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Search results for parenting through separation.

1349 items matching your search terms

  1. MacGregor v Craig [2016] NZHRRT 6 [pdf, 226 KB]

    ...dispute resolution, is designed to be more flexible and allow the parties themselves to retain control: s 75(b). [21] The new provisions for the resolution of disputes about compliance with Part 1A and Part 2 of the Act are set out in Part 3. The separate “objects” clause in s 75 of the Act specifically state that the object of Part 3 is (inter alia) to recognise disputes over compliance with the non- discrimination provisions of the Act are more likely to be successfully resolved by...

  2. NZCVS 2023 Methodology Report (Cycle 6) [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...distress 74 Demographic coding 74 Ethnicity 74 Household composition 75 ‘Other – Specify’ responses 76 Geographic derivations 76 The New Zealand Index of Deprivation 77 Urbanisation 77 Regional Classifications 77 Offence groupings 77 Separating damage offences 79 Interpersonal violence groupings 80 Victim’s relationship to the offender 80 Type of offences experienced 81 10. Weighting 82 Introduction 82 Household weights 82 Household selection weights 82 Adjustment...

  3. Recommendations recap - issue 6 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...Subject to exceptions – unless the person in charge of the vessel who is over the age of 15 years has expressly given permission for PFDs not to be worn and considers that conditions pose no significant increase in the risk to safety to any person through not wearing a PFD. 6 New Zealand National Party (2013), MP launches Bill to make lifejackets compulsory for kids, (press release, 3 September). 7 Maritime New Zealand (2008) Boating safety strategy: 2007 Review of the New Zealand...

  4. Recommendations Recap Issue 26 1 January-31 March 2021 [pdf, 984 KB]

    ...with incredibly complex dynamics”. It follows that the information a social worker is given by caregivers must be critically assessed against any other relevant information that might be available, such as scepticism expressed by a non-custodial parent and any information held about previous incidents. Ms Blyth noted that development of the skills necessary to think critically and with an appropriate level of scepticism requires effective training and supervision. She said: When [s...

  5. Allen + Clarke FV Courts Evaluation Final Report [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...evaluation design meant that others spoke for children. No participants in the evaluation were under 18 years of age and few evaluation participants reported on children’s experiences, other than in relation to the impact of the court process on parents being separated from their children. In part, this likely reflects the absence of children from the FV Court process. 1.6. Structure of this report The remainder of this report is structured as follows: • Sections 2–5 present the...

  6. LCRO 95/2013 GI v JM (28 June 2017) [pdf, 255 KB]

    ...determined to take no further action on Mr GI’s complaint, pursuant to s 152(2)(c) of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 (the Act). Background [3] Beginning in approximately March 2001, Mr GI and Ms MO lived together in a relationship. They separated in January 2010. During their relationship they formed a family trust into which two properties were transferred. One of the properties became a 2 rental property (the rental property), and the couple lived together in the...

  7. Children and young people with charges finalised in any court December 2018 [xlsx, 262 KB]

    ...under supervision (eg of Oranga Tamariki) for up to 6 months, or make a community work order (of between 20 and 200 hours). • s283(ja)-(jc) education, rehabilitation programmes - the child/young person and/or their parents are required to attend a parenting education programme, or the child/young person is required to attend a mentoring programme, or alcohol or drug rehabilitation programme. • s283(c)-(j) monetary, confiscation, disqualification - the child/young person is ordered to return...

  8. Children and young people with charges finalised in any court June 2019 [xlsx, 266 KB]

    ...2018/2019 Table 9: Number of children and young people with charges finalised in any court, with orders, by gender, ethnicity and age, 2009/2010 - 2018/2019 Definitions and data notes Overview of the Youth Justice system Figure 1: Pathways through the youth justice process in New Zealand Notes - Justice service areas If this information does not answer your query you may wish to request specific information via an Official Information Act request. Information on this process is a...

  9. Children and young people with charges finalised in the Youth Court December 2018 [xlsx, 254 KB]

    ...type, 2009 - 2018 Table 9: Number of children and young people with charges finalised in the Youth Court, with orders, by gender, ethnicity and age, 2009 - 2018 Definitions and data notes Overview of the Youth Justice system Figure 1: Pathways through the youth justice process in New Zealand Notes - Justice service areas If this information does not answer your query you may wish to request specific information via an Official Information Act request. Information on this process...

  10. [2019] NZEmpC 178 Johnston v The Fletcher Construction Co Ltd [pdf, 340 KB]

    ...for about 29 years when he resigned. Before Fletcher Construction began this restructuring he was one of four senior accountants who reported to the General Manager – Finance. [5] Three of those senior accountants had responsibilities for separate business units in the company, called Building + Interiors (B+I), South Pacific and Infrastructure. Mr Johnston was the company’s Financial Controller – Group Services. His role was different from the other senior accountants...