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  1. [2017] NZEmpC 157 Johnston v The Fletcher Construction Co Ltd [pdf, 375 KB]

    ...bundles of documents, and the preparation and filing of written submissions) which will inevitably be replicated if the matter proceeds to an adversarial hearing in the Court. Litigants have an interest in where their (generally limited) financial resources are applied. This factor seems to me to have particular relevance in the context of a statutory scheme which provides for de novo challenges, conferring on dissatisfied parties the right to start from scratch again in the Court...

  2. [2018] NZEmpC 43 A Labour Inspector v Smiths City Group Ltd [pdf, 503 KB]

    ...alcohol, could not have visitors without prior permission and was not to disturb residents during the night. He could only engage in a very limited range of other activities. His privacy was limited and he did not have access to the comforts and resources of his home. [35] The remaining two factors also indicated sleepover was work. The Court held that the greater and more extensive the responsibilities placed on the employee the more likely the period was work.12 Mr Dickson€...

  3. Parininihi Ki Waitotara Incorporation- Section 53 Block IX, Opunake Survey District (2005) 159 Aotea MB 146 (159 AOT 146) [pdf, 1.2 MB] proceeds are in fact needed to enable the incorporation to purchase new land. This is even more apparent when the Court considers the significant income streams now flowing into PI(W and the size of its investment portfolio. PI(W has mnple resources to enable it to implement the Land Management Plan without the need to pern1anently alienate ancestrallm1ds that originally belonged to particular Taranaki hapu; (d) those hapu had already suffered debilitating land loss through con...

  4. Provider Manual for legal aid providers - DELETE [pdf, 415 KB]

    ...( 8 Providing legal aid Grants Handbook The Grants Handbook is a useful resource that sets out our policies relating to legal aid in detail. Use the grants handbook to learn more about legal aid applications, eligibility, assignment, reassignments, fees, payments and more. We encourage y...

  5. [2020] NZREADT 38 - Barfoot v Real Estate Agents Authority (26 August 2020) [pdf, 285 KB]

    ...which include protecting the interests of consumers in promoting public confidence in the performance of real estate agency work are to be achieved, agencies and their managers such as the appellants in this case must put the necessary time and resources into providing supervision and training which has a meaningful result. That would include identifying cases where a junior salesperson such as Ms Feng is carrying out their role without having a proper understanding of what they are...

  6. LCRO 10/2018 DO v ABC & Body Corporate (30 August 2019) [pdf, 274 KB]

    ...other two of the affected units had paid the body corporate’s demands. 2 Body Corporate v [CDE] [Year NZHC XXXX]. 3 [13] In the course of his judgment the High Court judge noted that on the face of it the litigation had not justified the legal resource expended. He did, however, recognise that the body corporate had seen it as in its longer-term interest to obtain a definitive ruling on the point of law raised. The 30 March 2017 AGM [14] As of 30 March 2017, the appeal by th...

  7. OIA-113556.pdf [pdf, 7.8 MB]

    ...crime is being driven by organised crime, people stealing to fund their addiction, and young people committing destructive acts to gain notoriety on social media. 5. In its letter, Retail NZ emphasises the importance of: 5.1. greater levels of Police resourcing to deal with retail crime; 5.2. reducing the court backlog so that there are adequate deterrence tools; 5.3. more effective mechanisms to respond to and support children involved in retail crime; 5.4. creating specific offences fo...

  8. Peake v Accident Compensation Corporation [2024] NZACC 134 (6 August 2024) [pdf, 326 KB]

    ...treatment. (2) Treatment injury does not include the following kinds of personal injury: (a) personal injury that is wholly or substantially caused by a person's underlying health condition: (b) personal injury that is solely attributable to a resource allocation decision: (c) personal injury that is a result of a person unreasonably withholding or delaying their consent to undergo treatment. (3) The fact that the treatment did not achieve a desired result does not, of itself...

  9. Summary of submissions: Regulations to give effect to the new alcohol laws [pdf, 591 KB]

    ...agreement with the proposals. 74. Seven submitters proposed that the fees relating to young people should be raised to between $500 and the maximum $1000. This has not been progressed as the proposals take into account young peoples’ limited financial resources, potential non-payment, subsequent escalation, and potential additional costs for the young person and the criminal justice system. If an unpaid fee is lodged with the court it immediately incurs a $30 filing fee and there is...

  10. [2013] NZEmpC 238 AsiaCiti Trust NZ Ltd v Harris [pdf, 159 KB]

    ...authority on trusts in New Zealand. [28] Ms Willis referred to contact Ms Harris had with apparent senior employees of the five key trust clients of Asiaciti. Mention was also made of the presentations Ms Harris had prepared using Asiaciti’s resources. The fear was that she would consider continuing work with these clients after leaving her employment with Asiaciti. Both Ms Harris and also Ms Meha, however, put this into a different context when they considered the line of au...