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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. LCRO 73/2019 LM v NO (27 July 2020) [pdf, 224 KB]

    ...complaint concerning the conduct of the respondent, Mr NO. [2] Mr NO had been instructed to act as counsel for Ms LM’s then husband in relationship property proceedings between the couple. Background [3] Ms LM and her now ex-husband, PQ, separated in October 2016 after a relationship of approximately 20 years. 2 [4] During their marriage the couple had farmed in conjunction with PQ’s parents, S and T. [5] In 2011 S and T started to make plans to retire. As part of tha...

  2. Recommendations recap - issue 9 [pdf, 865 KB]

    ...Farm Vehicle 2015 NZCorC 13 Link to Summary and Recommendations Response N/A Case Number Catch Words CSU-2013-PNO-000309 Unsafe Sleeping Environment, Infant, 3 weeks old, Shared Bed with Parents, Alcohol 2015 NZCorC 38 Link to Summary and Recommendations Response N/A Case Number Catch Words CSU-2013-AUK-001233 Drowning, Swimming Pool, Fencing, Building Consent, Chi...

  3. Ministry-of-Justice-Annual-Report-2021-22.pdf [pdf, 5 MB]

    ...Legislation Act 2021, Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Act 2021, Counter-Terrorism Legislation Act 2021, and COVID-19 Response (Courts Safety) Legislation Act 2022. We continue to support the Government’s broader legislative programme through our advice on the human rights and constitutional implications of legislative proposals. Across all our work we aim for a fairer, safer Aotearoa, and to build trust and confidence in the rule of law, but cannot do this alone. Working...

  4. Adlam v Reihana - Himatangi 1H1A (2022) 447 Aotea MB 1 (447 AOT 1) [pdf, 658 KB]

    ...advertised in the Horowhenua Chronicle and was attended by 21 people. According to the July hui minutes, 16 of the attendees were owners in the block, with most of the others being children of landowners, some of whom were speaking for their parents. [17] Of the 38 owners (now including Mr Adlam), 34 have offered a view on the application over the course of the proceedings. Five owners are deceased, with one of those owners passing away during the course of the proceedings aft...

  5. CAC 10063 v Raj [2012] NZREADT 37 [pdf, 101 KB]

    ...into those transactions have been ongoing by the Committee. [9] We agree with the submission of Mr Clancy for the Prosecution that, given the similarity of the new charges to the existing allegations and the early disclosure of the allegations through the application for interim suspension, there can be no prejudice to the defendant in the filing of the amended charges at this stage; and we hereby accept the five charges as framed above. The Evidence [10] On 20 June 2012 we...

  6. Final Process Evaluation for the Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court 2016 [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...Determination Hearing process is comprehensive and working well. Participants referred to and accepted into the AODT Court align with the court’s eligibility criteria. Participants are making an informed decision when entering the court and are moving through the three phases as expected. While the length of time participants are taking to progress through the court (18 months on average) is at the upper end of what was expected, it aligns with international drug court training....

  7. Te-Iwi-o-Ngati-Tukorehe-Trust-Cultural-Impact-Assessment-v2.pdf [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...The objective of this CIA report is to provide a Mauri Model assessment of NZTA’s Ōtaki to Levin North SH1‐Sh57  Connection and to measure the potential levels of impact in relation to the proposed route options 3C, 4A, 5A,  6A and 7A(T) through the rohe of Ngāti Tukorehe. Option T is not fully developed by NZTA in its scoping report  and is assessed in conjunction with route option, 7A.        This CIA will seek...

  8. The Impact of the Prostitution Reform Act on the Health and Safety Practices of Sex Workers Report [pdf, 819 KB]

    ...and safety of sex workers post-decriminalisation. 17 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Regulation of sex work in New Zealand prior to 2003 Prior to 2003, sex work in New Zealand was not illegal but all related activities were criminalised through the invocation of sections under a number of existing Acts. Section 26 of the Summary Offences Act 1991 made it an offence for a sex worker to offer sex for money in a public place. However, clients were not criminalised as it was not...

  9. Constitutional Advisory Panel Full Report 2013 [pdf, 4.4 MB]

    ...advice of the Panel to take the conversation a step further. The conversation reflected our unique history, people and circumstances. Many people expressed a desire for a range of constitutional changes to reflect this uniqueness. Common themes woven through the topics of conversation included: a sense of belonging, fairness and justice, representation and participation, and checks and balances on power. Constitutional Advisory Panel C/o Ministry of Justice DX SX10088, Wellington 3 N...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal Part 1 Report on stage 1 of the Te Paparahi o Te Raki inquiry [pdf, 6.1 MB]

    ...Waitangi Tribunal For you we lament To those of you who are lost from sight To you who will not see the dawn of a new day Not see the completion of your work nor to hear of the achievement of your dreams For you we cry of distress You are remembered through the fruit of your toil and your voices are heard by the pages of our report Rima Edwards, John Alexander, all of you who departed to the assembly of the hundreds and the congregation of the thousands What am I left to do ? Grieve, acknow...