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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. Peita - Motatau 3H2[2019]Chief Judge's MB 337 (2019 CJ 337) [pdf, 362 KB]

    ...Recommendation dated 20 November 2018 sets out only some of the background to the application. It is wholly inadequate in terms of explaining the full background, as became obvious during the hearing of this s 45 application. [5] Motatau 3H, the parent block to this title, was created by a partition order dated 11 August 1909. Motatau 3H was partitioned on 22 February 1960 at 35 Bay of Islands MB 43 into two blocks Motatau 3H1 and Motatau 3H2, but the order was never issued as no...

  2. Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits I to L [pdf, 20 MB]

    ...mokopuna. We have painted and woven panels with patterns that have come from whanau and our tipuna, to remind us that w e are Ngati Pahauwera, the tribe of the burnt beard. We have endeavoured to tell our stories with relish and pride, with laughter through the many special memories, often with conflicting arguments, but always knowing we have a tradition to nurture, maintain and appreciate in our everyday lives. OUR STORIES As we joked with each other during the gathering and telling...

  3. Making Aotearoa Safer and more Inclusive Summary of engagement [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...government agencies undertook on the Royal Commission of Inquiry's recommendations to improve social cohesion. Social cohesion is about enabling everyone to belong, participate and have confidence in public institutions. We completed 30 hui throughout Aotearoa, including hui with Māori, Pasifika and ethnic communities, disability, rainbow and faith-based communities. Experiences and expressions on social cohesion Māori and other communities strongly believe Te Tiriti o Waita...

  4. Pou - Eru Moka and Te Owai Pou Whanau Trust (2013) 61 Taitokerau MB 247 (61 TTK 247) [pdf, 258 KB]

    ...Act, whereby trusts constituted under s 438 are ahu whenua trusts for the purpose of the 1993 Act. 61 Taitokerau MB 250 [6] In 1989 Jim Pou applied to the Court to establish a trust over the land. He intended the trust to benefit all of his parents’ descendants, as per the whānau trust regime proposed in the then Māori Affairs Bill (“the Bill”) that would eventually become the 1993 Act. However, at the time the Bill was making slow progress through Parliament and the t...

  5. Waitangi Tribunal - Matua Rautia Report on the Kōhanga Reo claim [pdf, 4.2 MB]

    ...between the experts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 4 .2 The Role and significance of Kōhanga Reo in enabling transmission of te Reo . . . . . . . . 106 4 .2 .1 The transmission of te reo me ngā tikanga Māori through kōhanga reo . . . . . . . . . . 108 4 .2 .2 Kōhanga reo and tracking Māori educational success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 4 .3 Māori Language strategy . . . . . ....

  6. Watene v Hemi - Aramiro and Section 1 Survey Office Plan 61863 (2019) 181 Waikato Maniapoto MB 21 (181 WMN 21) [pdf, 422 KB]

    ...father, James Rukutai Watene (Snr), so as to vest their entitlement in themselves absolutely. [2] The applicants argue that the trustees have failed to properly administer the trust, have failed to treat all beneficiaries fairly and are unable to separate whānau matters from trust matters. They say the relationship between themselves and the trustees is now dysfunctional, and on that basis, they are best placed to manage their own interests. [3] The application for partial term...

  7. Sargent - Ngatekawa Block (2008) 126 Whangarei MB 134 (126 WH 134) [pdf, 658 KB]

    ...4El and Pakohu 4E2. [l2] On 28 September 1956 Pakohu 4A, 4B, 4D and 4E2 were amalgamated into Parengarenga Topu. These lands came to form part of Parengarenga B3B and B3C and eventually pmt of Parengarenga B3 Residue. [13] Pakohu 4C remained a separate title as a Maori Reservation (burial ground) and Pakohu 4El also remained a separate title for the purposes of a Church site (it is not clear whether that land is also a Maori Reservation). [14] When the Comt created Ngatekawa on 4...

  8. LCRO 162/2018 BQ v XR (29 September 2020) [pdf, 267 KB]

    ...has applied for a review of a decision by the [Area] Standards Committee (the Committee) which, following completion of an investigation into complaints made by Mr XR, made a finding of unsatisfactory conduct against Mr BQ. Background [2] Mr XR separated from his partner.1 1 I may refer to Mr XR's former partner in this decision as "partner" for convenience, or as Ms X in correspondence quoted. 2 [3] In December 20...

  9. NZCASS Technical manual [pdf, 5.3 MB]

    ...97 Demographic coding 100 Ethnicity 100 Household composition 101 ‘Other – Specify’ responses 101 Geographic derivations 102 The New Zealand Index of Deprivation 102 Urbanisation 102 Regional classifications 102 Offence groupings 103 Separating damage offences 105 Interpersonal violence groupings 106 Victim’s relationship to the offender 106 Type of violence experienced 107 Household composition groupings 108 10. Weighting 109 Introduction 109 Changes to weighting 109...

  10. NZCVS 2023 Methodology Report (Cycle 6) [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...distress 74 Demographic coding 74 Ethnicity 74 Household composition 75 ‘Other – Specify’ responses 76 Geographic derivations 76 The New Zealand Index of Deprivation 77 Urbanisation 77 Regional Classifications 77 Offence groupings 77 Separating damage offences 79 Interpersonal violence groupings 80 Victim’s relationship to the offender 80 Type of offences experienced 81 10. Weighting 82 Introduction 82 Household weights 82 Household selection weights 82 Adjustment...