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Search results for parenting through separation.

1320 items matching your search terms

  1. HIJ v RST and UVW (Publication) [2013] NZHRRT 41 [pdf, 152 KB]

    ...plaintiff (HIJ) = the plaintiff. [6.2] First defendant (RST) = D1. [6.3] Second defendant (UVW) = D2. The parties [7] At the relevant time the plaintiff was an early childhood teacher. She and D1 were in a 15 year de facto relationship but separated in or about July 2007. The custody 3 proceedings commenced by D1 in early October 2007 related to the plaintiff’s two children. [8] As mentioned, D2 is a registered nurse who at the relevant time was employed by a DHB. She...

  2. Youth Justice Indicators Counting Rules and Limitations April 2018 [pdf, 262 KB]

    ...within the period. Where an individual is proceeded against for more than one offence at the same time, and the offences occurred either side of a birthday, age is at the time of the earlier offence. Where an individual is proceeded against on two separate occasions, once for an offence committed at age 13, and once for an offence committed at age 14, within the same 12 month period, the individual will only be counted in the 10-13 year-old offending rate measure. Estimated to...

  3. Thomas v Auckland Council [2012] NZWHT Auckland 45 [pdf, 110 KB]

    ...develops. [28] The case focused on the developer’s role in directing the development, a necessary ingredient to pierce the corporate veil (in that case) but it also referred to the developer’s commercial purpose. [29] Finally in this voyage through the authorities, there is the recent decision of Woodhouse J in Keven Investments v Montgomery. 8 In that case a couple built a home intending to live there, but later sold the property. They were sued as developers....

  4. Trinder – Kopu – Mangati B2B (2024) 485 Aotea MB 55 (485 AOT 55) [pdf, 1023 KB]

    ...Govett Quilliam Solicitors, Private Bag 2013/DX NP 90056, New Plymouth 4342 485 Aotea MB 56 …hei whakamana i te nohotanga… [1] At the hearing on 2 April 2024, I advised parties that I was prepared to grant two separate partition orders in favour of Sandra Trinder and Michael Kopu respectively, relating to the Mangati B2B block (the Block). [2] I now record my reasons and make formal orders. Horopaki Context [3] The Block is 2.3762 hectares of...

  5. [2019] NZEnvC 049 Haines House Haulage Northland v Whangarei District Council [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    ...Plan was being undertaken. By the time of the Commissioner hearing in April 2018 the plan decisions of the Council had been issued and appeals filed. 3 were the subject of direct management by the Environment Court. Matters had progressed through mediations towards settlement of nearly all aspects by the time the appeal was heard by this Court on 10 December 2018. In particular, in the weeks leading to the hearing memoranda had been filed concerning settlement of the various Rura...

  6. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 1 of 4 [pdf, 20 MB]

    ...with whoever was around and when he caught enough , we would go home. 3. Davy Jones, at Mohaka, he owned the local gravel pit, he had a boat. Dad used to go out with him until he got his own boat. Then they would still go together, just in their separate boats. My father's name was Bill Adsett and he had a crew that would go out with him most Saturdays during the summer, if the weather was right. He would launch straight off the beach. You can 't do that anymore as the...

  7. Auckland Standards Committee 2 v Holland [2022] NZLCDT 9 (3 March 2022) [pdf, 216 KB]

    ...Holland’s conduct to be at the level of misconduct. Accordingly, we do not need to consider the alternative lesser charge of unsatisfactory conduct under s 12(c). [3] The Standards Committee alleges that Ms Holland’s conduct, in managing her parents’ estates and affairs fell gravely short in three areas that we adopt as the organising headings for this judgment, namely: • breaches of fiduciary duties (including profiting while in a fiduciary capacity); • failure to ma...

  8. Huia-Collective-CIA-FINAL-v2.docx.pdf [pdf, 8.3 MB]

    ...(O2NL) NZTA Project June 2022 Ngatokowaru Marae, Hokio Beach Road, Levin. Introduction: 1.1. Ngāti Huia- Ngāti Huia first arrived in the wider Kapiti district in the early 1820s. Ngāti Huia have occupied the area and maintained their Mana throughout according to the tikanga of the times. The occupation of Ngāti Huia is both on the grounds of ‘take tuku’ (gifted right) and ‘raupatu’ (conquest) – both of which were traditional and customary practices pre-1840 (refer...

  9. Evaluation of programmes for children under the Domestic Violence Act 1995 [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...completion of programme sessions and expressed the need for some form of follow-up contact. • It appears that children who have been exposed to domestic violence are likely to have to deal with multiple and/or ongoing negative life events such as parental separation, relocation of family home and school, and the effects of reduced family income. • Both providers and caregivers spoke of the need to provide programmes that target the specific needs of adolescents who have witnessed domestic...

  10. LD v Accident Compensation Corporation (Work Related Mental Injury) [2022] NZACC 199 [pdf, 327 KB]

    ...of self harm/ suicide To book appoitnment to discuss mood”. [13] On 3 July 2018, Dr Dawe recorded that the appellant said he had food poisoning the previous week, with vomiting and diarrhoea for 24 hours, which left him feeling washed out through the week. He stated that he had been drift car racing for two days in a sporting event over the weekend and felt exhausted afterwards. He did not drink well through the weekend. He had bilateral flank discomfort. He complained of...