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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. MLC - 150 years of the Māori Land Court [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...FOUNDATIONS OF THE COURT 1862–1890s The government’s response was to set up the Hawke’s Bay Commission of 1873, one of the first of the many government-mandated reviews and inquiries into the Court’s actions which have been so influential throughout its history. The Hawke’s Bay Commission was a bicultural body and comprised four commissioners, two Māori (Wiremu Hikairo, of Rotorua, and Major Te Wheoro, from the Waikato) and two Pākehā (C W Richmond and F E Maning). Richm...

  2. Electoral-Voting-Age-Legislation_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 6.6 MB]

    ...Section 9(2)(f)(iv) to maintain the constitutional conventions for the time being which protects the confidentiality of advice tendered by Ministers of the Crown and officials. Section 9(2)(g)(i) to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions by or between or to Ministers of the Crown. Section 9(2)(h) to maintain legal professional privilege. Section 18(d) information requested will soon become publicly available. Additiona...

  3. Pue v Kīngi - Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) Whenua Tōpu Trust (2015) 335 Aotea MB 1 (335 AOT 1) [pdf, 389 KB]

    ...background and procedural history has been set out in two previous judgments. However, for convenience and to provide context, some of that material is repeated here. For convenience “trustees” invariably means the former trustees except where separately identified as a “current” trustee(s). Background [9] In 2004 Ngāti Maru Wharanui Pukehou Trust (“NMWPT”) was appointed the interim representative of Ngāti Maru for particular purposes, primarily concerning hauora f...

  4. 2020-12-07 Statement of Evidence of Tom de Pelsemaeker on behalf of the ORC [pdf, 938 KB]

    ...l/s.11 9 Mining privileges are subject to a priority system. The date upon which the licence was initially granted determined its order of priority in relation to other licences, unless the Warden decreed otherwise. This priority was maintained through renewal of the licence. The holder of the earliest- dated, or highest priority licence could require the holders of any or all other licences, or other rights (in the case of the Water and Soil Conservation Act 1967 and the Resource Ma...

  5. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 6: case study of Lower Hutt Police Area [pdf, 331 KB]

    ...for Research, Science and Technology. In the spirit of the CDRP, it has been an excellent example of cross-departmental research on a subject of high priority to government. The real commitment of the New Zealand Police to reducing crime is evident throughout the ten reports of the Burglary Reduction Research Programme. This substantial series of reports is published to be used in part or in its entirety by front-line Police, as well as managers, advisers and policy makers, all of whom play...

  6. Auckland Standards Committee 5 v Hong [2020] NZLCDT 5 [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...purchase funds for the property were paid to the vendor’s solicitor on 1 August 2006 but the transfer of title to the property did not take place for another two years namely 31 July 2008. Mr Hong provided $585,000 to the purchase personally or through a company under his control, Orano Developments Limited. CLT paid a further $50,000 to Mr Hong on 11 February 2009. [9] Title was not taken in the name of the trustees of CLT, but Mr Hong effected the transfer to Ms D and himself...

  7. LCRO 42/2022 QA v Kennelly (19 April 2023) [pdf, 232 KB]

    ...father”. [35] Mr Kennelly is unsure how GA was transported to his office, and advises that he had arrived early for the appointment. He says this meant that Mr Kennelly did not have time to prepare the Letter of Engagement. He says: I went through with him the deed of gift and I told him that [he] had spoken to his son and that he needed to approve it before [he] could send it on to be relied upon. [36] Mr Kennelly says that the payment was “never a loan nor was it conditional€...

  8. Barcello-Gemmell - Gore Blocks XVII and XIX Sec 90B2 (2001) 95 South Island MB 36 (95 SI 36) [pdf, 4.8 MB]

    ...application was "" .where's Ihe resl going 10 go? Thai's where I came in. I came in 10 tautoko Powhiri's children and my brolher-in-Iaw's [George's] children." The George Love Whanau Trust expressed the view through their representative that the available sites should not be concentrated in one small sector of the whanau. Their opposition to the current application arose from their desire for fairness to prevail, and also out of a sense of grievanc...

  9. Evaluation of Family Safety Teams pilot: stage 1 [pdf, 3 MB] for families experiencing violence • contribute to the development of national best practice and promote consistent application of such practice for agencies working with families experiencing family violence. These were to be achieved through a focus on the following. • Information gathering and assessment • Monitoring and evaluating practice and systems • Developing new practice and systemic change • Proactive Intervention (second tier) • Advocacy –...

  10. Stanley & Anor as trustees of the Lucy Stanley Family Trust v North Shore City Council [2011] NZWHT Auckland 20 [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...home and prepare the relevant plans and specifications. A building consent was issued for the dwelling on 3 December 1998. [9] Mr Jones worked for Placemakers and was able to source materials at a good rate and find reputable trades people through his contacts at Placemakers. Ms Stanley and Mr Jones accordingly decided that they would engage a series of contractors, some on a labour-only basis, to build the house. LOJO Construction, being a partnership between Mr Banton...