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Search results for parenting through separation.

1349 items matching your search terms

  1. Christchurch Youth Drug Court pilot: One-year follow-up study [pdf, 595 KB] a follow-up interview. Several of the young people no longer had active contact numbers or addresses and no other way of being contacted. One young person agreed to an interview but kept failing to show up for appointments and in another case the parents of the young person said that he was doing well and they did not want him interviewed. This level of attrition is common in research with young people. In their study on achieving effective outcomes in youth justice, Maxwell et al (2004)...

  2. Research into the New Life Akoranga Programme of the Mahi Tahi Trust [pdf, 649 KB]

    ...the example of leaders such as Sir Apirana Ngata and John Rangihau, and more recently building on the findings of the Ministerial Committee of Inquiry into Violence in 1987, led by Sir Clinton Roper. The programme receives a major part of its funding through a contract with the Department of Corrections. The possibility of the Ministry of Justice working with the Mahi Tahi Trust to develop research on the programme was first raised by the Trust with the agreement of the Minister of Justice at...

  3. Directory of Official Information 2019 J-L [pdf, 834 KB]

    ...Justice (Domestic and Sexual Violence Issues). • Administering funding for justice services and programmes and administering funding for community law centres, which provide free legal services and law-related education. Some services funded through Vote Justice are delivered by Crown entities and other service providers. The Ministry works with these Crown entities and organisations to: • identify and manage risks and keep the Minister of Justice informed of these risks •...

  4. 2019 Directory of Official Information J-L [pdf, 490 KB]

    ...Justice (Domestic and Sexual Violence Issues). • Administering funding for justice services and programmes and administering funding for community law centres, which provide free legal services and law-related education. Some services funded through Vote Justice are delivered by Crown entities and other service providers. The Ministry works with these Crown entities and organisations to: • identify and manage risks and keep the Minister of Justice informed of these risks ...

  5. Women Living Without Violence: evaluation of programmes for adult protected persons under the Domestic Violence Act 1995 [pdf, 607 KB]

    ...programmes should first consult with them at the addresses given below: DOVE Hawkes Bay PO Box 716 Napier VIPs Wellington PO Box 6576 Wellington (04) 384 8275 This report was commissioned by The Ministry of Justice from the Institute of Criminology through Victoria Link Ltd, Victoria University  Crown Copyright ISBN 0-478-20153-2 Acknowledgements v Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge all the people who provided assistance with the project. Allison Morris, provided...

  6. [2021] NZEnvC 124 Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...related Topic 2 decisions set out the statutory framework. Our determinations herein are in accordance with that framework. On any matters of minor error correction made on the recommendation of QLDC or other parties, we also rely on Sch 1 cl 16, through s290, RMA. Confirmation of final wording of Ch 3 and Ch 6 provisions [3] Decision 2.73 confirmed the substantive content of a number of Ch 3 and Ch 6 provisions, subject to directions for QLDC to:4 (a) provide clarification of s...

  7. Qualitative components of the outcomes evaluation of the Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court Pilot [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...had low awareness of the impact of their offending. Māori participants described a loss of identity and the impact of colonisation on their mental wellbeing. Graduates from the AODT Court experienced positive health and wellbeing outcomes Through being in the AODT Court, graduates built self-esteem, better understood recovery, and developed skills to stay in recovery (taha hinengaro). Graduates were more connected and capable of caring for and engaging with whānau (taha whānau)...

  8. OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL v NGA RUNANGA & Ors NOE ENV 20210628 [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...ill-suited to the weather conditions, the environmental conditions, and actually our labour requirements, and that was because the irrigator has been severely damaged by a number of times we had very high wind conditions, north-westerly winds blowing through those areas and we had flood conditions at times where the irrigation tracks 10 have been repeatedly damaged due to flooding conditions, and there forced us to have limited use of that irrigator, and it really does need to be si...

  9. E74 Dr Malcolm Patterson - EIC - Ngāti Whātua Orākei [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...the land, lost souls with nowhere to attach ourselves.’ Professor Hirini Moko Mead The whenua of Auckland is part of the body of Papatūānuku, the earth mother, the sky above is Ranginui, the sky father – primal parents and human ancestors. Their children, such as Tāne and Tangaroa, are the progenitors of the life found in, on and around the land. Hence all living things are linked by whakapapa. Auckland can also be viewed as part of the great fish...

  10. ENV-2016-AKL-000xxx Man O'War Farm Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...Decisions reinstate or include objectives regarding Rural Subdivision that are not the most appropriate way to achieve the purpose of the Act, and in particular will: (a) Prevent opportunities for significant biophysical enhancement achieved through rehabilitation of degraded land. (b) Confine any incentive for revegetation of land through subdivision to areas contiguous with existing mapped Significant Ecological Areas (rather than ecological features that might become signif...