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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. [2019] NZEmpC 49 Mathews v Bay of Plenty District Health Board [pdf, 449 KB]

    ...(the Authority).1 It was originally to have been heard together with a second similar claim, New Zealand Nurses Organisation v Waikato District Health Board.2 In the event, procedural difficulties meant that the two proceedings had to be heard separately, with the NZNO case being heard first in late 2018. Because of the importance of the issues, a full Court heard both cases. Chronology Dr Mathews’ initial employment arrangements [5] In April 1987, Dr Mathews commenced work...

  2. Ministry of Justice annual report 2019-20 [pdf, 9.3 MB]

    ...Family violence related charges entering courts to a low of down from District and High Court events completed in a 7-day period Drug offence charges for sexual assault by the end of Alert Level 2 Protection order applications decreased by 31% Parenting order applications decreased by 58% 54% fewer Family Court applications filed filed in the offence against justice category (breaching Alert Level restrictions) Active criminal cases increased by to criminal charges were fi...

  3. 2012 to 2015 Ministry of Justice statement of intent [pdf, 962 KB]

    ...principles of justice doesn’t mean that the way we’re organised – the technology, processes and systems we use – and how we work have to be old-fashioned and costly. At a sector level, the focus for chief executives is working collaboratively, through a leadership board. This is to ensure that the sector results are achieved, especially around reducing crime and reoffending, and that resources are focused on front-line services and where they will best make a difference....

  4. Tranche 1 of Cabinet and Ministerial advice on changes to clubs and ranges regulations [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...has been withheld in accordance with section 9(2)(a), to protect privacy, s9(2)((f)(iv), to protect the confidentiality of advice tendered by Ministers of the Crown and officials, and s9(2)(g)(i) to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions. 2 Phase 2 of your firearms reform: clubs and ranges and other time sensitive matters Briefing Ministry of Justice 28 March 2024 Some information has been withheld in accordance with se...

  5. Ellis — Matapihi No 1 B No 2C No 2D (2010) 2010 Chief Judge’s MB 25 (2010 CJ 25) [pdf, 124 KB]

    ...also challenges the validity of subsequent orders whereby Matiu Ellis transferred the shares to his son Ratahi Matiu Ellis. Ratahi Matiu Ellis then partitioned out his shares in the block, he now owns the block Matapihi 8A (general land) the former parent title Matapihi 1B2C2D is now known as Matapihi 8B Block. 4. Summary of applicant’s claim The applicant asserts that she has been adversely affected by the above order and subsequent orders and further that the original application w...

  6. LCRO 68/2016 ZA v YB (23 May 2019) [pdf, 202 KB]

    ...administration of Mr XC’s estate and the fees charged by Mr YB. [2] The [City] Standards Committee [X] (the Committee) determined to take no further action with regard to any of Mrs ZA’s complaints. Background [3] Mr YB acted for Mrs ZA’s parents. In February 2012 Mr XC executed a will in which he provided that if his wife survived him for a period of one month then he appointed her executrix of his will and bequeathed all of his estate to her. 2 [4] The will went o...

  7. Tatai v Woodman - Waimahana D No3B Section 1 (2024) 282 Taitokerau MB 106 (282 TTK 106) [pdf, 318 KB]

    ...should be granted. He aha te kaupapa o ngā tono? What are these applications about? [2] D3B1 was created by a partition order granted on 25 February 1919.1 It was vested in four owners Hone Petera, Hoto Petera, Kere Petera and Mikahere. Through various succession and vesting orders D3B1 now has 121 owners who hold shares as tenants in common. There is no administration structure in place. [3] Most of D3B1 is undeveloped. It contains some housing. In the north-east corner...

  8. 2021-07-07 Transcript (up until 3.25pm of day 42) [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...ill-suited to the weather conditions, the environmental conditions, and actually our labour requirements, and that was because the irrigator has been severely damaged by a number of times we had very high wind conditions, north-westerly winds blowing through those areas and we had flood conditions at times where the irrigation tracks 10 have been repeatedly damaged due to flooding conditions, and there forced us to have limited use of that irrigator, and it really does need to be si...

  9. Teina Pora compensation claim innocence report [pdf, 9 MB]

    ...the purpose of the application for compensation. I will identify that evidence also as it arises for consideration. 19. Whether the evidence was before the courts or not, my approach will be the same. It will be to give each item of evidence separate consideration and to decide whether it has potential value for the purpose of deciding whether Mr Para is innocent. If it has potential value, I will consider then what weight can properly attach to it. Only after evaluating all the e...

  10. [2018] NZEnvC 214 King v Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...Iwi Tribal Authority is one of two (together with Te Kawerau Iwi Settlement Trust) representative bodies of Te Kawerau a Maki. The rohe of Te Kawerau a Maki extends from South Auckland and the Tamaki River northwards across the Tamaki isthmus, through Hikurangi (West Auckland) and the lands around the upper Waitemata Harbour and North Shore and into the Kaipara and Mahurangi harbour areas. They are the northern-most iwi of the Tainui waka. They lived for generations at Puketapapa, b...