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Search results for parenting through separation.

1307 items matching your search terms

  1. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 2: 2002 to 2004 [pdf, 537 KB]

    ...for Research, Science and Technology. In the spirit of the CDRP, it has been an excellent example of cross-departmental research on a subject of high priority to government. The real commitment of the New Zealand Police to reducing crime is evident throughout the ten reports of the Burglary Reduction Research Programme. This substantial series of reports is published to be used in part or in its entirety by front-line Police, as well as managers, advisers and policy makers, all of whom play...

  2. [2022] NZEnvC 029 Waimea Plains Landscape Preservation Society Inc v Gore District Council [pdf, 438 KB] the Council’s traffic engineering consultants, Stantec. Stantec undertook stakeholder engagement workshops to identify issues with the existing transport network and the east-west link, and the benefits and opportunities associated with a separate pedestrian and cycle link via a new overbridge.20 [31] In his evidence, Mr Parry referred to the consideration given to alternative locations noting that 20 options and locations were initially considered and then 18 Council deci...

  3. [2021] NZEmpC 8 Commissioner of Police v New Zealand Police Assoc Inc [pdf, 464 KB]

    ...for individual employees. It says the Policing Act 2008 (PA) confers special powers on Police to appoint and move employees as and where needed. Police says it is meeting these objectives by rotating staff, by providing opportunities to them through the use of an Expression of Interest (EOI) process, and by employees agreeing to work in districts where there are movements between multiple stations and workplaces. [3] A dispute has developed between the parties as to the interpret...

  4. Independent Electoral Review Final Report Executive Summary and List of Recommendations [pdf, 655 KB] for their day-to-day activities and for their election campaigns. In Aotearoa New Zealand, people have the right to support any party. While the law should enable this form of participation, it also risks enabling the exercise of undue influence through financial means. 59. We recommend that only individuals enrolled to vote should be able to make loans or donate to parties and candidates. This means that all entities, whether trusts, companies, trade unions, iwi, hapū, or unincor...

  5. Applying be a Legal Aid Provider Step by Step Guide [pdf, 468 KB]

    ...hearings, attendance at court, making opening addresses, leading evidence, cross-examining witnesses and experts, addressing the court, delivering closing addresses and presenting submissions. Ideally, your application should include cases that proceeded through all relevant stages (for example, a criminal case that went to trial). However, we recognise that this might not always be possible. For example, a matter may settle at an earlier stage, or the lead provider may not give you the...

  6. Edwards v Capital and Coast DHB (Strike-Out Application) [2016] NZHRRT 20 [pdf, 144 KB]

    ...requested but not others. [33] It is not entirely clear just when complaint was first made to the Privacy Commissioner but the first plaintiff told the Tribunal that it followed the 12 June 2015 meeting. She also said that it had been intended that separate complaints be lodged by her, the second plaintiff and his sister. The complaint by the first plaintiff was lodged first with the other two to follow at a later date. We return to this point shortly. [34] The complaint by the first...

  7. [2019] NZEnvC 195 Clevedon North Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...significant impact upon the way in which the subdivision was viewed from the northern Rural Zone. That is a matter we come back to later. [13] Other aspects of this matter were not clear to us until the hearing started, and those include the fact that through lots 22, 14 and 15 on the Plan marked B there is an area of contiguous green land. On this there are trees that are protected and the area forms something of a central open space at the southern end of the subdivision. This a...

  8. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 3 of 4 [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...against the Crown for breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi. I was elected in 2012. I am also the Chairperson of the Paroa Station which is an Ahuwhenua Trust running the Paroa Station which is a farm close to Mohaka. Ngati Pahauwera Both of my parents are Ngati Pahauwera . My father was James and mother was Miriama but she was commonly known as Dina. They both lived in Mohaka nearly all their lives. My father used to manage and live on Waitaha station which was approximately 3,000...

  9. Tatere - Mangatainoka No 1BC No 2C Tamaki 2A2A Balance [2013] Māori Appellate Court MB 243 (2013 APPEAL 243) [pdf, 262 KB]

    ...Orders [117] Costs [120] 2013 Māori Appellate Court MB 245 Introduction [1] On 9 July 1968 Hōhepa Tatere I had two trusts established by orders of the Mäori Land Court over three separate blocks of Mäori freehold land that he had received by way of succession from several tīpuna including Nireaha Tāmaki and Manāhi Paewai. One trust was called Rua Roa and the other Ngawapurua. The trusts provided that specific whän...

  10. [2021] NZACC 126 - Botha v ACC (4 August 2021) [pdf, 534 KB]

    ...for Kevin and also to a speech therapist. Dr Tuck also diagnosed moderate hearing loss, feeding difficulties and failing to grow. Kevin has required ongoing additional assistance and therapy ever since. Much of this has been carried out by his parents. [7] Dr Katie Tuck completed a treatment injury claim for Kevin on 5 July 2016. She described the treatment injury as management of the birth process. That Kevin suffered an injury at birth suggesting a significant hypoxic event d...