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  1. [2015] NZEmpC 214 Goel v Director-General for Primary Industries [pdf, 135 KB]

    ...[11] Mr Goel said in evidence that he received good performance reviews throughout his two years of service. His last report, for July 2012, was produced. In answer to a question from the Court, Mr Luke Southorn, MPI's Director of Human Resources (HR), summarised the report as indicating, "somebody who is making good progress, having not yet reached what I'd call performing the role to the full requirements of the job." [12] In his evidence, Mr Stewart noted...

  2. Te Manutukutuku 80 [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...huarahi Māori. Judge Thomas is a strong advocate for the promotion of te reo Māori and has been passionate in her pursuit to ensure that the language is recognised and used in the law. She is the co­ author of the book Kia Kākano Rua te Ture, a resource designed to assist legal practitioners in the use of te reo Māori. Judge Thomas was also one of the members of the Māori Lawyers Association responsible for the com­ mencement of Te Kura Rōia, a full immersion reo Māori cours...

  3. [2018] NZEmpC 147 Amcor Flexibles (NZ) Ltd v Gillan [pdf, 403 KB]

    ...such as patting himself, pacing and looking restless. [33] Based on this history Dr Obele provided her report on 5 November 2015. There was some controversy about it, because of an exchange of emails she had with a member of Amcor’s human resources team, in which an attempt was made to restrict its length. In the end nothing turns on that exchange, because Dr Obele insisted she would write a detailed report and did so. [34] In this report Dr Obele stated the need for a s...

  4. 2021-05-21 Appendix 10 to 4-6 May JWS [pdf, 908 KB]

    ...ACTIVITY AND RESTRICTED DISCRETIONARY ACTIVITY RULES, AND OBJECTIVE 10A1.1 4 to 6 May 2021 Witness Party Roddy Henderson Otago Regional Council Simon Wilson Otago Regional Council Sean Leslie Otago Regional Council Ian McIndoe Otago Water Resource Users Group Matthew Hickey Otago Water Resource Users Group Christina Bright Landpro Ltd Lionel Hume Federated Farmers Anthony Davoren McArthur Ridge Vineyard Ltd, Mt Dunstan Estates Ltd and Strathclyde Water Limited This doc...

  5. E90 Graeme McIndoe - Urban Design - RE – Applicant [pdf, 967 KB]

    31092786_1.docx BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT I MUA I TE KOOTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ENV-2018-AKL-000078 IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) AND IN THE MATTER of the direct referral of applications for resource consent for the necessary infrastructure and related activities associated with holding the America's Cup in Auckland BETWEEN PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND Applicant AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL Regulatory Authority REBUTTAL...

  6. [2017] NZEmpC 96 Nisha v LSG Sky Chefs NZ Ltd Interlocutory judgment (No 23) [pdf, 246 KB] whether LSG Asia, or some other entity but not LSG NZ itself, “controlled the funding, directed and controlled these proceedings” on behalf of LSG NZ. [20] Thirdly, documents are sought that relate to whether Ms Park, Manager of Human Resources (HR) for LSG NZ, was authorised to make affidavits on its behalf. [21] Mr Hay’s application states that the application for further and better discovery should be determined after notices of opposition have been filed, but before...

  7. [2021] NZEmpC 112 Wanaka Pharmacy Ltd v McKay [pdf, 290 KB]

    ...were really holidays. Did Ms McKay work while on holiday? [25] Ms McKay says she was a full-time salaried employee who worked well over 40 to 50 hours per week. She undertook a wide range of roles and responsibilities including: (a) human resources/recruiter (Wanaka Sun and Wanaka Pharmacy); (b) payroll (Wanaka Sun and Wanaka Pharmacy); (c) social media manager (Wanaka Sun and Wanaka Pharmacy); (d) rostering Staff (Wanaka Pharmacy); (e) website editor (Wanaka Sun);...

  8. [2021] NZACC 21 - Pentecost v ACC (28 January 2021) [pdf, 231 KB]

    ...treatment. (2) Treatment injury does not include the following kinds of personal injury: (a) personal injury that is wholly or substantially caused by a person’s underlying health condition: (b) personal injury that is solely attributable to a resource allocation decision: (c) personal injury that is a result of a person unreasonably withholding or delaying their consent to undergo treatment. (3) The fact that the treatment did not achieve a desired result does not, of...

  9. Canterbury Westland Standards Committee v Simes [2012] NZLCDT 28 [pdf, 216 KB]

    ...inevitable that the charges would be found not proven by the Tribunal it was submitted. [25] The significant cost to Ms Simes in defending herself against the charges was also noted in her submissions to the Tribunal, including the impact on her resources given the modest profitability of her practice. It was said that the facts had shown that Ms Simes had applied herself conscientiously to ensuring her professional obligations were observed, and that as a consequence of the cha...

  10. 2022-02-11 Statement of Evidence of Samuel Thomas dated 11 February 2022 [pdf, 390 KB]

    IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI ROHE ENV-2020-CHC-128 UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) IN THE MATTER of the Omnibus Plan Change - Plan Change 8, being part of a proposal of national significance directed by the Minister for the Environment to be referred to the Environment Court under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA AND IN THE MATTER of an application under section 149T of the RMA...