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Search results for parenting through separation.

1349 items matching your search terms

  1. Children and young people with charges finalised in the Youth Court June 2019 [xlsx, 256 KB]

    ...under supervision (eg of Oranga Tamariki) for up to 6 months, or make a community work order (of between 20 and 200 hours). • s283(ja)-(jc) education, rehabilitation programmes - the child/young person and/or their parents are required to attend a parenting education programme, or the child/young person is required to attend a mentoring programme, or alcohol or drug rehabilitation programme. • s283(c)-(j) monetary, confiscation, disqualification - the child/young person is ordered to return...

  2. OIA-99969.pdf [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...CCTV cameras. It will need to be carefully constructed. There does not appear to have been any thought given to how this broader notification requirement would apply to Approved Information Sharing Agreements and MOU’s (both current and future) through which government agencies share data. Exemptions from any notification requirements for these activities will be required in any reform. ACC agrees with the Ministry that notification, consent and information fatigue is a real concern...

  3. LCRO 3/2017 and LCRO 148/2017 McDonnell v LA (28 June 2019) [pdf, 436 KB]

    ...McDonnell to pay compensation to Ms LA (the publication determination). 2 [4] This decision deals with both applications for review. The events to which they relate occurred in late 2014 and throughout 2015. Background [5] Mr and Mrs A were the parents of five adult children, including Ms LA. [6] Both had executed wills in 2010. [7] At the same time Mrs A, under enduring powers of attorney, appointed Ms LA as her attorney as to both property and welfare.1 [8] By late 2014 M...

  4. Guide to the Draft Exposure Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...• restrictions on buying, possessing, sharing and using cannabis in certain places. Buying, possessing and using cannabis would remain illegal for people aged 19 years or younger. To avoid doubt, the Bill states that it would be illegal for a parent, guardian or caregiver of a person aged 19 years or younger to gift, share with, or otherwise supply or offer to supply the person with any form of cannabis (section 34). Key aspects of the general provisions for personal use • Minim...

  5. Case studies from evaluation of court-referred restorative justice pilot [pdf, 791 KB]

    ...Evaluation of the Court-Referred Restorative Justice Pilot: Case Studies __________________________________________________________ 8 been visited a few times by Victim Support and that the petrol station company had a routine of care which they went through for robberies. He added that these were occurring with increasing frequency. ‘We’ve had four in the last two weeks. I guess I just dread being called in to find someone with their head blown off!’ Kura then spoke of the...

  6. Young people and alcohol: Some statistics to 2003 and 2004 on possible effects of lowering the purchase age [pdf, 512 KB]

    ...legally purchase and drink alcohol. Firstly, the legal minimum purchase age was lowered from 20 years to 18 years with one exception. Secondly, some offences involving minors became infringement offences where the person may either be prosecuted through the court system, or an infringement notice may be issued. A definition of 'evidence of age documents' was also introduced. Scope of the report This report (the fourth in a series) presents some statistics on the possible e...

  7. [2011] NZLCDT 9 Canterbury Standards Committee v X [pdf, 197 KB] received for or on behalf of any person by a solicitor shall be held by him exclusively for that person, to be paid to that person or as he directs, and until so paid all such monies shall be paid into a bank in New Zealand to a general or separate trust account of that solicitor.” [9] R.8 provides; “(1) No trust account may be debited with any fees of a solicitor (except commission properly chargeable on the collection of money and disbursements), unless, (a) A...

  8. BK v YM LCRO 177 / 2010 (14 April 2011) [pdf, 129 KB]

    ...other elements of s112 are not applicable and do not warrant consideration. [27] Misconduct involves a serious failure of professional standards. The High Court has described misconduct as involving “a range of conduct …from actual dishonesty through to serious negligence of a type that evidences an indifference to and an abuse of the privileges which accompany registration as a legal practitioner” (Complaints Committee No.1 of the Auckland District Law Society v C, 29 April 20...

  9. KB v JR LCRO 246/2012 (20 May 2014) [pdf, 175 KB]

    ...her against Ms JR. Ms JR acted for Ms KB’s father and Ms KB was appointed her father’s attorney. [2] An earlier decision by the Committee to take no further action in respect of the initial complaints lodged by Ms KB is the subject of a separate review decision.1 I do not intend to repeat the introductory material contained in that decision. Ms KB’s complaints and the Standards Committee decision [3] The further complaints lodged by Ms KB with the Complaints Service w...

  10. Cycle-5-Methodology-Report-V1.0-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 5 MB]

    ...distress 75 Demographic coding 75 Ethnicity 75 Household composition 76 ‘Other – Specify’ responses 77 Geographic derivations 77 The New Zealand Index of Deprivation 78 Urbanisation 78 Regional Classifications 78 Offence groupings 78 Separating damage offences 80 Interpersonal violence groupings 81 Victim’s relationship to the offender 81 Type of offences experienced 82 10. Weighting 83 Introduction 83 Household weights 83 Household selection weights 83 Adjustment...