[2017] NZEnvC 158 Morcom v Thames Coromandel District Council [pdf, 712 KB]
BEFORETHEEN~RONMENTCOURT IN THE MATTER AND BETWEEN AND Decision No. [2017] NZEnvC \ 5~ of the Resource Management Act 1991 of an appeal under Clause 14 of the First Schedule to the Act GRAHAM MORCOM, SELMA MORCOM, CHRIS MORCOM AND JANET CLARKE (ENV-2016-AKL-000126) Appellants THAMES-COROMANDEL DISTRICT COUNCIL Respondent Environment Judge D A Kirkpatrick sitting alone under s 279 of the Act ,.~ ,~ cr:o 2 Date of Decision: i~) .,J~.- 017 Date of Issue: 2 6 5 EP...