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  1. Southland Standards Committee v Evans [2011] NZLCDT 38 [pdf, 129 KB]

    ...prepared to co-operate with any requirements which the Tribunal would impose. A former President of the Southland District Law Society, Mr Mee, also gave a detailed reference in support of the practitioner. [12] The practitioner’s financial resources are modest and clearly being unable to practice as a lawyer will involve further penalty being suffered by him. [13] However, it has often been pointed out that the primary purpose of the Tribunal’s imposition of penalties is not...

  2. Xi v Body Corporate 198693 (Costs) [2024] NZHRRT 19 [pdf, 170 KB]

    ...stay the sale order over her parents’ home.16 Ms Tao commenced this claim in an attempt to defer the implementation of decisions made in other jurisdictions. Her unmeritorious claim before this Tribunal resulted in the diversion of time and resources from the Body Corporate in defending a claim brought to defer other proceedings. [14.3] The duration of the hearing (and so the cost to the Body Corporate) was extended by Ms Tao’s frequently unfocussed submissions and cross exami...

  3. Affirmation of Mr Nicholas Head dated 9 December 2016 [pdf, 32 MB]

    IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT IN THE MATTER AND IN THE MATTER BETWEEN AND ENV-2016-CHC-071 of the Resource Management Act 1991 of an application for declarations under Part 12 of the Act ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE SOCIETY INCORPORATED Applicant MACKENZIE DISTRICT COUNCIL Respondent AFFIRMATION OF NICHOLAS JOHN HEAD ON BEHALF OF THE ROYAL FOREST AND BIRD PROTECTION SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND INC 9 December 2016 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc....

  4. LCRO - 2016 annual report [pdf, 389 KB]

    ...cases on hand. The ability of the Office to meet its statutory obligation to deal with the cases that come before it in an expeditious fashion continues to be of concern. Previous annual reports have identified the lack of sufficient judicial resource as the single biggest factor which has contributed to the backlog of cases steadily increasing over a number of years. The Office is staffed by three full-time Review Officers. Any realistic opportunity to make significant inroads...

  5. NZCVS Cycle 4 2020-21 Topical report - Controlling behaviours and help-seeking [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...Key findings. March 2023. Results drawn from Cycle 4 (2020/21) of the New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey. Wellington: Ministry of Justice. This document is available at data/nzcvs/resources-and-results/ Disclaimer 1. While all care and diligence has been taken in processing, analysing, and extracting data and information for this publication, the Ministry of Justice gives no warranty that it is error free and will n...

  6. LCRO 78/2019 EW v PT and AM (3 February 2021) [pdf, 142 KB]

    ...the Committee,6 as distinct from the Complaints Service itself. [30] Nevertheless, when looked at objectively, it was logical to separate Mr EW’s complaints in the manner adopted by the Complaints Service: • [Law Firm A] did not have the resources available to them to provide advice about leases or franchise agreements. • Mr AM referred Mr EW to Mr RD for that advice. • Mr RD’s firm was [Law Firm B]. • Mr RD provided separate terms of engagement. • Mr EW was...

  7. [2022] NZEmpC 222 Gumbeze v The Chief Executive of Oranga Tamariki [pdf, 225 KB]

    ...Relations Act 2000, s 189. [22] Assuming Mr Gumbeze knew that the relationship had ended, or was to end, on 14 June 2022 that leaves for consideration what steps he took from then until the end of the month. Mr Gumbeze has limited financial resources. He struggled to find a replacement lawyer in that time who was able to undertake work for the fee he could afford to pay. He did not, however, remain idle. He approached Waitematā Community Law Centre for advice and attemp...

  8. Intelligence and Security Act 2017 Review - Engagement report [pdf, 323 KB] on an online and digital engagement approach constrained public engagement. However, face-to-face meetings, hui and administering the survey in-person proved to be effective for public engagement. Content and methodology 9. Engagement resources covered high-level information about the Act and the review. The engagement sought public feedback on the three key areas listed in paragraph 6. 10. The engagement information was incorporated into the following materials: • w...

  9. Paraone-Kawiti v Maori Trustee - Pukahakaha East 5B [2013] Chief Judge's MB 354 (2013 CJ 354) [pdf, 203 KB]

    ...a person beneficially entitled to the property of this trust; (iii) The application made by the applicant is of benefit to other persons beneficially entitled under this Trust; 2013 Chief Judge's MB 360 (iv) The Trust has sufficient resources to do so; (v) The Court has done so in this matter before;4 (vi) Notwithstanding that the Chief Judge has already directed that such applications are made to the Milori Land Court, this proceeding has by adjournment been further de...

  10. Intelligence and Security Act 2017 Review Engagement report [pdf, 323 KB] on an online and digital engagement approach constrained public engagement. However, face-to-face meetings, hui and administering the survey in-person proved to be effective for public engagement. Content and methodology 9. Engagement resources covered high-level information about the Act and the review. The engagement sought public feedback on the three key areas listed in paragraph 6. 10. The engagement information was incorporated into the following materials: • w...