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Search results for parenting through separation.

1349 items matching your search terms

  1. NZCASS Data tables 2 reporting crime [xlsx, 809 KB]

    ...are any differences between people in a particular group for a data item of interest, when compared to the New Zealand average (for example, whether the elderly are more or less likely to be victims of crime). Family excl intimate partners Includes parents, step-parents, siblings, step-siblings, children, children in-law, extended family or parent's partner. See terms and definitions for further information. Household(s) One or more people who usually live at the same private dwelling,...

  2. National Standards Committee 1 v Deliu [2016] NZLCDT 26 [pdf, 408 KB]

    ...Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility, [FN: GE Dal Pont Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility (5th ed, Thomson Reuters, Sydney, 2013) at 575–576]. rules such as rr 2.3 and 13.8 require a lawyer, in exercising the forensic judgments called for throughout a case, to take care to ensure decisions to invoke the coercive powers of a court or to make allegations or suggestions under privilege are reasonably justified by the material then available and are appropriate for the robust advancem...

  3. LCRO 153/2023 GP v DM (29 November 2024) [pdf, 253 KB]

    ...matrimonial property. [4] GP represented SK; DM, PXQ. [5] SK and PXQ were the settlors and trustees of the XQ Family Trust (XFT). [6] The firm of which DM was an employee (Law Firm A), had acted for SK and PXQ in establishing the trust. [7] PXQ’s parents’ trust (the CD & JP XQ Family Trust – CDJP-XFT) had advanced loan funds to XFT. [8] Question as to how obligations XFT owed to CDJP-XFT were to be met, became contentious. [9] As negotiations progressed, GP raised compl...

  4. Owen v Hauiti - Kiwinui A (2016) 57 Tairawhiti MB 70 (57 TRW 70) [pdf, 290 KB]

    ...of it and therefore a fixture, that assumption can be rebutted by evidence of an intention to the contrary. Counsel argues that in this case there is clear evidence that Hirau Karaka’s ownership in the original homestead was always regarded as separate from ownership in the land. [35] Counsel points to the minutes for the Marangairoa A9 meeting outlined above which records the trustees passing a resolution that Hirau Karaka be granted occupation of three acres as a site for him...

  5. [2020] NZEmpC 46 JCE v The Department of Corrections [pdf, 321 KB]

    ...satisfaction of these claims…” the introductory comments in paragraph [133] indicate what was intended was a remedy encompassing both causes of action. But that is not the end of this analysis. [63] I consider that the Authority erred by not separately assessing contractual damages and compensation for the personal grievance. An overall judgment could then have been made. That was done in Davis and in Gilbert.21 In Davis, the plaintiff had been traumatised and developed PTSD...

  6. Directory of Official Information J-L [pdf, 765 KB]

    ...Justice (Domestic and Sexual Violence Issues). • Administering funding for justice services and programmes and administering funding for community law centres, which provide free legal services and law-related education. Some services funded through Vote Justice are delivered by Crown entities and other service providers. The Ministry works with these Crown entities and organisations to: • identify and manage risks and keep the Minister of Justice informed of these risks •...

  7. [2023] NZEmpC 144 Cronin-Lampe v The Board of Trustees of Melville High School [pdf, 847 KB]

    ...years before the plaintiffs’ claims were brought. (d) If MHS were to be found liable to compensate each of the plaintiffs, which is denied, the plaintiffs contributed to their own losses. (e) The plaintiffs’ claims were for damages arising through mental injury and, as such, are barred under s 317 of the AC Act. (f) Each of Mr and Mrs Cronin-Lampe failed to mitigate their losses by a failure to obtain both professional intervention and then further work. [41] Finally, MHS b...

  8. Family violence information sharing guidance [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    Sharing information safely Guidance on sharing personal information under the Family Violence Act 2018 Publication details This Guidance may be revised periodically. Make sure you are working with the most current version. Images used throughout this document are intended to illustrate providers networking and are from a photolibrary using models. Fo re w or d Foreword New Zealand has unacceptable rates of family violence, which severely undermine the lifetime wellbeing of v

  9. Sharing Information Safely [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...information under the Family Violence Act 2018 Ministry of Justice Tāhū o te Ture ISBN 978-0-478-32481-5 June 2019 This Guidance may be revised periodically. Make sure you are working with the most current version. Images used throughout this document are intended to illustrate providers networking and are from a photolibrary using models. Fo re w or d Foreword New Zealand has unacceptable rates of family violence, which severely undermine the lifetime w...

  10. Director of Human Rights Proceedings v Katui Early Childhood Learning Centre Ltd [2019] NZHRRT 55 [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...personal cellphone at work, amongst other things. Another issue was the failure of Ms Gin-Cowan to complete professional development assessments which were required from the centre by the Education Review Office. [5] In November 2014, Ms Gin-Cowan separated from Dane Matthews. The separation was acrimonious, and Ms Gin-Cowan considers that her relationship with Mr and Mrs Matthews, particularly Mrs Matthews, became difficult at this point. Around this time, a serious allegation abo...