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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. [2006] NZEmpC CC 7/06 NZ Meatworkers Union Inc v Alliance Group Ltd [pdf, 156 KB]

    ...volume of work available increases and decreases, workers are progressively taken on or laid off. [7] At some plants there are groups of workers such as freezer hands, rendering workers, yard gangs and pallet store workers who continue working throughout the year. It is also common for some staff who would otherwise be laid off to be retained to do cleaning and maintenance work. However, the majority of the workers are laid off on a seasonal basis. Many find alternative emplo...

  2. OIA-111066.pdf [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...disclosures to an appropriate authority at any time If a discloser is not confident about making the disclosure within the Ministry, they may report serious misconduct to an “appropriate authority” at any time, rather than having to go through their organisation first. An “appropriate authority” includes: (a) The head of any public-sector organisation; (b) Any officer of Parliament; (c) The persons or bodies listed here; (d) A membership body of a particular professi...

  3. Child witnesses in the New Zealand criminal courts [pdf, 795 KB] the current adversarial process and in particular the trial. As such, it does not consider options such as a shift to an inquisitorial process nor to an alternative dispute resolution process. Nor does it consider the possibility of providing separate legal representation for complainants or witnesses, nor its prerequisite (according complainants separate legal status within 7 the trial). These ideas are well outside the conventional conception of the adversarial criminal trial...

  4. Final-Technical-Assessment-E-Social-Impact-Assessment-v2.pdf [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...The methodology employed for this assessment consisted of the following steps: (a) Step 1- Scoping and contextualisation: understanding the proposal and the ‘social area of influence’ of the Project. (b) Step 2- Information gathering: through desktop data analysis, site visits, and stakeholder and community engagement. (c) Step 3- Community Profiling: building a demographic profile of the regional, local, and sub-local communities located along the Project length using c...

  5. Waitangi Tribunal - Mangatū Remedies Report [pdf, 3.8 MB] negotiate their full redress with the Crown and undertake further discussions with the other claimants to arrive at a satisfactory settlement . The claimants represented by TAMA also require wide-ranging redress, besides what they would receive through a binding recommendation . TAMA previously held the mandate for the other applicants to undertake settlement negotiations with the Crown . If all applicants reconfirm TAMA’s mandate to represent them, then TAMA can return to the Tribuna...

  6. Curtin v ACC [2012] NZACA 11 [pdf, 581 KB]

    ...cannot speak for other apprenticeships at the time, but I can state with absolute certainty that it was a primary requirement of the Plumbing and Gasfitting apprenticeship (signed by the employer, the apprentice an if under 18 the apprentice's parents) that formal training and qualification take place. The apprentice was required to attend night classes if they lived within a certain distance of a provider, or to undertake distance learning if not. In addition, they were required t...

  7. Wirihana-Tawake v Kauika-Stevens - Rangitatau 1D5A1 Takirau Marae (2021) 434 Aotea MB 114 (434 AOT 114) [pdf, 313 KB]

    ...for use as a rental. In the alternative, he contended that, if he were to be forced to leave the dwelling, most of it was built with materials supplied by his father and himself and so he was entitled to remove those items from the house. [3] Separately, Mr Kauika-Stevens submitted that the trustees had failed in their duties to the trust beneficiaries to act prudently. He also raised an issue concerning the passing of Clark Tawake and how succession may be relevant to the dwellin...

  8. Bhana v Paniora - Wairau North 1B2C (2013) 69 Taitokerau 139 (69 TTK 139) [pdf, 155 KB] Māori freehold land status in 2005. It is in three severances. [5] The north-western severance comprises approximately 5000m² of river flat. On its western boundary is the Waimamaku river. On its eastern boundary is Pokas Road, which separates this severance from the other two severances. Hauraki Naera’s house stood on this severance. The house had not been lived in since the late 1990s and was demolished in about 2002. In recent years Barbara Bhana has used this area f...

  9. Canterbury Westland Standards Committee 2 v Mr U [2024] NZLCDT 4 (9 February 2024) [pdf, 173 KB]

    ...Context [5] In order to understand how the conduct came about, a brief background is required. Mr U studied law as a mature student and was admitted to the bar in 2019. Subsequently he was employed in a law firm as a solicitor. In 2020, Mr U separated from his wife and proceedings began in the Family Court concerning, among other things, the care of the children of the family and the occupation of the former family home. [6] Mr U says that the proceedings encountered signific...

  10. [2010] NZEmpC 84 Secretary for Justice v Dodd [pdf, 126 KB]

    ...with it. There is, however, no evidence about how that minute was caused to be made or even whether Ms Dodd was aware of it. [17] Unfortunately, non-publication orders made during the hearing of this case and affecting the complainant and her parents, one of whom I describe as “the other Ministry [of Justice] employee”, tend to make more enigmatic the identification of the persons just referred to and their relationships with the defendant. [18] Ms Dodd is not the on...