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Search results for parenting through separation.

1307 items matching your search terms

  1. OIA-94638.pdf [pdf, 7 MB]

    ...head" ... On the day before the death the respondent's father visted . . . [and] gave him the look . . . The next day the respondent obtained the key to his grandfather's gun cabinet .. . After dark he took the shotgun and walked to his parent's home ... When he reached his parents' house, the respondent waited outside for approximately an hour and a half. While the respondent waited, he dwelt upon the violence he had been subjected to. He later told the psycholo...

  2. Butcher v NZ Transport Agency [2022] NZHRRT 21 [pdf, 586 KB]

    ...Butcher’s claim relates to the form of the photo driver licence required by s 28 of the Land Transport Act 1998 (LTA) and various associated rules under the Land Transport (Driver Licensing) Rule 1999 (Rules), his statement of claim actually sets out 11 separate causes of action. [15] These claims are set out in more detail later. It is useful first to set out the statutory scheme for driver licences. DRIVER LICENCE REQUIREMENTS: THE STATUTORY SCHEME [16] Section 5(1) of the L...

  3. 2019 Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 916 KB]

    ...comprises the Chief Gambling Commissioner and the four Commissioners, all appointed for a term of three years. The Department of Internal Affairs provides Secretariat services to the Commission. The Gambling Act 2003 requires that Commission staff are separated both physically and operationally from other staff members responsible for gambling policy, licensing and compliance. This has been achieved through the establishment of a stand-alone office in Auckland. The Secretar...

  4. Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 858 KB]

    ...comprises the Chief Gambling Commissioner and the four Commissioners, all appointed for a term of three years. The Department of Internal Affairs provides Secretariat services to the Commission. The Gambling Act 2003 requires that Commission staff are separated both physically and operationally from other staff members responsible for gambling policy, licensing and compliance. This has been achieved through the establishment of a stand-alone office in Auckland. The Secretariat consists...

  5. Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 807 KB]

    ...comprises the Chief Gambling Commissioner and the four Commissioners, all appointed for a term of three years. The Department of Internal Affairs provides Secretariat services to the Commission. The Gambling Act 2003 requires that Commission staff are separated both physically and operationally from other staff members responsible for gambling policy, licensing and compliance. This has been achieved through the establishment of a stand-alone office in Auckland. The Secretariat consists...

  6. Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 857 KB]

    ...comprises the Chief Gambling Commissioner and the four Commissioners, all appointed for a term of three years. The Department of Internal Affairs provides Secretariat services to the Commission. The Gambling Act 2003 requires that Commission staff are separated both physically and operationally from other staff members responsible for gambling policy, licensing and compliance. This has been achieved through the establishment of a stand-alone office in Auckland. The Secretariat consists...

  7. Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 837 KB]

    ...comprises the Chief Gambling Commissioner and the four Commissioners, all appointed for a term of three years. The Department of Internal Affairs provides Secretariat services to the Commission. The Gambling Act 2003 requires that Commission staff are separated both physically and operationally from other staff members responsible for gambling policy, licensing and compliance. This has been achieved through the establishment of a stand-alone office in Auckland. The Secretariat consists...

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 185 Transpower New Zealand Limited v Central Hawkes Bay District Council [pdf, 5.7 MB]

    ...environmental effects of activities that cannot be avoided, remedied, mitigated, or addressed by a biodiversity offset or biodiversity compensation. For avoidance of doubt this definition does not apply to biodiversity matters which are to be considered through Biodiversity Offsetting. [16] A consequential amendment is made to Method ECO-M3 Biodiversity Offsetting, as follows: Applying nationally accepted best practice principles for biodiversity offsetting where biodiversity offs...

  9. 2021-07-06 Transcript.pdf [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...ill-suited to the weather conditions, the environmental conditions, and actually our labour requirements, and that was because the irrigator has been severely damaged by a number of times we had very high wind conditions, north-westerly winds blowing through those areas and we had flood conditions at times where the irrigation tracks 10 have been repeatedly damaged due to flooding conditions, and there forced us to have limited use of that irrigator, and it really does need to be si...

  10. Registrar of IAA v Ryan - [2019] NZIACDT 75 (7 November 2019) [pdf, 361 KB]

    ...manager. Mr J worked on numerous small and medium corporate accounts, as well as offshore accounts. He had installed ICT and was responsible for training and backup. He provided remote access support for onshore and offshore clients for the parent company in the United Kingdom on a 24/7 basis. [62] The residence visa was declined by Immigration New Zealand. (Mr V) [63] Mr V made an application for residence on 29 August 2013, represented by Mr FF. Mr Ryan of Bite Consultin...