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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. [2020] NZEmpC 46 JCE v The Department of Corrections [pdf, 321 KB]

    ...satisfaction of these claims…” the introductory comments in paragraph [133] indicate what was intended was a remedy encompassing both causes of action. But that is not the end of this analysis. [63] I consider that the Authority erred by not separately assessing contractual damages and compensation for the personal grievance. An overall judgment could then have been made. That was done in Davis and in Gilbert.21 In Davis, the plaintiff had been traumatised and developed PTSD...

  2. Directory of Official Information J-L [pdf, 765 KB]

    ...Justice (Domestic and Sexual Violence Issues). • Administering funding for justice services and programmes and administering funding for community law centres, which provide free legal services and law-related education. Some services funded through Vote Justice are delivered by Crown entities and other service providers. The Ministry works with these Crown entities and organisations to: • identify and manage risks and keep the Minister of Justice informed of these risks •...

  3. [2023] NZEmpC 144 Cronin-Lampe v The Board of Trustees of Melville High School [pdf, 847 KB]

    ...years before the plaintiffs’ claims were brought. (d) If MHS were to be found liable to compensate each of the plaintiffs, which is denied, the plaintiffs contributed to their own losses. (e) The plaintiffs’ claims were for damages arising through mental injury and, as such, are barred under s 317 of the AC Act. (f) Each of Mr and Mrs Cronin-Lampe failed to mitigate their losses by a failure to obtain both professional intervention and then further work. [41] Finally, MHS b...

  4. Family violence information sharing guidance [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    Sharing information safely Guidance on sharing personal information under the Family Violence Act 2018 Publication details This Guidance may be revised periodically. Make sure you are working with the most current version. Images used throughout this document are intended to illustrate providers networking and are from a photolibrary using models. Fo re w or d Foreword New Zealand has unacceptable rates of family violence, which severely undermine the lifetime wellbeing of v

  5. Sharing Information Safely [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...information under the Family Violence Act 2018 Ministry of Justice Tāhū o te Ture ISBN 978-0-478-32481-5 June 2019 This Guidance may be revised periodically. Make sure you are working with the most current version. Images used throughout this document are intended to illustrate providers networking and are from a photolibrary using models. Fo re w or d Foreword New Zealand has unacceptable rates of family violence, which severely undermine the lifetime w...

  6. Director of Human Rights Proceedings v Katui Early Childhood Learning Centre Ltd [2019] NZHRRT 55 [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...personal cellphone at work, amongst other things. Another issue was the failure of Ms Gin-Cowan to complete professional development assessments which were required from the centre by the Education Review Office. [5] In November 2014, Ms Gin-Cowan separated from Dane Matthews. The separation was acrimonious, and Ms Gin-Cowan considers that her relationship with Mr and Mrs Matthews, particularly Mrs Matthews, became difficult at this point. Around this time, a serious allegation abo...

  7. Māori Trustee - Mohinui Topu (2011) 21 Taitokerau MB 4 (21 TTK 4) [pdf, 232 KB]

    ...administration of the leases – the leases themselves and assignments, field officers’ reports, valuations, accounting etc. All copies of correspondence and reports must be made available to the Māori Trustee. 21 Taitokerau MB 5 3. Liaise, through the Advisory officer of the Māori Land Court, with the 3 member liason group of Ted Davis, Wayne Haigh and Isobel Karaitiana. They are to make available to the Māori Trustee the papers and funds held by the owners’ committe...

  8. Matchitt - Te Kaha 65 (2021) 251 Waiariki MB 154 (251 WAR 154) [pdf, 237 KB]

    ...before the Court. [7] A hearing was held before Deputy Chief Judge Fox on 24 January 2014.8 Paratene Matchitt filed consents from Mana Matchitt, Roger Matchitt and Elaine Hutchinson. Bert Matchitt, Edward Matchitt, Lisa Henry and Peter Mariu advised through their lawyer, Mr Gallie, that they did not consent to the proposed partition or said support was conditional on further consultation or conditions being met. The reserve judgment was issued on 16 September 2014.9 The Judge dismis...

  9. Kemp - Otairi B2B (2010) 8 Taitokerau MB 216 (8 TTK 216) [pdf, 117 KB] investment objectives.” [9] Russell Kemp gave evidence that he had offered the land to whanau members but none had taken up the offer. His daughter Tracey had made enquiries as to whether she could finance the purchase but was unable to. Through his and his wife’s family trust and family company they own the Three Furlongs Hotel at Kaiwaka. The business is under pressure and they need to sell this 8 Taitokerau MB 218 land in order to service the debt and maintain...

  10. Process evaluation of the Domestic Violence Act 1995 [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...and simple as is consistent with justice' suggests that people in need of protection can apply under the Act without the assistance of a lawyer. In fact, this rarely happens. Over all courts in 1998, an estimated 96% of all applications were made through lawyers. The research suggests that people approaching the court seeking advice about a domestic violence issue are almost always advised to consult a lawyer. Summary 11 Judges interviewed were opposed to the practice of applications...