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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 1 [pdf, 451 KB]

    ...for Research, Science and Technology. In the spirit of the CDRP, it has been an excellent example of cross-departmental research on a subject of high priority to government. The real commitment of the New Zealand Police to reducing crime is evident throughout the ten reports of the Burglary Reduction Research Programme. This substantial series of reports is published to be used in part or in its entirety by front-line Police, as well as managers, advisers and policy makers, all of whom play...

  2. Auckland Standards Committee v Johnston [2011] NZLCDT 14 [pdf, 207 KB]

    ...further guidance, particularly in regard to the need for the fully informed consent of clients, to the judgment of the Privy Council in Clark Boyce v Mouat [1993] 3 NZLR 641. 6 (4) Nothing in paragraph 2(iv) of this rule shall require separate independent advice to be obtained.” “Solicitors Trust Account Regulations 1998 6. Restriction on certain transactions involving money of solicitors’ clients:- (1) A solicitor acting in that capacity must not cause or...

  3. [2013] NZEmpC 165 Matsuoka v LSG Sky Chefs NZ Ltd [pdf, 185 KB]

    ...sought are connected in that the plaintiff was, prior to the circumstances giving rise to these proceedings, an employee of either PFC, PRI or both. In respect of the present applications they have similar interests. However, the plaintiff is separately represented from PFC and PRI. There is a history as to the relationships between the parties to these particular proceedings (that is the plaintiff Mr Matsuoka, PFC, PRI and the defendant (“LSG”)). [3] That history has been...

  4. Communication Assistance Quality Framework FINAL [pdf, 3.6 MB] responsible for: • approving the use of communication assistance in court proceedings • directing what type of communication assistance will be provided, the scope of the assistance and any limitations on this • setting training priorities through the Institute of Judicial Studies. Communication assistance providers are responsible for: • delivering communication assistance services in line with Ministry requirements • engaging with participants and their whānau in a cultura...

  5. Cross v Accident Compensation Corporation (Claim for personal injury, revocation of cover) [2024] NZACC 58 [pdf, 277 KB]

    ...Corporation’s decision of 21 August 2012 declining cover for a TBI. Background [2] Mr Cross was born in August 1964. [3] In 1972, Mr Cross witnessed another child accidentally killed at a school fair. Mr Cross subsequently attended therapy to work through addiction issues that had arisen in the context of his upbringing, and some unusual behaviour by his parents. He also experienced, from time to time, a confused state of mind in which he would not know what he was doing...

  6. Regulatory Impact Statement: Amendments to the Sentencing Act 2002 [pdf, 1 MB] remorse, judges already take into account prior offending as an aggravating factor at sentencing. Preventing its repeat application may only serve to disincentivise offenders from taking steps to engage with the harm they have caused, including through restorative justice, which can be of great benefit to victims. Regulatory Impact Statement | 3 For the proposal to limit sentence discounts to 40 per cent the Ministry of Justice’s preferred option is retaining the statu...

  7. Henare - Hokio A and Part Hokio A [2018] Chief Judge's MB 164 (2018 CJ 164) [pdf, 451 KB]

    ...Horowhenua 11B42 block 4. On 26 September 1898, the Native Appellate Court issued a decision on the beneficial ownership and relative interests of the Horowhenua 11 block. This was shortly followed by the division of the Horowhenua 11 block into 61 separate partition orders in October 1898. 1 Preliminary Report and Recommendation dated 27 June 2016. 2018 Chief Judge’s MB 166 5. A partition order dated 19 Octobe...

  8. [2018] NZEmpC 88 Lorigan v Infinity Automotive Ltd [pdf, 321 KB]

    ...noted that Perry’s had amalgamated with two other companies in May 2009 to become Infinity. In that letter, she went on to state that a range of unjustified actions occurred as from November 2008; these implicated not only Infinity, but also its parent company SDMG. This was put on the basis that cumulatively, events leading up to and surrounding Mr Lorigan’s dismissal were unlawful. From then on, those advising Mr Lorigan proceeded on the basis that a personal grievance was b...

  9. NZCVS topical report Cycle 1 (2018) - Highly Victimised people [pdf, 934 KB]

    ...are related to high or repeat victimisation. We have used the term ‘victim’ within this report to differentiate groups of interest in a way that will be easily recognisable for all our audiences including justice agency personnel. We hope that through future consultation with those who have been victimised, we can find a better solution to recognise and respect the needs of people who have been harmed by crime.

  10. 4. Roebeck affidavit (with exhibits) [pdf, 7 MB]

    ...matters by the Maori Land Court, in 2009. Those orders have not been overturned, and the Board has not surrendered or transferred its mandate (including to the Trust). The Board was further confirmed on 29 June 2011 as the mandated entity to engage (through appointed negotiators) with the Crown on behalf of Ngati Paoa to settle Ngati Paoa’s historical Treaty claims. The Board continues in that role today. (b) In comparison, the Trust was established in 2013 as a post settlement...