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  1. BORA Evidence Bill [pdf, 406 KB]

    ...Templeman, stating:[14] [T]he privilege against self-incrimination is in need of radical reappraisal. It is however deeply embedded in English law and can only be removed or moderated by Parliament. 31. He went on to say: Criminal financial fraud on a vast scale has emerged as a threat to the financ...

  2. LCRO 174/2013 ZF v H BU and G BU [pdf, 252 KB]

    ...during the period of time from October 2011 to 21 January 2012 I was fully engaged in retrieving from the electronic record and compiling an extensive submission on another case, particulars of which the LCS was aware and because of my limited personal resources I could not devote time to the BU Complaint; • The more particulars of this particular point and the manner in which I was handicapped will be recorded in the said substantive papers that will shortly be filed herein; • Th...

  3. Elhassan v Webby [2022] NZHRRT 27 [pdf, 313 KB]

    ...and is able to make a conditional order as sought here. He submitted that if the Tribunal did not make this order, there is a real chance he will be left without access to an effective remedy in respect of the $400 bond money as he did not have the resources or expertise to enforce the Disputes Tribunal order, nor did the Office of Human Rights Proceedings have the ability to act for him to enforce that order. [76] The Tribunal refuses to make the order sought by Mr Elhassan in respect...

  4. Welcome-Guide-Information-for-court-and-tribunal-interpreters-v5.docx [docx, 1.7 MB]

    ...qualifications and training · delivering interpreter services in courts and tribunals · how the Ministry will manage ongoing quality improvement for the interpreter service. We expect you to be familiar with the quality framework. It can be a useful resource to check if you are unsure of how to manage any situation that arises. If anyone asks you to behave in a way that contradicts the standards in the quality framework you can let them know what the quality framework says, and that you are...

  5. Ali v Wang [2015] NZIACDT 2 (22 January 2015) [pdf, 256 KB]

    ...decisions of this Tribunal. The usual point of difficulty is identifying what is controllable. Proper control often requires that a professional person maintain reasonable practices to ensure the proper supervision over employees and 10 resources within a practice. Regardless, there are occasions when professional persons are blameless victims of deception, or other circumstances, and that will not trigger professional disciplinary consequences. [57] In this case, Mr Wang s...

  6. Taueki v Horowhenua 11 Part Reservation Trust - Horowhenua 11 (Lake) Block (2016) 347 Aotea MB 269 (347 AOT 269) [pdf, 354 KB]

    ...examine whether Mr Taueki has satisfied any of those subsections. [21] At first blush, the application could only succeed under s 19(1)(a), 19(1)(b) or 19(1)(d) of the Act. This is because s 19(1)(c) refers to the unauthorised removal of natural resources, which is not relevant in the present circumstances. Section 19(1)(a) allows the Court to grant an injunction where there is actual or threatened “trespass” or “other injury” to any Māori freehold land, Māori reservation...

  7. Regulatory Impact Statement Regulatory Regime for the new Alcohol Laws [pdf, 254 KB] pay, and their level of responsibility (outlined in more detail in the following section). Assessment of offender’s abi l i ty to pay and level of responsibil i ty 27. The proposals take into account young peoples’ limited financial resources, potential non-payment, subsequent escalation, and potential additional costs for the young person and the criminal justice system. If an unpaid fee is lodged with the Court it immediately incurs a $30 filing fee and there is a potenti...

  8. [2015] NZEmpC 150 Burrowes v Commissioner of Police [pdf, 224 KB]

    ...employment relationship and because employees may in certain cases be motivated in part by the desire for vindication. As this Court has previously said a “steely” approach is required. It has been repeatedly emphasised that the scarce resources of the Courts should not be burdened by litigants who choose to reject reasonable settlement offers, proceed with litigation and then fail to achieve any more than was previously offered. Where defendants have acted reasonably in su...

  9. When someone dies suddenly guide [pdf, 533 KB]

    ...and financial family and whānau arrangements. The CIDG investigation can take many months. Genetic tests take about two to three months. Organising the clinics and all the cardiac tests sometimes takes longer, depending on the health service resources and where family and whānau members are located. Do family and whānau members have to take part? No. This is a clinical service designed to help people find a cause of death for their family and whānau member, and to assess whet...

  10. MOJ0047 When somebody dies suddenly guide [pdf, 533 KB]

    ...and financial family and whānau arrangements. The CIDG investigation can take many months. Genetic tests take about two to three months. Organising the clinics and all the cardiac tests sometimes takes longer, depending on the health service resources and where family and whānau members are located. Do family and whānau members have to take part? No. This is a clinical service designed to help people find a cause of death for their family and whānau member, and to assess whet...