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8518 items matching your search terms

  1. Taueki - Horowhenua XIB41 North A3A and 3B1 (2007) 193 Aotea MB 232 (193 AOT 232) [pdf, 4.1 MB] and tangata whenua in relation to the effects of farming on the environment, taonga and waahi tapu. Despite this infol1nation local and regional authorities continue to fail to properly plan and provide for the use and development of resources to ensure that any filliher degradation can be avoided, remedied or mitigated. The failure to provide properly for these matters has resulted in serious negative cultural effects to tangata whenua, effects that threaten their relatio...

  2. IPT 2020-21 Annual Report [pdf, 520 KB]

    ...the Tribunal’s work, in the interests of promoting greater accountability, awareness and understanding. The Tribunal maintained its website database of searchable, published decisions of the Tribunal (with abstracts), which provided a valuable resource for Tribunal members, higher courts, counsel, representatives, appellants and the wider public. Whereas in earlier court years, there was a significant backlog in the preparation of abstracts (synopses) of Tribunal decisions, the...

  3. [2010] NZEmpC 88 Coy v Commissioner of Police [pdf, 67 KB]

    ...2003 for access to her medical records. She says she declined this request and instructed her doctor not to release any information without her express prior approval. [20] In late July 2003 the plaintiff says that Mike Dodge, the then human resources manager for the police in Christchurch, requested that the plaintiff furnish a report from Mr Dugdale as part of her rehabilitation process. She agreed that this would happen and attended at Mr Dugdale’s clinic for this purpose. M...

  4. NZCVS 2023 Cycle 6 Who is experiencing crime [xlsx, 91 KB]

    ...sample and a Māori booster sample that aimed to increase sample size for Māori. Information on the number of interviews completed from each sample is provided below. Refer to the NZCVS methodology report for further details about the survey, found at resources and results. NZCVS sample time periods and sample composition Period of data collection Time period covered by data Main sample size (response rate) Māori booster sample size (response rate) Total sample size (response...

  5. Implementation for Drivers of Crime investment package for alcohol and other drug assessments and interventions [pdf, 221 KB]

    ...Improving the Transition report, May 2011, states: “a key challenge is to ensure that all programmes are appropriately monitored to ensure they are effective and cost effective within the New Zealand context, allowing better use of scarce public resources” [Office of the Prime Minister’s Science Advisory Committee. May 2011. Improving the Transition; Reducing Social and Psychological Morbidity during Adolescence. Auckland: Office of the Prime Minister’s Science Advisory Committee...

  6. [2022] NZACC 163 – Harvey v ACC (22 August 2022) [pdf, 305 KB]

    ...construed or interpreted and applied to the facts is a question of law … . [25] Even if the qualifying criteria are made out, the Court has an extensive discretion in the grant or refusal of leave so as to ensure proper use of scarce judicial resources. Leave is not to be granted as a matter of course. One factor in the grant of leave is the wider importance of any contended point of law … . [28] Section 20 of the Act sets out the circumstances in which a person will have cov...

  7. Proactive release - Strengthening the Family Court [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...These reforms intended to encourage individual responsibility and shift the focus from in-court resolution, to encouraging parents to reach agreement themselves through out-of- court processes. The reforms aimed to enable the Family Court to focus its resources on serious and urgent applications that were not suitable for out-of-court resolution. One of the most significant changes was the removal, for fiscal reasons, of legal representation and legal aid in the early stages of on-notice CoCA p...

  8. Martelli v The Real Estate Agents Authority CAC (409) NZREADT 23 [pdf, 240 KB]

    ...In order to comply with the rules it is obvious that effective and reliable administrative systems are required to diary the expiry of authorities. It is expected that licensees will not only understand that but will also have the ability and resources to ensure that their in-house systems are effective to achieve the required outcome. [75] It is possible that a situation could occur where a licensee suddenly and unexpectedly becomes vulnerable in this area because of unexpected oc...

  9. Wirihana-Tawake v Kauika-Stevens - Rangitatau 1D5A1 Takirau Marae (2021) 434 Aotea MB 114 (434 AOT 114) [pdf, 313 KB]

    ...nature of the disputes between Mr Wirihana-Tawake and Mr Kauika-Stevens are not issues that can properly be resolved by any Court of law. At its heart, this is a personal dispute between two close relatives over the management and use of a whānau resource; in this instance a whānau homestead. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon situation. As I foreshadowed in my 2014 judgment, it is unlikely that the original tipuna of both parties could ever have foreseen that what was intend...

  10. 2020-09-18-EPA-PC1-PC8-Summary-of-Submissions-Report-UPDATED.pdf [pdf, 685 KB]

    ...September 2020 │ Status: Final │ Project No.: 310003192 │ Our ref: rOmnibusPlanChangeSumm_Fnl v2.docx Page 1 1. Introduction On 8 April 2020, the Minister for the Environment issued a direction under section 142(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) to call in the Otago Regional Council’s Omnibus Plan Change and refer it to the Environment Court for decision. The Omnibus Plan Change, also known as the Water Quality Plan Change, comprises: Plan Change...