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8518 items matching your search terms

  1. NZ government response to Law Commission report [pdf, 78 KB]

    ...recommendations and report back. Once this work is completed, the Government will form a final view on all of the Law Commission’s recommendations. Because of the significant number of substantive recommendations, this work will take considerable project resources and the timing for the report back and a new Trusts Act will need to be balanced alongside other competing Government priorities. 3 Recommendations 50 and 51....

  2. Chief-Executive-Expenses-1-July-2022-30-June-2023-v2.xlsx [xlsx, 75 KB]

    Guidance for agencies Chief Executive Expense Disclosures: A Guide for Agency Staff The following is a summary from "Chief Executive Expense Disclosures: A Guide for Agency Staff": Please read that in full first. In the following worksheets, cells shaded light green require input. All other cells are locked to prevent change. Purpose The purpose of regular public disclosure of Chief Execu...

  3. Safe and Effective Justice Public Conversation [pdf, 1.2 MB] contribute to the shaping of the reform Critical success factors: ➢ The structure of the summit will be designed to maximise the collaboration between government, our communities and experts in the field both here and overseas. ➢ The resources and facilities of the summit will allow a diverse range of people to access information and work together to co-design and prototype ideas as they arise. Importantly, the summit is designed to capture this interaction and communicat...

  4. Millar v Ministry of Social Development (Referral back to Human Rights Commission) [2014] NZHRRT 45 [pdf, 42 KB]

    ...would appear that no or no real attempt has hitherto been made to engage with the mediation process offered by the Human Rights Commission. Before parties embark on what is likely to be substantial litigation involving the deployment of considerable resources, mediation should be attempted to either settle the case or to facilitate a better understanding of the opposing party’s case. This, in turn, will allow more focussed pleadings before the Tribunal and the avoidance of unnecessary...

  5. [2017] NZEnvC 081 Auckland-Council v Lau [pdf, 151 KB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT IN THE MATTER AND BETWEEN AND Decision No. [2017] NZEnvC o 'is I of the Resource Management Act 1991 of five applications for enforcement orders under s 316 of the Act AUCKLAND COUNCIL (ENV-2017-AKL-000067) (ENV-2017 -AKL-000068) (ENV-2017-AKL-000069) (ENV-2017 -AKL-000070) (ENV-2017 -AKL-000071) Applicant EE KUOH LAU (AUGUSTINE LAU) YINGQIU ZHANG YINGYUE ZHANG QIUFEN LU MEIJUAN CHEN JESUS (2016) COMPANY LIMITED XINWEN...

  6. Singh v Registrar of Immigration Advisers [2015] NZIACDT 65 (27 May 2015) [pdf, 119 KB]

    ...type of role is discussed in Brierley Investments Ltd v Bouzaid [1993] 3 NZLR 655 by the Court of Appeal. That case concerned the Commissioner of Inland Revenue, but makes the relevant observation an official in this position must take account of resources and selectively make decisions on what matters to pursue. [14] The Registrar was not required to undertake an exhaustive examination of any potential evidence. She reached the view Mr Singh’s complaint lacked substance; she was satis...

  7. MOJ Privacy Guidelines - IT self-assessment template [pdf, 401 KB]

    ...this assessment • You should complete this self-assessment if you deliver justice services for our Ministry, for example if you are a family violence, restorative justice or community law service provider etc. • It is a useful but optional resource for legal aid lawyers and one-off providers of court services (such as court report writers). • Assess your organisation against 28 data security measures that have been identified as realistic measures you can take to help keep info...

  8. Kingi - Maungaroa No 1 Section 27 (2018) 194 Waiariki MB 268 (194 WAR 268) [pdf, 356 KB]

    ...resolved to adopt Plan I. 9 74 Opotiki MB 164-165 (74 OPO 164-165). 10 TN18895. 11 TN19051. 194 Waiariki MB 273 [19] On 3 April 2018, the Ōpōtiki District Council notified the trust that resource consent conditions have been met and the papakāinga development is ready to proceed. [20] As I understand it, the applicants are not happy with Plan I as it requires an amendment to the section they currently occupy. The res...

  9. [2020] NZSSAA 21 (12 November 2020) [pdf, 188 KB]

    ...95. 4 The purpose of temporary additional support is to provide temporary financial assistance as a last resort to alleviate the financial hardship of people whose essential costs cannot be met from their chargeable income and other resources, while ensuring that people seeking or granted that assistance take reasonable steps to reduce their costs or increase their chargeable incomes. [15] However, that is not an issue the Ministry has raised. The details of entitlement...

  10. [2009] NZEmpC CC 8/09 Safe Air Ltd v Walker [pdf, 56 KB]

    ...was subsequently appointed to a position with Safe Air as a stores person. [7] Before he started work, Mr Walker was given an extensive induction programme spread over 2 days. This included a substantial component conducted by one of the human resources staff. In the course of that induction process, Mr Walker was made aware that the operations of Safe Air were subject to stringent requirements as to safety and security. He learned that the detailed policies of Safe Air relating...