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Search results for parenting through separation.

1307 items matching your search terms

  1. Director of Proceedings v Brooks [2019] NZHRRT 37 [pdf, 828 KB] care; that the guidelines in place at the time were suboptimal and/or not routinely complied with; and that a culture existed on the ward that compromised the standard of care provided to the aggrieved person. 7. The plaintiff has lodged separate proceedings against Mrs N in HRRT 092/16. ANTENATAL CARE 8. Throughout her pregnancy the aggrieved person's antenatal care was shared between her Lead Maternity Carer ("LMC"), Dr Brooks, and her General Practitione...

  2. Director of Proceedings v N [2019] NZHRRT 38 [pdf, 953 KB]; that the 3 guidelines in place at the time were suboptimal and/or not routinely complied with; and that a culture existed on the ward that compromised the standard of care provided to the aggrieved person. 7. The plaintiff has lodged separate proceedings against the aggrieved person's LMC obstetrician. ANTENATAL CARE 8. Throughout her pregnancy the aggrieved person's antenatal care was shared between her LMC obstetrician and her General Practitioner ("...

  3. Solomon v Johnson - Te Mata E3 Block (2017) 139 Waikato Maniapoto MB 240 (139 WMN 240) [pdf, 508 KB]

    ...June 2010, seeking a meeting between the parties. Craig stated in the email that “…Uncle Hector Tukued (sic) us a portion of land here on the block [Te Mata E3]…” 10 The meeting was for the purpose of Mr Majurey assisting them to work through the task of “creating an Ahu whenua trust or similar for the block with a management plan, occupation order and partition orders”. Paul Majurey confirmed to the applicants’ lawyer in an email dated 15 March 2016 that a meetin...

  4. LCRO 21-2017 AJ v AK [pdf, 298 KB]

    ...these orders. 1 PC v YP [2012] NZFC 3538. 2 At [90]–[100]. I infer that the word missing from [100] in the judgment is “use”. Mr AK had resided in one of the couple’s properties with his parents, post-separation and his former partner sought an adjustment in her favour for occupation rent. 3 At [109]. 3 [11] The parties agreed that Mr AJ would act in the conveyancing necessary to give effect to the orders for sale. He...

  5. Dr Donald Stevens QC’s second report on claim by Tyson Gregory Redman for Ex Gratia compensation [pdf, 8.5 MB]

    ...those cases with truly exceptional circumstances would attract general compensation that is greater than $100,000, and that on average the relevant figure should even out around $100,000. 5. A claimant's pecuniary losses should be calculated separately, and the resulting figure should then be added to the amount assessed for non-pecuniary loss, the sum of which represents the total compensation payable to a claimant. 13. The factors referred to in point 3 of the Additional gu...

  6. Directory of Official Information J-L [pdf, 765 KB]

    ...Justice (Domestic and Sexual Violence Issues). • Administering funding for justice services and programmes and administering funding for community law centres, which provide free legal services and law-related education. Some services funded through Vote Justice are delivered by Crown entities and other service providers. The Ministry works with these Crown entities and organisations to: • identify and manage risks and keep the Minister of Justice informed of these risks •...

  7. Regulatory Impact Statement Enhancing Victims Rights Review [pdf, 244 KB]

    ...role in the criminal case involving them. The proposals in the attached cabinet papers aim to improve the accountability of criminal justice agencies to victims, victims‟ experiences in the criminal courts and the victim notification system. A separate cabinet paper also addresses the role of victims in the youth jurisdiction. Many of the proposals require legislative amendments as they expand the rights of victims currently provided for in the Victims‟ Rights Act 2002. The pro...

  8. Proactive release - COVID 19 Response Courts Safety Legislation Bill [pdf, 4.4 MB]

    ...risks in a manner that provides court participants with a reasonable assurance of safety, and this could exacerbate jury trial backlogs and compromise access to justice; Confirm and extend judicial and Ministry owe s to respond to COVID-19 risks through the Courts Security Act 3 agreed to amend the Court Se urity Act 1999 to provide that: 3.1 Heads of Bench and persons responsible for a tribunal may set measures for entering and remainin in a c urtroom to take account of the effects of...

  9. [2021] NZACC 147 – Langston v ACC (30 September 2021) [pdf, 328 KB]

    ...continuously incapacitated since the March 1980 accident to 3 April 1988 having regard to the following evidence which comprises: [a] The bundle of documents filed for the purpose of the first hearing before Judge Walker in February 2020. [b] The separate bundle of documents compiled by the Court in accordance with the directions in the minute of 13 November 2020 and provided to the parties by the Court in November 2020. This bundle includes the decisions of Judges Beattie and...

  10. NZCASS Data tables 2 reporting crime [xlsx, 809 KB]

    ...are any differences between people in a particular group for a data item of interest, when compared to the New Zealand average (for example, whether the elderly are more or less likely to be victims of crime). Family excl intimate partners Includes parents, step-parents, siblings, step-siblings, children, children in-law, extended family or parent's partner. See terms and definitions for further information. Household(s) One or more people who usually live at the same private dwelling,...