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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. Smith - Pekapeka 2A1D2B (2021) 91 Tākitimu MB 145 (91 TKT 145) [pdf, 263 KB]

    ...never wanted the land to be developed and that Ms Smith’s mother never helped with the payment of rates and that when Mr Nikora was granted a partition, he took more than what he was entitled and accordingly Ms Cracknell was not prepared to “go through that again”. [16] Ms Smith then said that Ms Cracknell has a home in the corner of the block that belonged to her mother but her daughter and her whānau now live in that dwelling and Ms Cracknell told Ms Smith that she did not...

  2. Gemmell - Mohaka A4 Trust (2011) 11 Takitimu MB 86 (11 TKT 86) [pdf, 109 KB]

    ...Steven Gemmell. 1 (1996) 144 Napier MB 93 (144 NA 93). 11 Takitimu MB 88 Tauwhareroa Trust [9] According to the parties, Tauwhareroa Trust is a common law trust established by the parents of the current trustees of Mohaka A4 Trust. According to a former trustee, Arthur Gemmell, the Mohaka A4 trustees entered into a lease of the trust’s land with a third party. As at the time of the lease the trust had not opened i...

  3. LCRO 340/2013 NL v HC [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...HC Senior; (b) the conduct complained of occurred prior to 1 August 2008. Failure to supervise [11] Rule 11.3 of the Rules provides: A lawyer in practice on his or her own account must ensure that the conduct of the practice (including separate places of business) and the conduct of employees is at all times competently supervised and managed by a lawyer who is qualified to practise on his or her own account. [12] Mr HC Senior administered the estates of Ms NL’s parents. At...

  4. Iosefa v New Zealand Law Society [2024] NZLCDT 26 (28 August 2024) [pdf, 119 KB]

    ...sentence and the Court of Appeal imposed four month’s home detention (reduced from six months because of bail conditions he had served).3 His offending had occurred much earlier than the 2008 hearing. Between December 1999 and May 2000, by eight separate transactions, he stole $83,700 of a client’s funds in his trust account. He made false certificates to the Law Society to conceal his theft. He had used the money to pay tax debts and thereby avoid bankruptcy proceedings. Hi...

  5. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 5: case study of Rotorua Local Police Area [pdf, 454 KB]

    ...for Research, Science and Technology. In the spirit of the CDRP, it has been an excellent example of cross-departmental research on a subject of high priority to government. The real commitment of the New Zealand Police to reducing crime is evident throughout the ten reports of the Burglary Reduction Research Programme. This substantial series of reports is published to be used in part or in its entirety by front-line Police, as well as managers, advisers and policy makers, all of whom play...

  6. Proactive-release-Legal-Services-Amendment-Bill_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...Approval for Introduction Some information has been withheld under s Cabinet paper 9(2)(h) to maintain legal professional privilege and Ministry of Justice s 9(2)(g)(i) to maintain the effective conduct of Meeting date: 31 January 2024 public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions by or between or to Ministers of the Crown and employees of any public service agency. 5. Department Disclosure Statement Released in full. Cabinet Paper Appendix The departmental disclo...

  7. Dr Te Kipa Kepa Brian Morgan - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...physical and spiritual element was created when the parental atua (deity), Ranginui (the sky father) and Papatuanuku (the earth mother) were separated by their children, specifically Tane Mahuta the god of the forests (Marsden, _1992). Once the parents were separated, their seventy seven atua children occupied and flourished in the various realms created, Tane Mahuta covering the land, Tangaroa the oceans, Tut~wehiwehi the fresh water rivers and lakes, and Tawhirimatea the air spac_e...

  8. Director of Human Rights Proceedings v Hamilton [2012] NZHRRT 24 [pdf, 120 KB]

    ...of reply was filed and served on or before 5pm on Tuesday 6 December 2011. Mr Hamilton was two days late in meeting this extended deadline but the Director does not take issue. [4] At the commencement of the hearing on 16 August 2012 the Director through Ms Dalziel maintained his non-objection to the extension sought by Mr Hamilton on 22 November 2011. [5] The Tribunal accordingly ordered that the application for extension of time be granted. The parties [6] These proceedings have...

  9. [2022] NZEmpC 223 FGH v RST [pdf, 688 KB]

    ...incident occurred with a member of Ms H’s team. After an incident report was provided to Ms F, both Ms H and the work colleague completed email summaries as to what had occurred. [25] The matter was escalated to Ms C, who telephoned Ms H’s parents for a discussion as to what had occurred, on 17 June 2021. There is a debate between the parties as to whether Ms C stated that given the medical context, RST would not investigate the incident at all, or whether any investigation w...

  10. Recommendations Recap Issue 16 [pdf, 498 KB]

    ...i. the primacy of the PCC fora in providing oversight of the management of students of concern. Specifically, the expectation that informal discussions in relation to students of concern involving new issues, assessments, or contact with parents or external parties must be captured on the concern database and do not substitute for referral and discussion at a formal PCC forum; ii. the importance and expectation that all staff who are engaged in pastoral care for a stud...