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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. Proactive release - Prohibiting conversion practices [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...three options for who should be protected by a prohibition on conversion practices and whether criminal or civil penalties should apply. Our recommended option would protect all people from the harms of conversion practices regardless of their age through either the criminal or civil law and provide a broad range of remedies 7. We also recommend the creation of a new criminal offence for removing someone from New Zealand for the purposes of conversion practices being performed. This wo...

  2. Restorative Justice: Standards for Sexual Offending Cases [pdf, 666 KB]

    ...than another; it is the adoption of any form which reflects restorative values and which aims to achieve restorative processes, outcomes and objectives”.6 Further discussion of the values, outcomes, and objectives of restorative justice is provided throughout this publication. 3 New Zealand Restorative Justice Trust (2000) New Zealand Restorative Justice Practice Manual, pg. 13 4 Zehr, H. (2002) The Little Book of Restorat...

  3. Regulatory Impact Statement Review of aspects of the bail system [pdf, 268 KB]

    ...conditions not to consume alcohol. 10. Electronically monitored bail (EM bail) is a bail condition that requires a defendant to stay at a particular residence at all times unless absent for an approved purpose, such as work. Compliance is monitored through an electronic bracelet attached to the defendant‟s ankle. EM bail is only imposed if the defendant would otherwise have been remanded in custody. There is no legislation governing EM bail. It is imposed in accordance with common...

  4. Naera v Fenwick - Whakapoungakau 24 (2019) 217 Waiariki MB 85 (217 WAR 85) [pdf, 536 KB]

    ...Counsel contended that this Court can rely on and adopt the findings of fact made by the Supreme Court, as they were made within the same set of proceedings. He argued this is not a case where the parties would be relying of findings made in separate proceedings. Mr Geiringer submitted that the proceedings began in this Court and have been to the Supreme Court where the latter corrected a finding of fact made at first instance and then referred the matter back to this Court to conc...

  5. Proactive release - Seventh Periodic Report under the Convention Against Torture [pdf, 2.5 MB] place for the protection of victims of torture among asylum seekers and other vulnerable (e.g. traumatised) refugees. 24. The report explains that most of our refugees are UNHCR quota refugees who have recognised refugee status. There are separate statutory provisions for asylum claimants, who under certain circumstances, may be detained. Only a very small number are detained in prisons. Those in detention are still entitled to health care and have access to legal avenues. The...

  6. Proactive release - Seventh Periodic Report under the Convention Against Torture [pdf, 2.6 MB] place for the protection of victims of torture among asylum seekers and other vulnerable (e.g. traumatised) refugees. 24. The report explains that most of our refugees are UNHCR quota refugees who have recognised refugee status. There are separate statutory provisions for asylum claimants, who under certain circumstances, may be detained. Only a very small number are detained in prisons. Those in detention are still entitled to health care and have access to legal avenues. The...

  7. Recommendations recap - issue 11 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...Link to Summary and Recommendations Response N/A Case Number Catch Phrases CSU-2014-PNO- 000688 2016 NZCorC 29 Infant Death, 10 Months old, Accidental Asphyxiation, Put to sleep on parents bed, Comments on Safe Sleep Messages Link to Summary and Recommendations Response N/A Case Number Catch Phrases CSU-2015-AUK- 000150 Child death, 11 years old, keto...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal - District 13 Part 2 Northern South Island [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...the Spain Commission 51 Crown Purchases, 1847–56 53 CHAPTER 1 THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACT OF LAND SALES: LIFE ON THE RESERVES, 1860–90 By the end of 1856, the Maori communities of the northern South Island had sold almost all their land. Throughout the process of land purchase, various reserves had been made for Maori. The New Zealand Company had set out to reserve an eleventh of its land for Maori purposes, but had in fact made ‘tenths’ only in the Tasman Bay part of its pur...

  9. Justice: our people, our communities [pdf, 6.2 MB]

    ...violence and sexual violence. New Zealand has some of the highest reported rates of domestic violence and child abuse in the developed world. It is therefore critical that the Ministry and Government are heavily involved in this area, such as through the support it provides to victims, the Sexual Violence Court pilot, and our recent appointment of a Chief Victims Advisor to Government. The second is improving Māori justice outcomes. It’s well known that Māori are over-repr...

  10. Family violence and sexual violence work programme archived updates

    ...opportunities for reducing trauma. Access to timely information about the process restores a sense of power for survivors. Equipping survivors, their family, whānau and supporters with this information, we hope to reduce the stress associated with going through the court system. The online guide recognises that people will need different information at different times in the process, and provides plain language explanations of processes and legal terms. The guide is part of a wider package of...