Outcomes in Youth Justice: Final Report. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available from:

  4. Justice Sector forecast 2011 to 2021 [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...Page 12 Figure 2: District Court committal cases: inflow We have also looked specifically at those cases involving Crown Solicitors. These tend to be the more serious cases and, though small in number, have a significant impact on sector resources. Table 4, Figure 3 and Figure 4 give the projected changes in the inflow of cases to Crown Law, and in the number of cases the agency has on hand at a given time. The pattern of this second quantity is different due to the differen...

  5. BSA Text messages trial Final Report [pdf, 937 KB]

    ...we sent each of the three different text messages, but we varied the time slots when they were sent (see Appendix 3 for the text-message schedule). We decided to not send equal numbers of text messages at each time slot, to make the process less resource intensive and to limit opportunities for human error. However, the batches of each type of text message sent were equal distributed over the course of the trial (see Table 1). Outcome measures We looked at the occurrence of three...

  6. Recommendations Recap Issue 18 [pdf, 736 KB]

    ...NZTA and find it useful to have the process and thresholds documented formally. Such documentation makes it easier for both doctor and patient to understand what is required. Should reporting to the NZTA become mandatory, we would expect the resources provided to GPs would also need to be updated – and that this will be done in such a way to make clear that the GP’s decision is based on clear criteria, and that they are required to report their decision to the NZTA....

  7. Survey on public attitudes towards the physical discipline of children [pdf, 449 KB]

    ...agencies and academic researchers. The use of physical discipline on children is an issue that generates considerable interest and debate. While the survey was primarily commissioned to inform policy advice to Government, it is also available as a resource to others who have an interest in this issue. The survey findings provide a valuable insight into New Zealanders’ current attitudes towards parenting practice and the use of physical discipline. Belinda Clark Secretary for Justice iv...

  8. BORA Public Health Bill [pdf, 617 KB]

    ...respect to non-compliance with a requisition offence, we consider that this offence is aimed at ensuring that in the event of an emergency the relevant authorities have access to the things needed to manage the emergency even when the Crown's resources are not able to cope with the situation. These are all significant and important objectives. 226. With respect to the regulatory offences, the limit placed on the right to be presumed innocent is justified. In reaching this conclusion...

  9. Pinnock & Ors as Trustees of the Pinnock Trust v Auckland City Council [2011] NZWHT Auckland 28 [pdf, 373 KB]

    ...a study, a new internal garage and a guest bedroom and bathroom. [6] They initially engaged Richard Lamborne to design the additions. David Wood, the second respondent, was subsequently engaged to complete the design work and to obtain resource and building consent. Mr Wood was also engaged to administer the contract during the early stages of construction. [7] On 3 June 1999 Dr and Mrs Pinnock took over administration from Mr Wood but indicated they would continue t...

  10. Children and young people with charges finalised in any court December 2019 [xlsx, 301 KB]

    ...G., Kingi V., Robertson J., Morris A., Cunningham C. (2004). Achieving Effective Outcomes in Youth Justice: Final Report. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development. Available from: